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CNN Student News
A quorum is
Two branches of the Legislative Branch
3/5’s decision in Senate to end debate
A tactic, often a lengthy speech, to delay the vote on a bill
Minimum number of members for valid meeting
Request for the President to be in attendance in Congress
Bicameral means
Loyalty to a political party
Two branches or chambers
Following a census, the redistribution of the House of Reps.
Redrawing of Congressional district lines by a State Legislature
Rules used to keep order in the House and the Senate
Parliamentary procedure means
Loyalty to a political party
Two branches or chambers
Following a census, the redistribution of the House of Reps.
Redrawing of Congressional district lines by a State Legislature
Rules used to keep order in the House and the Senate
Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau would
all agree that?
Government should serve the will of the people
People are good and do not need government
Citizens should serve their government
People are bad and need government to maintain society
None of the above
The expressed powers of Congress
Those powers that have been created by decisions of the Supreme Court
Powers that Congress has created by passing legislation
Powers expressly given to that body in the Constitution
Those powers that are vague and are disputed by strong presidents
Powers to rule the world
Which document protects the basic
rights and liberties of all Americans?
Magna Carta
Mayflower Compact
Geneva Convention
Bill of Rights
Declaration of Independence
The main reason that Congress
creates committees is to
Educate new members
Divide the workload
Introduce new bills
Create party power bases
All of the above
Representation in the Senate is
based on
The Virginia Plan
Proportion of financial support
State equality
Parliamentary government is
Government where power is housed in a single central agency
Government where chief executive is elected by the people
Government where several groups form an alliance with a common
Government where the chief executive rises out of the legislative
None of the above
Presidential government is
Government where chief executive is elected by the people
Government where the chief executive rises out of the legislative
Government where several groups form an alliance with a common
Government where power is housed in a single central agency
None of the above
Unitary government is
Government where the chief executive rises out of the legislative
Government where power is housed in a single central agency
Government where chief executive is elected by the people
Government where several groups form an alliance with a common
None of the above
Who can write a bill
Public Officials
Special Interest Groups
Common Citizens
All of the above
What are the three types of Congressional
Representation in the House of Reps is
based on
All the people entitled to vote in an
Polling Place
The place where you vote is called
Following a census, the redistribution of
House Representation
Spread of information with the
intention of persuading the audience
The Speaker of the House has the
ability to
Fire a representative
End a filibuster
Override a committee veto
Prioritize the legislative agenda
All of the above
Power is shared between three
branches of government
Popular sovereignty
Checks and Balances
Limited Government
Separation of Powers
Citizens are the source of
governmental power
Checks and balances
Popular sovereignty
Separation of powers
Limited government
Each branch of gov. has some
control over other branches
Checks and balances
Popular sovereignty
Limited Government
Separation of powers
Government may only do what the
people allow
Popular sovereignty
Checks and Balances
Limited Government
Separation of Powers
What is the purpose of a
Conference Committee
Appoint committee assignments
Determine legislative agenda
Find compromise between House and Senate Bills
Limit debate in the event of a filibuster
All of the above
Why is the Necessary and Proper
Clause in the Constitution
To limit congressional powers
To limit congressional powers to those stated in the Constitution
To set forth those powers considered necessary by the states
To allow Congress to carry out its expressed powers
All of the above
Practice of giving top committee
positions to those members that have
served the longest is known as
Roberts Rules of Order
The leadership of which of the following
groups is made up of a Vice-President,
President Pro Temp, Majority/Minority
leaders, etc
House of Reps
Executive branch
Judicial branch
None of the above
15th Amendment
Lowered voting age to 18
Voting cannot be denied based on gender
Abolished poll taxes
Gave Washington DC electoral college votes
Voting cannot be denied based on race
23rd Amendment
Gave Washington DC electoral college votes
Lowered voting age to 18
Voting cannot be denied based on gender
Voting cannot be denied based on race
Abolished poll taxes
24th Amendment
Voting cannot be denied based on race
Voting cannot be denied based on gender
Abolished poll taxes
Lowered voting age to 18
Gave Washington DC electoral college votes
The 26th Amendment
The 1965 Voting Rights Act did what?
The Federal Election Commission
Regulates the use of money in elections
Validates voter registration
Chooses the type of ballots used in an election
Collects fees at voting locations
None of the above
Partisanship means
Rules used to keep order in the House and the Senate
Two branches or chambers
Following a census, the redistribution of the House of Reps.
Redrawing of Congressional district lines by a State Legislature
Loyalty to a political party
The function of the national party
convention is to?
Allow party members the opportunity to participate in the
electoral process
Announce candidates and develop party platforms
Study district lines and redistrict according to party
Raise money for parties
Allow national party leaders the opportunity to exchange
ideas with local leaders
The four requirements to vote are?
Redistricting means
Rules used to keep order in the House and the Senate
Two branches or chambers
Following a census, the redistribution of the House of Reps.
Redrawing of Congressional district lines by a State Legislature
Loyalty to a political party