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EVIADA Developer Notes
Original version by Andrew Albrecht, 2009 — revised by Don Byrd, 2009–Feb. 2010
Eclipse and Subversion
EVIADA uses the Eclipse IDE. The regular (non-EE) version of the Eclipse platform should be
The source for EVIADA is located in an SVN (Subversion) repository. To access it, Eclipse must
have the Subclipse plugin installed. (Instructions are in the DLP Wiki. Essentially, get it via
Eclipse’s Help > Install New Software [in earlier versions, of Eclipse, Software Updates?];
Available Software Sites; check > Subclipse Plugin; etc.
Checking out EVIADA into Eclipse
To check out the EVIADA project, choose File/New/Project…; from the SVN section, choose
Checkout Projects from SVN, then Create a new repository location?? . The Location URL for
standard EVIADA code is “svn+ssh://” (For the
GTW project’s “AWB Plus” version, it’s
In the Checkout from SVN > Select Folder window, select the top-level folder.
In the Check Out As window, make sure that Check out as a project configured using the
New Project Wizard is selected; then click Finish. In the New Project > Select a wizard
window, choose the Java > Java Project wizard.
In the New Java Project window, name your project, e.g., EVIA (in the rest of this document
<Project Name> refers to the name you choose here); click Finish and an “SVN Checkout”
window should appear, showing the files as they’re checked out.
Once the source has been checked out, Eclipse must be configured to properly
compile/debug/code complete/run/etc.
1. Open the build.xml file located in the project base directory. From the Outline window,
right clink on the ant build target prepare.libs.for.ide and choose Run As/Ant Build.
This extracts 3rd party libraries to subdirectories of <Project Name>/3rdparty. You must
refresh the project after this step! In the Package Explorer, right click <Project Name>
and choose refresh. If you don’t do this, the jars extracted by ANT will not be visible to
2. Update the Java Build Path.
 In the Package Explorer, right click on the EVIADA project and choose Properties
On the left column, select Java Build Build Path
On the Source tab, if the following folders aren’t present, add them:
o <Project Name>/images
o <Project Name>/java
o <Project Name>/resources
 On the Libraries tab, add jars from the following directories:
o All jars in <Project Name>/3rdparty
o The awb-legacy-castor-classes.jar file in <Project
o All jars in all subdirectories of <Project Name>/3rdparty/extracted/
3. Eclipse will now compile the source code. At this point the debugger and auto complete
are supported; however, the AWB itself is missing some important support files. The
easiest way to get these is to run the ANT build target (from build.xml). This
creates (and runs) a fully configured instance of the AWB in the location <Project
Name>/build/awb/installed/awb. Then copy the following directories to the project root
directory (replacing them if they’re already present):
 <Project Name>/build/awb/installed/awb/conf
 <Project Name>/build/awb/installed/awb/data
 <Project Name>/build/awb/installed/awb/log
4. To run the AWB from Eclipse, application parameters must be specified, so it’s best to
create a run configuration and use that to launch AWB. Open the menu to the right of
the Eclipse “Run” button (green circle with triangle) and select Run Configurations [or
Open Run Dialog??].
a) Double click Java Application to create a new launch configuration ??OR Under
Java Application, choose New_configuration
b) Name the configuration
c) Set the main class to
d) On the Arguments tab, under Program arguments, add “-c
conf/eviadaconfig.cfx”. This flag tells AWB to look for its config file in the
project’s root directory under the conf/ directory; in turn, the config file declares
other file locations relative to the install directory (in this case, the project
e) Click Apply, then Close.
You’re done.
Building and running AWB
To create both Windows and OS X runnable standalone versions of AWB, in Eclipse, run the
Ant task package-releases (in workbench.xml); the runnable versions go into <Project
Name>/build/awb/installed , and in .zip form in <Project Name>/build/awb/dist . In the OS X
version (only), you may then need to correct the permissions for one file:
chmod 755 Annotator's
Why must this be done manually? It’d be difficult or impossible to make Ant give it the correct
permissions automatically, since Ant knows nothing about OS platforms, and chmod doesn’t
even exist in Windows, etc. ??But it seems to get those permissions on my machine
automatically now – since about Sept. 2009, which is when I upgraded the OS from 10.4 to 10.5!
Important Runtime Files for AWB
Most AWB runtime files, if not all, are XML. Most have the extension .xml, but AWB project
files have .awx. The primary configuration file is eviadaconfig.cfx, and AWB expects to find it
in a conf directory; here’s where it looks for that directory.
How run
Configuration file location
Eclipse “run” buttons
<Project Name>/conf
the standard Ant task run [default]
<Project Name>/build/awb/installed/awb/conf
Built application
OS X: <app>/Working/conf; Windows: ??
Building AWB via the standard Ant task package-releases creates a default conf directory by
copying it from, normally, the <Project Name>/distributions/awb/eviada directory. (The file contains all the ant environment variable bindings, including that path.)
The main purpose of eviadaconfig.cfx is to give the locations of other important files, including
the layout files for the top-level AWB modes. These are normally in the same directory, and
with their “layoutName”s, they are:
editing.xml: “EVIADA: Default Editing Layout”
preview.xml: “EVIADA: Default Preview Layout”
standby.xml: “EVIADA: Standby Layout”
eviadaconfig.cfx also gives the paths to files with controlled vocabulary and category
information; <mediaLocations>, a list of possible paths to video files (really, places the video
files have been found in the past); and optionally an <unsavedFile> and a list of
<recentlyOpenedFile>s. It can also specify things other than file locations, for example, font
names and sizes.