Download SLA day course revised april 2013

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An Introduction to
Co-operative Learning for
Support for Learning
Assistants - Secondary
Sharon Wallace/ Carol Paton
Learning Intentions
Provide an introduction to co-operative learning
Develop a greater understanding of co-operative
learning activities
Increase skills and knowledge of co-operative learning
to support teachers and pupils in the classroom
Increase skills and knowledge of co-operative learning
to lead learning in small groups
Success Criteria
An increased knowledge of cooperative learning and cooperative learning activities
Increased confidence to support
teachers and pupils with cooperative learning activities
Agenda for the Day
10 – 10.15 – Coffee on arrival
10.15 – 10.25 - Welcome and introductions
10.25 – 12.30 – Team building
12.30 – 1.30 – Lunch
1.30 – 3.15 – The pupils you support/ next steps
3.15 – 3.30 – Evaluations and close
What is Co-operative Learning?
Cooperation is working together to
accomplish shared goals.
Pupils are given a learning intention which
incorporates a social goal.
Pupils will work in groups of no more than
What does Cooperative learning look like?
Parking Lot
Have you seen this
being used?
How is it used?
What sort of things do
pupils post?
How could you use
this in your role?
Numbered Seats
Cooperatively structured classroom – groups of 4 max
Plan – 1/2/3/4
The language - Shoulder/ face partners
Getting attention - We will be using the hand signal to get attention today
Which other ways have you seen being used and what do you do to gain
attention from the pupils you support?
Name Badges
Person number 1 – hand out the stickers
Person number 2 – give out markers
Person number 3 – collect booklets
Person number 4 – make sure all booklets are
Social skill: equal participation
Co-operative Activities
Two goals within each activity
Learning intention
Social goal
The social goal will enable the pupil to achieve and
attain the learning intention.
Examples of social goal: to listen attentively, using
quiet voices, participate equally
Clock Partners – page 7
On your clock face, you are going to find yourself 4
clock partners
Move around the room until the music stops
Introduce yourself to someone closest to you and ask
them to become one of your dates
Keep going until you have a date for 12, 3, 6 and 9
o’clock then return to your seat
Social Skill: using people’s names
Find Someone Who…
Learning Intention: To add one name to
each cloud
Social Intention: Using good manners
When you have one name per cloud, face
the front from wherever you are in the room
Group Formation
Red find a yellow
Green find a blue
Please form ‘rainbow’ groups with one of each colour
Please find a new table to sit at
Voices on the Table
Starting with the number 1 person and rotating
in a clockwise direction, please share:
Your name
Your school
Your favourite food
Getting to know you…
Team Window
Learning Intention: Complete a team
window by following the instructions
Social Intention: Taking turns and
Team Window
Number 1- draw a border around the outside of the
Number 2 - draw a small circle in the middle of the
Number 3 - draw the three arms from the circle
Number 4 - write the numbers 1,2 and 3 and the word
ALL in the appropriate space (as per the model)
Team Window
Number 1 says “ I like ________.” and then checks for the
number of team members that like that item too.
Place the name of the item in the appropriate space- i.e. “
Chocolate.” If only the speaker likes chocolate place that
word in the space that has the number 1. If the entire team
likes that item write the item in the ‘ALL’, (centre circle).
Pen and paper rotates to person 2 and repeat. Continue
until we call time.
Group Processing
How well did we achieve our social intention of taking
turns and listening attentively?
What could I do better next time to improve my skills
in that area ?
Think and then Share with the team:
What was the best thing about working with this group
in this activity ?
Roles for the Next Task – Page 6
1 – Materials Manager
2 – Time Keeper
3 – Recorder
4 - Encourager
Team Building Task
Learning Intention:
• Create a team flag with a logo and name. (Use
your commonalities information.)
• Be as creative and/or graphic as you like.
Social Intention: Equal participation
Time Limit: 10 minutes
One Stray/Three Stay
The recorder now has a job to do
At the signal they will move to the next table, be
warmly welcomed and share their team name plate
At the signal they will be thanked and move to the
next table
Those remaining will listen attentively and be able
to share back to the recorder when he/she returns
Group Processing
How well did our group perform the social
intention of equal participation?
What did we do well?
What could we do to perform better next
What is your role of during group
processing? How could you support here?
So far...
Find your 3
partner and
tell them what
you have
learned so far
You have 2
minutes each
challenges to
Do you have
any questions
for the
parking lot?
Paired Reading – Pages 4/5
Working with your shoulder partner – decide who is A and who is B –
both read section A
Person A summarises this passage to person B – pair discuss - Both
read section B
Person B summarises this passage to person A – pair discuss
Learning Intention: read passage in order to gain a further
understanding of the 5 basic elements
Social Intention: Reading for the purpose of summarising and
attentive listening
How could you support pupils during paired reading activities?
5 Basic Elements
1. Positive interdependence
2. Face to face interaction
3. Individual accountability
4. Social skills
5. Group processing
Stand and Deliver
As a team, stand up
Together you are going to learn
the 5 basic elements off by heart
When everyone in your group
knows them, you can all sit down
Think, Pair, Share
Stage 1: THINK
Prepare for the task. Pupils are given a question and are asked
to think about it.
Stage 2: PAIR
Pupils then share their ideas from the question with a partner. At
this point it is not a dialogue but rather 2 monologues.
Stage 3: SHARE
Pupils can then share the answer to the question with another
person in the group or someone else in the class.
Think, Pair, Share
Think – where have you seen co-operative learning?
What have you seen in co-operative learning?
Pair - With your 6 o’clock partner share your answers
(two monologues)
Share – Find your 9 o’clock partner and share both
Social skill: good eye contact
Role of the SLA in Think, Pair, Share
Role of the SLA – The Teacher’s Perspective
Once I have structured and set the activities I see my role as a
“checker”. I move around the groups checking for understanding of
the activities and answering any questions
If I have a support for learning teacher/learning assistant in the class I
would expect them to work with their designated pupil(s) when
individual work/activities are being undertaken and then work as I do,
around the rest of the class when cooperative activities are being
However, if the pupil has very demanding or profound learning needs
and has difficulty communicating orally I would expect the supporter
to work with their pupil within the cooperative group as an interpreter
or channel for their ideas
Key Responsibilities of an SLA – Page 7
Provide basic physical and motivational support to pupils
Assist with developing positive and supportive relationships
with pupils
Assist with promoting the pupil’s self-esteem, self-reliance,
Assist with promoting interaction with other pupils
Assist with developing communication skills
Think- How are you feeling about your role
within co-operative learning?
Go to your corner and pair
Person with the next upcoming birthday
share first
Social intention: taking turns
You have one hour for
Meet back ready to
start at 1.30 p.m.
Welcome back!
Two facts and a fib
Can you devise two facts and one fib
about yourself?
Can your team correctly identify the fib?
How could you use this with the pupils you
Inside/ Outside Circle
Think… what was the best thing about lunch today?
Pair… tell your face partner
Share … out with the group
Social intention: good welcoming
Role of the SLA – what would you do here to support?
Individual Task
Turn to page 8 in your booklets
Think about a pupil you currently support
What are their specific learning needs?
What challenges are there for this pupil in accessing the
How can co-operative learning support this pupil?
Think – make notes in your journal (2 minutes)
Group Surgery
Starting with person number 1 and rotating clockwise,
please take 1 minute to present your pupil and their needs
Numbers 2,3 and 4 – please listen and offer your solutions
to number 1(2 minutes)
Number 1 – record responses on your sheet
Repeat until everyone has shared
Social Intention: listening attentively
Team Poem
Learning Intention: to write a short poem/
limerick about co-operative learning
Social Intention: equal participation
You have 8 minutes to plan, write, and
prepare to present to another team
Success Criteria
An increased knowledge of
cooperative learning and cooperative learning activities
An increased knowledge of
how you can support teachers
in co-operative learning
activities in the classroom
An increased knowledge and
skill base to lead and promote
learning in small groups
What ? So What? Now What?
What? - things we
have learned
today, ideas we
can take away?
So what? - how
does this
information impact
on us and our
beliefs, structure?
Now what?- how
will we take this
forward, what will
our next steps
Thank you
for your