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Socials Studies
Grade 8 Review of Key Ideas linked to Grade 9
Word Sort
• Instructions: Accessing your prior knowledge, sort the following
words into categories
Please note there are no categories
Martin Luther
Divine Right of
Creation of a Labour Humanism
40 % of Europe
Standing Armies
Decrease power of
the Nobles
Johannes Gutenberg
Machiavelli's The
Francis Bacon
Leonardo da Vinci
Wage earners
Black Death/
Bubonic Plague
Between 1450 -1500 Growth of the
Middle class
Catholic Church
Led to the
Source of
15 million
Seen as King’s
subjects Vs serfs
Led to the Industrial
Motion and
William Harvey
Global Conflicts
The Scientific
95 Theses
Isaac Newton
Galileo Galilei
Nation - State
Fill in the Blanks Notes
Wheels of Change
• These words all contributed to the political, social,
economic and religious change of Europe.
• Many events are interconnected
Religious Change
• Until 1517, all European Christians belonged to the Roman Catholic
• By the early 16th century, the Catholic Church had “become wealthy,
powerful and corrupt”
• This led to the Protestant Reformation, when an angry German monk
nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Church. He demanded change
(due to the Printing Press, his ideas spread quickly throughout
The difference between Protestants and
• Generally speaking, Protestants believe that Christianity should be
based on the word of God, which came from the Bible
• Everyone should be able to read the Bible
• They reject the authority of priests and pope
• Believe places of worship should be plain
Long Lasting Effects
• The Catholic Church responded with outlawing many corrupt
practices and priests were better trained
Long Lasting Effects
• By 1550, Europe was divided between Protestant and Catholic
• The era of religious conflict began which lasted for centuries
Political Change
• As the Church declined in power and authority, Kings saw an
opportunity to make themselves the supreme authority in their
• The King’s authority was known as the Divine Right of Kings – claiming
their authority and power came directly from God and therefore
could not be easily challenged
• As a result, the nation- state emerged. The middle class grew, which
decreased the power of the nobles. People no longer saw themselves
as serfs (tied to the nobles land) but as king’s subjects
Agricultural Revolution
• During the 14th Century, the Black Death stuck Europe, killing 40 % of the
population. Estimates of the death toll are any where for 75 million to 200
• Effect
• The widespread deaths created a labour shortage which allowed serfs
more freedom. For the first time, they could demand wages and travel
from estate to estate.
• Also after the Black Death, farmers consolidated parcels of land to yield
better crops. They also experimented with different farming techniques
Long Lasting Effects
• Changes to farming methods led to the Agricultural Revolution, which
in time led to the Demographic Revolution.
• As the increase in crop production, also increase the amount of food
available, which in turn allowed people a healthier diet. Healthier
people live longer and statistically were able to have and raise more
Exploration and Trade
• As kings grew in power, so did their desire for overseas empires.
• Having territories overseas, allowed countries access to luxury items
such as spices and silks
• In the 16th century, Europeans began to see the rest of the world as a
source of wealth and power for their own nations.
• European nations seized control of trade and began to exploit
resources from other countries
• Furthermore, by the end of 17th century conflicts between European
nations would become global conflicts
All the pink countries were at one point part
of the British Empire
Renaissance Arts
• Due to the decline of the Church, Europeans started to question the
world around them. They began to value individual thought and
experience over religious faith – this way of thinking is called
• Renaissance artists developed different techniques such as
perspective and proportion, which allowed for more humanistic and
realistic approach to art.
The Printing Press
• In 1450, Johannes Gutenburg created the printing press. This allowed
for the spread of ideas throughout society
• Books became more affordable and therefore education was
improved, as they were open and attended by more people.
• Between 1450 – 1500, at least 15 million books were printed in
• Long Lasting impacts of the printing press, were that it created an
great upsurge of new ideas. These new ideas led to developments in
all fields of study,.
The Printing Press
Breakthroughs in Science
• The 16th and 17th centuries saw a flurry of scientific discoveries.
• Innovations improved the lives of many especially in the areas of
trade, farming and industry
• These new advances led to the Industrial Revolution
• Copernicus proposed a theory, which was later confirmed by Galileo,
that the Earth was not the centre of the universe (Galileo’s writings
were banned in all Catholic nations and he had to remain under
house arrest for the rest of his life for challenging the Catholic Church)
Breakthroughs in Science Continued
• Francis Bacon proposed the Scientific Method – which is a method of
scientific research, which is still taught today
• William Harvey used the Scientific Method to discovered how blood
circulated throughout the body (which has stumped scientists for
over two thousand years)
• In the 1600’s Isaac Newton , also used the Scientific Method to
develop his laws of motion and gravitation, which gave a better
understanding of how the physical world and solar system worked