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Books 1-4
King of Ithaca; being held captive on Calypso’s island
Telemachus Leaves Ithaca in search of his father; Son of Odysseus
Odysseus’s loyal wife; mother of Telemachus
Goddess of War and Wisdom; favors Odysseus
King Nestor King of Pylos; left Troy early
Red-haired King of Sparta
Athena in disguise; helps Telemachus
Book 1•Why is Zeus upset with the mortals and what examples does
he give? (78; lines 37-50)
•They were always blaming the gods for their problems. He
uses Aegisthus as an example (he was warned but did not
listen to the advice of the gods)
•Why was Telemachus angry when he saw Athena on the
threshold of the outer porch? (81; lines 138-141)
*he was angry that a guest had to wait at the entrance
•What is symbolic about where Telemachus places Athena’s
spear? (81; lines 147-151)
•he puts her spear next to Odysseus’s spear symbolizing how
she is by his side
•Why does Telemachus say that if Odysseus had died at Troy he would
have grieved less for him than he does now? (85; lines 274-284)
•There would have been closure; Telemachus would have received
great honors and been able to bury his father; instead he doesn’t know
what happened and is in sorrow
•How does Telemachus respond to his mother’s tearful request to
change the subject of the singer’s song? What does this tell us about
Telemachus and gender roles? (89; lines 409-414)
•He tells her to go back upstairs to do her women’s work
because he is master of the house; it shows that men are
dominant in this society
•What was Eurycleia’s relationship with Odysseus’s father, Laertes?
What was her relationship with Telemachus? (91; lines 488-502)
•He bought her when she was a girl and treated her as well as he
treated his wife. Eurycleia helped to raise Telemachus
Book 2-
•Why do the suitors avoid going to Icarius’s house? (95; lines
56 +)
•Icarius would arrange his daughter’s marriage and choose
the man he likes best. Life is too easy for the suitors at
Odysseus’s house
•Why did Telemachus say it would be better if the Ithacans
consumed all of his resources? (95; lines 80-85)
•He could just go through town and get the goods back
•Describe one of the tricks Penelope uses to hold off the
suitors. (96; lines 102-122)
•She started weaving a shroud for Odysseus’s father,
Laertes, which she would secretly unweave at night
•What will Telemachus do if he learns that his father is
dead? (100; lines 244-248)
•He will build Odysseus a barrow and then marry off his
•How does Mentor reprimand the men of Ithaca? (101;
lines 269-271)
•He criticizes them for not speaking out against the suitors
since the men of Ithaca outnumber the suitors
•How did Athena recruit sailors and acquire a fast ship?
(105; lines 423-427)
•She disguises herself as Telemachus and went through
town recruiting sailors
•Why is Athena so confident that Telemachus can successfully
talk with Nestor? (108; lines 29-32)
*you’ll come up with some things yourself and a god will
suggest other things to say. You were born of the god’s good
•What is the aegis? (answer- the shield of Zeus)
•List some of the heroes killed in Troy (110-111; lines 118130)
•Ajax, Achilles, Patroclus, and Antilochus
•Who caused the quarrel (fight) between Atreus’s two sons?
(111; lines 151-152)
•Athena caused the quarrel
•Why did Nestor know nothing of who survived and who was
lost in the Trojan War? (112; lines 169+)
•Nestor left early with all of his ships
•What would Mentor(Athena) rather do than be killed at
his/her hearth? (115; lines 264-268)
•He would rather suffer on the homeward journey
•What advice does Nestor give Telemachus? (117; lines 353359)
•Visit Menelaus before returning home. Don’t wander long
from home leaving your wealth behind and in your house
those men will divide up your goods while you are gone on a
useless journey.
Book 4•When Peisistratus and Telemachus arrived at the hollows of
Lacedaemon, they continued on to where? What was taking
place there? (124; lines 1-5)
•They drove on to Menalaus’s palace where a wedding was
taking place
•What was Menelaus greatly displeased with Eteoneus’s
comments? (125; lines 35-42)
•During his travels, Menelaus enjoyed the hospitality of
others. He wants to return the favor not to anger Zeus
•What is the prime cut of roast beef a mark of? (answerhonor)
•Which goddess is Helen compared to when she arrives in the
hall? (128; lines 135-137)
•How does Helen help them get over their sorrow? (131; 243246)
•Helen put a drug into the wine bowl
•Why did Telemachus go to Sparta? (134; lines 353-355)
•To ask Menelaus what happened to Odysseus
•Describe Menelaus’s description of death for the suitors.
(answer- like a lion finding fawn in his lair