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Of the Scottish Play
said it?
The Bard
of Avon
Characters – 100 Points
The Thane of
Cawdor at the
outset of the play.
Characters – 200 Points
The Son of Banquo
Characters – 300 Points
The rightful heir to
Scotland’s throne
Characters – 400 Points
character foil
Who said it? – 100 Points
In Act ________, the character of
___________ said the following:
“Go pronounce his present death,
And with his formal title greet Macbeth”
Who said it? – 200 Points
The character of ___________ spoke
these words with regards to________.
“Hie thee hither,
That I may pour my spirits
in thine ear”
Who said it? – 300 Points
These words are spoken
by________ in Act ____, scene ___.
“Thou hast it now: King,
Cawdor, Glamis, all”
Who said it? – 400 Points
_______ said this in Act ___.
Explain the significance of these words.
“False face must hide
what the false heart
doth know.”
Plot Events – 100 Points
During this act and
scene, King Duncan is
murdered by
Plot Events – 200 Points
The play begins
in this place.
Plot Events – 300 Points
In this act and scene,
Macbeth is visited by
the Ghost of Banquo
Plot Events – 400 Points
The witches ‘weird
sisters’ provide Macbeth
with these three visual
prophecies in this act.
Themes and Symbols – 100 Points
These animals are
used by Shakespeare
to represent
‘heralds of death’
Themes and Symbols – 200 Points
The theme which highlights
Macbeth’s actions to
“look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under't.”
Themes and Symbols – 300 Points
This theme is illustrated by
Shakespeare, following the
death of Duncan, when day
becomes night and the
animals go crazy.
Themes and Symbols – 400 Points
The theme that is
defined by Macbeth’s
inner struggle to
become king.
Shakespeare – 100 Points
The month
was born.
Shakespeare – 200 Points
Shakespeare wrote
these sorts of plays:
Tragedies, Comedies
and ___________.
Shakespeare – 300 Points
Shakespeare wrote the verses of his
plays in a variety of ways.
This kind of verse was considered
very powerful:
2 successive lines of verse of which
the final words rhyme.
Shakespeare – 400 Points
Shakespeare wrote
about witches and
witchcraft to please
this person.
A: Characters – 100 Points
• Who is the merciless Macdonwald.
–Act 1, scene 2, line 12.
A: Characters – 200 Points
•Who is Fleance.
A: Characters – 300 Points
• Who is Malcolm, eldest
son of King Duncan.
A: Characters – 400 Points
• Who is Banquo.
– Shakespeare uses Banquo as a moral pillar for Macbeth, illustrating
the righteous path, without bloodshed / deceit or murder. Banquo
is an example of the way Macbeth should have reacted to the
prophecies of the weird sisters, he should have waited for fate to
lead him to his destiny rather than stepping in and making it for
A: Who said it? – 100 Points
•Who is Duncan.
–Act 1 scene 2.
A: Who said it? – 200 Points
• Who is Lady Macbeth.
– Significance: Lady Macbeth wants to empower Macbeth,
by pouring poisonous words into his ear.
A: Who said it? – 300 Points
•Who is Banquo
–Act 3 scene 1, Line 1.
A: Who said it? – 400 Points
•Who is Macbeth.
– Act 1 scene 7, line 93
A: Plot Events – 100 Points
• What is Act 2, scene 1.
A bell rings.
“I go, and it is done’ the bell invites me.
Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or to hell.”(71-74)
A: Plot Events – 200 Points
• What is a desert place.
– Upon the heath, in thunder, lightening.
– In Scotland, not far from Forres, King Duncan’s castle.
A: Plot Events – 300 Points
• What is Act 3 scene 4.
– During the Banquet at Macbeth’s castle.
A: Plot Events – 400 Points
• What are an armed head, a bloody child and a moving forest.
1. An armed head, warning the return of
2. A bloody child, no man born of woman
can harm Macbeth.
3. A child wearing a crown and holding a
tree, Great Birnam wood shall come
against him.
A: Themes and Symbols – 100 Points
• What are crickets, owls,
snakes, ravens.
A: Themes and Symbols – 200 Points
•What is Appearance
versus Reality
A: Themes and Symbols – 300 Points
•What is Order.
The balance between
natural order and chaos.
A: Themes and Symbols – 400 Points
•What is the
struggle between
Fate and Destiny.
A: Shakespeare – 100 Points
• What is the month of April.
–Shakespeare was born on April 23 1564.
A: Shakespeare – 200 Points
• What are History plays.
A: Shakespeare – 300 Points
• What are Rhyming Couplets.
“Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble”
A: Shakespeare – 400 Points
• Who is King James I of England.