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Wars, Conflicts & Major Battles
King Philip’s War
 By 1675, the Indians
were FURIOUS with the
continual expansion of
New England…
 And erupted in a
massive rebellion.
 The colonists believed it
was led by Algonquin
Indian leader Metacom
(whose English name
was King Philip)…
 And the conflict became
known as “King Philip’s
King Phillip’s
 Armed with guns, the Indians destroyed 12
English settlements…
But they began to starve with the colonists
responded by destroying their crops.
In August of 1676, Metacom was killed and
the rebellion ended…
And by 1700, there were 92,000 colonists in
New England…
And only 9,000 Indians.
The French & Indian War
 Was a struggle between Britain and
France for CONTROL of North
The British had established TOWNS
And often CLASHED with the
The French settled the interior and
established forts…
Which were used as trading posts
and appreciated by the Indians.
So when the war broke out, the
French and Indians joined forces
against the British…
And this was the END of two
Serious Indian resistance to
white dominance in the East…
And the end of the French
presence in North America.
The Revolutionary War
 Was a struggle between
American colonists and
Great Britain…
The colonists wanted
And the British wanted
the colonies to remain
British property.
The PRIMARY reason for
the colonists’ fight for
Centered on the belief
that they were being
unfairly TAXED by the
British government.
The Battle of Yorktown
 Was the final battle of the
Revolutionary War…
The British Army (led by Lord
Found itself trapped on a
Surrounded by the American
Continental Army from the
And the French Navy to their
The British surrender led to the
Treaty of Paris, 1783…
Which granted the American
colonies INDEPENDENCE from
Great Britain.
Shays’ Rebellion
 Occurred as the result of the
government of Massachusetts
passing a tax on farmers…
 Who were often too poor to pay…
 And who were reminded of UNFAIR
British taxes.
 A local rebellion against the tax grew
into something close to full-fledged
 Which the government was unable to
stop because there was no ARMY
under the Articles of Confederation.
 The ease with which the rebels took
over the state of Massachusetts
SCARED people…
 And led to the Constitutional
The Whiskey Rebellion
 Erupted as the result of the new
Constitutional government…
 Passing a tax on whiskey.
 After 500 armed Pennsylvania
farmers attacked the home of a
regional tax collector…
 The US Army was sent to
suppress the rebellion…
 And it collapsed quickly after
 that.
 The response of the US
government showed a NEW
willingness to confront and crush
anti-government activity…
 And the NEW STRENGTH of the
government under the
The War of 1812
 Although the British agreed to
leave all American territory at
the end of the Revolutionary
They continued to maintain a
network of forts in the northwest
Territory that the US believed to
be its property.
As American settlers pushed
westward, they often
encountered Indian resistance…
And a belief developed among
many Americans that the British
were ENCOURAGING the attacks.
The British were also involved in
stopping American vessels on
the high seas, confiscating the
cargo and forcing the crew to
join the British Navy
The War of 1812
 US forces lost almost
every major land battle…
Every major naval battle…
And Washington D.C. was
torched by the British
However, the British could
not decisively DEFEAT the
United States…
And the Treaty of Ghent
established all preexisting
borders between the US
and British Canada.
The Mexican-American War
 Began in 1845, with
of Texas, which
Mexico considered its
 In winning the war, the
US gained Texas,
California, New
Mexico and other
western territories…
 And the RIO GRANDE
became the border
between the US and
The Civil War
 The immediate cause of
the Civil War was the
election of Abraham
Lincoln in 1860…
 Who had run on the
promise of STOPPING
the expansion of slavery
outside of the South.
 Immediately after his
election, South Carolina
seceded from the
 And was quickly followed
by six additional
Southern states.
Fort Sumter
 Was a US fort in the
middle of Charleston
Harbor, South Carolina.
After South Carolina’s
secession, repeated
orders were given to the
US Army to abandon the
And when an attempt
was made bring supplies
to the fort…
South Carolina state
militiamen opened fire.
These were the first
shots fired in the Civil
The Battle of Antietam
 Began when Confederate
General Lee became
That if the Confederacy
scored a BIG VICTORY on
Northern soil…
The Confederacy would gain
the support of Great Britain
and/or France.
Confederate armies invaded
western Maryland…
And the resulting battle killed
26,000 men…
Making it the bloodiest day in
US history.
shortly thereafter…
Killing Lee’s hope for
European assistance.
The Battle of Vicksburg
 The city of Vicksburg,
Mississippi was seen as the key
to controlling the Mississippi
And part of the Northern
“Anaconda Plan” strategy” of
strangling the South by
controlling its waterways.
The Battle of Vicksburg was
Union General Ulysses S.
Grant’s first major victory as a
Union commander…
The taking of Vicksburg
resulted Union control of the
Mississippi River…
And the South was cut in half.
The Battle of Gettysburg
 Resulted from another
invasion of the North by
Confederate General
Robert E. Lee…
In the hopes that a
victory on northern soil
would destroy the Union’s
will to continue fighting.
The resulting battle killed
51,000 men…
Was a defeat for General
Lee and the
And is seen as the
Civil War.
The Battle for Atlanta
 Resulted from General
William T. Sherman’s
invasion of the Deep
 In this invasion, the
Union had two objectives:
1. Destroy the South’s will
to fight…
2. Capture Atlanta, a
critical Southern
railroad hub.
Atlanta was eventually
surrounded, besieged…
And burnt to the ground
by Sherman’s union
The Spanish-American War
 Began as the result of
the US’ decision to
intervene in Cuba’s
revolution against
Spanish rule…
And with the explosion
of the USS Maine.
The US won every
major land and naval
And acquired the
territories of
Philippines, Guam,
Puerto Rico…
And control over the
island of Cuba.
War in the Philippines
 At the conclusion of the Spanish-
American war, control of the
Philippines was handed over to
The people of the Philippines
expected to be granted
But the US wished to maintain
Between 1898 and 1946, a bloody,
extremely costly war was waged
in the Philippines…
Between the US Army and Filipino
rebels who desired independence
from the United States.
World War One
 The US had no obvious business in
the issues surrounding World War
And for much of the war, we
remained isolationist and officially
Our stance eventually changed as a
result of Germany’s policy of
unrestricted submarine warfare in
the Atlantic Ocean…
And we declared war in 1917.
Our involvement had no
recognizable benefits for either
ourselves OR the Europeans…
Paving the way for the rise of Hitler
and Mussolini…
And after the war, we reverted to
World War Two
 WW2 began in 1939…
 And the US remained
officially NEUTRAL
until 1941…
When the Japanese
Empire attacked Pearl
The next day, the US
declared war on Japan,
Germany and Italy…
And the war ended in
1945, with the…
Atomic attack on the
Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and
The Cold War
► WW2 destroyed much of the
European continent…
► And the last two powers standing
were the US and the Soviet Union…
► And a “Cold War”—and unofficial,
indirect war, began.
► For sixty years after WW2, our
official foreign policy was one of
► As the Soviets tried to expand their
power and influence by funding and
supporting communist takeover of
other nations…
► The US tried to “contain”
communism and stop its spread.
► A shooting war was only avoided
through the concept of “Mutually
Assured Destruction”—
► In the event of war, both countries
would be destroyed.
Hot Wars during the Cold War
 The Korean War—the
US and the United
Nations repelled a
Soviet and Chinese
funded attack by North
Korean communists
upon South Korea.
 The Vietnam War—the
US failed to prevent a
Soviet and Chinese
funded effort by North
communists to take
control of South
 The Soviet Union
collapsed in 1992 and
the Cold War ended.
The Afghanistan War
► On September 11, 2001, a group of
terrorists (most of whom were from
Saudi Arabia)…
Hijacked four passenger jets,
crashing one of them into a field in
One into the Pentagon, and one into
each of the Twin Towers.
Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization
led by Osama bin Laden, claimed
Because the Afghanistan
government (called the Taliban) had
been sheltering Al Qaeda…
The Bush administration launched
an attack on that country with the
goal of changing its government.
Although initially successful, the US
has now been in Afghanistan for ten
And the Taliban has retaken more
than 50% of the country.
The Iraq War
 In May of 2003, under the
mistaken belief that Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein had
an arsenal of weapons of mass
President Bush ordered the
invasion of Iraq.
Saddam’s government was
quickly overthrown…
No weapons of mass
destruction were found…
And an extremely violent
insurgency began resisting US
Approximately 4500 Americans
have been killed…
Estimates of Iraqi deaths range
from 40,000 to more than 1