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Chapter 14
The Beginnings of Our Global Age:
Europe, Africa and Asia
Section 1 The Search for Spices
Section 2 Turbulent Centuries in Africa
Search for Spices
 Population in Europe was growing
 Needed more items from trade
 Wanted to gain direct access to Asia
Portugal Sails East
 Mapping the African Coast
 Prince Henry believed their were riches on the
African coast
 Wanted to find an easier way to reach Asia
 Gathered scientists, cartographers, and other
 Built new ships
 They began mapping the coast
Portugal Sails East
 Seeking India
Vasco de Gama led new fleets to
explore India
Acquired new spices
Portuguese seized key ports in India
Columbus Sails West
 Reaching Faraway Lands
 Spain sponsored his voyage
 Wanted to strengthen Catholicism
 Took about 2 months to reach land
 Thought he reached India called people
Columbus Sails West
Dividing the Globe
 Line of Demarcation
split the new lands
between Spain and
 Spain and Portugal
rushed to protect
Naming the Western
 First maps of
America were drawn
in 1507
 Columbus’s Island
became known as
the West Indies
The Search for a Direct Route
 In 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa found a route to the
Pacific ocean through the Panama Straight
 Ferdinand Magellan found the Magellan Straight in
 Continued sail across the Pacific Ocean
 Most ships and sailors were lost
 18 people became the first to circumvent the globe
Portugal Gains Footholds
 Portugal Gains Footholds
 Built small ports in West Africa
 Traded muskets, tools, gold, ivory, hides and slaves
 Men remained behind to protect forts
 Attacked East African cities
 Expelled Arabs and took over trading routes
 Reached Congo, Zimbabwe and Zambia
The African Slave Trade Explodes
 Europeans Enter The Slave Trade
 Slaves were most important part of trade
 Brought large numbers of slaves to work on
 Rich bought them as houseslaves
 African rulers and traders would capture Africans
to sell to Europeans
 Slave trade lasted about 3 years
The African Slave Trade Explodes
 African Leaders Resist
Some African leaders tried to resist
Affonso I, Congo ruler, tried to resist
the trade
Some states forbade slave cargo
New African States Arise
 The Asante Kingdom
 Some states disappeared after populations were
 Asante Kingdom emerged in present day Ghana
 Osei Tutu helped unite kingdoms and conquer
 Had a monopoly on slave trade
New African States Arise
 The Oyo Empire
Small forest kingdom in present day
Gained wealth from slave trade
The European Presence Expands
 British, Dutch and French started to move into forts
for trade
 Established permanent territories
 Cape Town was the first European settlement by
the Dutch
 Enslaved or killed natives
 French settled in Senegal
The island-chain of present day Indonesia
Prince Henry
Sponsored Portugal’s exploration into Africa
Map maker
Vasco de Gama
Sailed for Portuguese to get spices from India
Christopher Columbus
Italian navigator that accidentally help discover America
Line of Demarcation
Dividing the non-European world into two zones
Treaty of Tordesillas
Treaty signed between Spain and Portugal naming the Line of
Ferdinand Magellan
Found direct route to Pacific sea
Sail around
City where Portuguese developed trading forts
City where Portuguese developed trading forts
Large estate run by an owner
Affonso I
Ruler of Kongo
Hoped to convert Africans to Christianity
Asante Kingdom
African kingdom that held monopoly on slave trade
Osei Tutu
Leader of Asante Kingdom
Exclusive control of a business or industry
Oyo Empire
Empire in modern day Nigeria
Cape Town
First Dutch settlement in Africa
Dutch Farmers