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Rock Cycle 
How the rock cycle works
• The rock cycle first step is when a volcanic eruption
happens and there is lava/magma. After that the
lava/magma cools down and becomes igneous rock For
example, an igneous rock may weather away and its
particles eventually combine to become a sedimentary
rock. The same igneous rock may remain buried deep
beneath the Earth's surface, where heat and pressure
might convert it into a metamorphic rock. The same
igneous rock, if it is buried even deeper, may actually
melt to become magma-which may eventually recool
and solidify to form a new igneous rock.
What are igneous rocks and how
are they form
• Igneous rocks are formed deep inside the earth where
the temperature is very high.
• The minerals in the earth are in liquid form and are
called magma.
• Magma is squeezed around inside the earth and as it
pushes towards the surface of the earth, it starts to cool.
As it cools, it turns to solid igneous rock.
• Sometimes the magma cools very slowly and forms rocks.
• Igneous rocks that cool slowly deep in the earth are
called Intrusive igneous rocks and have large crystals.
• rocks that cool slowly deep in the earth are
called Intrusive igneous rocks and have large
crystals. (Granite)
• If cools quickly it would be another type of rock.
But if it cools slowly it will have fine grained or
coursed grained rocks
• Sometimes the magma erupts from a volcano. Magma is
called lava when it reaches the earth's surface. Lava
cools quickly and forms igneous rocks.
• Igneous rocks that cool quickly on the surface of the
earth form rocks with small crystals called extrusive
rocks. If it cools quickly it would be extrusive rock or it
will be coursed grain or fine grain but this is coarse
• It is produced when felsic lava extruded
from a volcano cools rapidly without
crystal growth. Obsidian is commonly
found within the margins of rhyolitic lava
flows known as obsidian flows. This rock is
fine grained.
Igneous rock in North Carolina
• Andesite
North Carolina
North Carolina Regions
North Carolina - Brief Geologic History
North Carolina's Geologic Belts
North Carolina's Volcanic Rocks
North Carolina's Garnet Deposits
North Carolina's Metallic Minerals
Appalachian Mountains
Black Mountains
Blue Ridge National Parkway
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Looking Glass Rock
Medoc Mountain State Park
Mount Airy
Mount Mitchell State Park
Salisbury Area Granites
Stone Mountain State Park
• These are all found in North Carolina and there locations.
Sedimentary Rock
• Sedimentary rock is a type of rock that is formed by sedimentation
of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water.
Sedimentation is the collective name for processes that cause
mineral and/or organic particles (detritus) to settle and accumulate
or minerals to precipitate from a solution. Particles that form a
sedimentary rock by accumulating are called sediment. Before
being deposited, sediment was formed by weathering and erosion in
a source area, and then transported to the place of deposition by
water, wind, mass movement, or glaciers.
• earth's surface is constantly being eroded. This means that rocks are
broken up into smaller pieces by weathering agents such as wind,
water, and ice. These small pieces of rock turn into pebbles, gravel,
sand, and clay. They tumble down rivers and streams. These pieces
settle in a new place and begin to pile up and the sediments form
flat layers. Over a long period of time, the pieces become pressed
together and form solid rock called sedimentary rock. Most
sedimentary rocks form under water. Most of the earth has been
covered by water some time in the past. 70% of the earth is covered
by water now. So sedimentary rocks are common all over the world.
Sedimentary rocks are often rich in fossils.
• Coal is very commonly used today to produce
electricity. In fact approximately 50% of electricity
in the U.S. is generated by burning coal. Coal is
burned to heat water and convert it to steam. That
steam is pressurized and can be used to turn a
turbine which produces electricity.
Coal is also used in iron and steel production,
cement manufacturing, in the production of coal
tar, home heating, and any number of industrial
applications that require heat.
• What is sandstone it used for? Sandstone is
used in countertops, tiles, concrete, play
sand, glass filing, polishing metal,
sandblasting, and in making buildings.
• Limestone has many uses. Those uses include patio
pavers, landscaping rock, road gravel, concrete
aggregate and soil conditioner. In addition,
limestone is used as an additive to paint and other
products, and a source of calcium carbonate which is
used in a great deal of products including antacids.
Cooked limestone is used to make Portland cement,
the key ingredient in mortars, cements, and
Sedimentary rocks in North Carolina
• Some sedimentary rocks found in North Carolina are:
Chert, Coal, Limestone, Breccias, salt Rock, Iron Ore, conglomerate
These are places in N.C with sedimentary rock in them.
Milton Belt
Kings Mountain Belt
Charlotte Belt
Raleigh Belt
Eastern Slate Belt
Coastal Plain Belt
What are metamorphic rocks?
• Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have
"morphed" into another kind of rock. These
rocks were once igneous or sedimentary
rocks. How do sedimentary and igneous rocks
change? The rocks are under tons and tons of
pressure, which fosters heat build up, and
this causes them to change. If you exam
metamorphic rock samples closely, you'll
discover how flattened some of the grains in
the rock are.
Sandstone turning into quartzite
• Quartzite is a decorative stone and may
be used to cover walls, as roofing tiles, as
flooring, and stair steps. Crushed quartzite
is sometimes used in road construction and
for railway ballast.
Shale turning into slate
• Slate roofs were once very popular. Turkey calls are
made from slate. Sinks have been made with slate.
Patios, walkways, stones to sharpen knives, even
tabletops have been made from slate.
• Slate is used in buildings, roofs for example, Slate tiles
are often used for interior and exterior flooring ,
stairs etc, and because it is a good electrical insulator
and fireproof, it was used to construct early 20th
century electric switchboards and relay controls for
large electric motors. Fine slate can also be used as a
whetstone to hone knives.
Limestone being changed into
• Marble is commonly used for sculpture
and as a building material.
Metamorphic Rocks
• The Inner Piedmont Belt is the most
intensely deformed and metamorphosed
segment of the Piedmont. They include
gneiss and schist that have been intruded
by younger granitic rocks. The northeasttrending Brevard fault zone forms much
of the boundary between the Blue Ridge
and the Inner Piedmont belts.
• Diamond is the only gem known to man that is
made of a single element, Carbon, besides
graphite. Diamond is completely made of
Carbon atoms. Diamonds have many uses. 20%
of diamonds are used for jewelry. The other 80%
for using diamonds is for industrial. These uses
are: cutting tools, polishing hard metals,
phonograph, videodisc needles, and bearings for
laboratory instruments.
Diamonds in N.C and the country
• Gem Mining in Franklin, North Carolina
• Arkansas, Colorado and Wyoming.
How do we get it ?
Diamonds are mined from diamond mines.
Artisanal Mining
Hard Rock Mining
Marine Mining
Open Pit Mining
Placer Mining
These are the 5 ways they mine for diamonds.