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Human Body Unit
Portfolio due on June 6
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Nervous System p.894
• Neuron
– Nerve cell
– Carry messages
– 3 types
a) Sensory neuron (receptor)- receives
b) Motor neuron (effector)- responds
c) Interneuron- connects “a” and “b”
2 parts:
• Synapsis- gap between two neurons
• Neurotransmitter- chemicals that cross the
• CNS- central nervous system
– Brain and spinal cord
• PNS -peripheral nervous system
– All other surrounding nerves
The Brain
• Cerebrum- largest, voluntary activities,
conscious thought, learning
• Cerebellum- back of skull, balance and
• Medulla oblongata- brain stem, involuntary
functions, breathing, heart rate, blood
• Spinal cord- regulates reflexes, uses
interneurons to connect sensory and motor
Transport and Respiration
• Transport system
– Absorption and circulation of materials
throughout the organism
A. Plasma- nonliving, mostly water, carries
dissolved material.
B. Red blood cells- contain hemoglobin (iron
based), carries oxygen.
C. Platelets- smallest cell, helps with clotting.
D. White blood cells– Phagocytes- eat and destroy bacteria
– Lymphocytes- produce antibodies, recognize and
destroy antigens
• Immunity- Resistance to disease
– Active- make your own antibodies by having the
disease or getting a vaccine
– Passive- temporary, using another’s antibodies
• Mom and newborn
• Arteries- carry blood away from the heart
• Veins- carry blood back to the heart
• Capillaries- “do business” with the organs,
exchange materials. Only one cell thick.
The Heart
4 chambers
2 atria- upper receive blood
2 ventricles- lower, pump blood out
• Use page 949 in new textbook to label
• Pulmonary circulation- to lungs and back
• Systemic- to all body organs (except lungs)
• Coronary circulation- branch of systemic,
feeds heart muscle
Heart Problems
• High blood pressure
• Heart attack video
• Blood conditions– Anemia- low hemoglobin in
red blood cells
– Leukemia- high white blood count, bone marrow
The Lungs
• Organisms need Oxygen
For cell respirationproduces ATP (energy)
• Respiratory and Excretory
systems are like the cell
membrane of a single cell
organism. (moves
material in and out)
Gas Exchange Video
From page 966 in the textbook, draw the gas exchange
picture on the paper you picked up today. Tape it to the
Excretory System
• Lungs, skin, liver, kidneys
• In the kidney:
Nephron– 1 million per kidney
– Filters blood
– Glomerulus- blood enters
– Bowman’s capsule- around glomerulus
– Loop of Henle- good material reabsorbed, waste
goes to bladder
Urinary system
• Ureters- 2 tubes leading from the kidney to
• Bladder- stores urine.
• Urethra- Tube leading from bladder to
outside of the body.
Digestive System
• Turns large insoluble molecules into small
soluble molecules.
– Mouth (mechanical and chemical digestion)
– Pharynx – epiglottis, flap so food does not go to
– Esophagus- peristalsis starts here
– Stomach- chemical and mechanical, gastic acid,
pepsin (enzyme) for protein digestion (into amino
– Small intestine- chemical digestion and absorption
– Large intestine- colon, removes water from waste.
3 organs contribute but food doesn’t
pass through
• Liver- produces bile
• Gall bladder- stores bile
• Pancreas- “dual organ” makes 3 enzymes and
hormone insulin.
Minerals- small amounts
Lipids (fats)
Proteins- amino acids from meat
Endocrine System
• Glands that release hormones into the blood.
• Hormones- chemical messengers. Need a
receptor to enter cell.
– Testosterone- male hormone
– Estrogen – female hormone
– Insulin- Hormone that helps body take up glucose
• Thyroid- regulates metabolism
– Goiter- lack of iodine
• Parathyroid- regulates calcuim
• Adrenal- top of kidney, produces adrenaline
• Gonads- Testes (testosterone) ovaries
(estrogen, progesterone)
• Pituitary- Master gland, produces 9 hormones,
affects other glands, secretes growth hormone
• Pancreas- Islets of Langerhan Cells
– Produces insulin, lowers blood sugar
– Produces glucagon- raises blood sugar
– Diabetes Mellitus- lack of insulin, results in high
blood sugar
Feedback loop
Reproductive system
• Puberty- begins production of gametes and
• Male gonad= testis, enclosed in scrotum,
produces sperm.
• Female gonad= Ovaries, produces egg, travels
down fallopian tubes, fertilization happens
Important organs
• Vagina- is the birth canal.
• Uterus- Zygote implants here and develops
into an embryo, then a fetus.
• Placenta- for exchange of nutrients between
mom and embryo.
• Menstral cycle- lining of the uterus gets ready
for implantation of zygote. No fertilization
then the lining sheds, menstruation.
• Gestation is the period of pregnancy.
• Internal fertilization- protection of egg and
sperm, no water necessary. Developing
embryo is protected.
• External fertilization- like fish or frogs. Eggs
become food for predators.