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• Macro meaning Large
• Micro looks at Individual choices – Indiv and Business
– C + I = GDP
• Macro looks at Big Picture” of how the whole economy
functions – C+I+G+(X-M) = GDP
• Consumers + Businesses + Gov’t + Foreign Trade
• Aggregate – Total – combination of all individual
• 3 BIG graphs to know
• Aggregate Demand = Total of all individual choices
• Aggregate Supply = Total of all individual business
• Business Cycle shows when economy is growing
and shrinking
• Measures 2 BIG issues –
– Level of Unemployment or Employment
– Level of Inflation or prices
Key Macro Tools
• Aggregate Demand – Total Demand of entire
• Combo of ALL indiv demand
• Affected by same things as indiv Demand
• Aggregate Supply
• Total Choices of ALL business
• Affected by costs
This graph shows the Demand for
ALL products
Effects –
Production has increased from Yn
to some new amount..RESULT:
Prices have risen – called Inflation
This is tied to the Business cycle
since these 2 effects ONLY happen
if the economy is growing
More Jobs => More Demand =>
increased production and Increased
In this version, AS – AD causes a fall
from AD1 to AD2
1.)Price and Productivity fall
2.)Unemployment increases and
Demand falls
This only happens in a Recession
• Periods of growth called expansion
– Bus expand – Hire new workers => workers spend wages
=> more expansion => Peaks
– Aggregate D (AD) ↑
– As AD ↑ => ↑ P – due to more people want stuff
– As AD ↑ => ↑ AS – Bus see larger profits as P ↑
– “Snowball effect” – economists call “the Multiplier Effect”
– as AS ↑ => need for more workers => eventual ↓ availability
of skilled workers => ↑ P of each new unit of “Skilled Worker”
– ↑ D of goods and ↑ wages for new skilled labor => ↑ P
-This causes Inflation – General rise in Prices
Understanding the Business Cycle
2 main period expansion and recession
A long period of Recession => Depression or “Panic”
Key economic issues to examine;
Yd – Disposable Income – Income after taxes
AD – Aggregate Demand – C Consumption
AS – Aggregate Supply – I - Investment
i – Interest rates
• Expansionary period and Multiplier Effect–
• Economy is ↑ “Heating Up”
– From the Business side (I) - I is ↑ - Expansion =>
↑ Employment => AS ↑ (Curve Shift out)
– From the Consumer side (C) – As Employment ↑, =>
↑ Consumer Yd => AD ↑ => ↑ prices due to ↑AD (Curve shifts out)
From a Banking side (i) – since more people have jobs they tend to
save more => banks have a lot of money to lend => i (The price of $ ↓) –
This makes it cheaper to borrow => ↑ I => ↑ Employment => ↑Yd => both
AD & AS ↑
But ↑ prices act like a “Brake” to the expansion- slowing the I as i slowly ↑
as more and more companies want to I and fewer and fewer people save
as P ↑ => Inflation and an “overheated economy”
Recessionary Period (opposite happens)
• As Prices ↑ = ↓ YD = ↓ AD => Surpluses
• As Business starts to ↓ production => ↑
unemployment => further ↓ AD which forces I
to ↓
• On the good side in banks i is also ↓
• USD buys less in global markets => Imports
become more expensive, but exports rise bc
foreign currencies buy more USD
As Bus ↑ => higher Demand for loans to expand => higher
Price of loans => Interest (i)
High rate of expansion => Higher i (interest) rates as Bus want
more loans
• i – The price of $ - how much it costs to borrow
–Plans of a better future => more loans => increasing i
• Stock Market increases as bus profits grow
• People see a better future => ↑ willingness to consume
–People want to buy profitable stocks as companies expand
–Costs fall w/ Economies of Scale => ↑ ∏
– Low Unemployment and increased inflation
– High D b/c of high employment
– “Too much money (high wages) chasing too few
goods”(Excess Demand)
• Bus. not able to keep up w/ Demand => Inflation
– Inflation – General Rise in P
– Measured against a “Base year” – This year vs some past
years prices on a “Market-basket” of goods
– Market Basket – sample of products usually bought by
• When economy slows called a Recession
• Recession – 2 or more consecutive low growth
• During Recession – bus. “Lay off workers” => ↓
Investment (I) due to ↓ AD
• As wages ↓ => “Snowball Effect “ Multiplier” of
slowing Consumption (C)
• 2 main Types of Inflation
• Demand Pull Inflation – increased Demand due to growing
economy => rising prices
– Increased D => increased P
• Cost Push – Increased Prices due to increased costs of
– Usually CoP rise due to increasing costs of FoP – (Land, Labor, or taxes
=> costs are “Passed on” to consumers)
– ↑CoP => ↑P
– ↑ oil P => ↑CoP => ↓π and ↓Agg. D => ↓ economy
• Special Types –
– Administrative – usually assoc w/ oligopoly or Monopoly – Bus raises
price to increase profits
• Sectional inflation a special type of Cost Push
– Costs rise in only one sector of the economy => affects other parts
– Gas prices rise => increased transportation costs that increases costs in
other areas not connected to gas like pizza – costs more to get supplies
and deliver
• Seasonal Inflation – P ↑ due to ↑ seasonal Demand – sandels
in summer, Uggs in winter
• Stagflation – special case of cost push – increased costs =>
rising unemployment, but Prices↑
– Economy is slowing, but Prices are rising
– Real problem for gov’t
• Increased Gov’t spending => more jobs but ↑P
• Lowering inflation w ↑ Gov’t spending => ↑ unemployment
• General rule on inflation
– If economy is growing there will be inflation
• Some level of inflation is acceptable
• Usually 3-4% - shows 3-4% economic growth
• ↑P can be met by current wages
– If economy is declining there will not be inflation unless stagflation is
• But there will be unemployment
• Some level of unemployment is acceptable and unavoidable
• Usually 3 – 5% - usually Structural & Frictional
– To reduce inflation slow economy down
– To reduce unemployment speed economy up
Both require some Gov’t involvement
• Worst Case – Hyperinflation – Rates over 1,000%
• Increases in wages can’t keep up w/ increased Prices
• Money becomes worthless => People blame gov’t
• Gov’t instability is typical in this situation
• Deflation happens in the opposite direction
• Prices fall => Bus less profitable => ↓ willingness to
• Supply shifts in => Contraction
• Bus Cycle show GDP growth (C+I)
• Expansion => Inflation
– both Demand Pull and Cost Push – Why?
• Peak – Economy is “Overheating” => inflation
• Cost Rises => ↓ ability to buy => excess inventory => layoffs
and ↓ Prices (Sale) to “Clear” inventory => Economy ↓
• Trough – Economy “Bottoms Out” – Excess Inventory cleared
=> increased production => hiring => ↑ ability to consume => ↑
economy – Cycle starts over (recovery)
• Unemployment
• ∆ Employment caused by ∆ in Supply
– If D > S => shortage => ↑ QD => ↑ D for labor =>
– If D < S => Excess Inventories => ↓ QD => ↓ need for Labor
=> ↓ Employment
• Unemployment - defined as those actively looking for work
– Most economist agree - 4– 5% = full employment
– Reasons
• Job Skills don’t meet labor needs
• Loss of market due to competition
Types of Employment/Unemployment
• Structural –due to ∆ in the market
– ∆ in needs - education, tech, or skills
– ∆ s in Taste => ∆ in D (↑ willingness)
• Your company makes food– The Surgeon General announces that
your food may cause cancer => ↓ D => ↓ Employment
Seasonal - Special kind due to seasonal needs
– Summer or Holiday jobs
• Frictional – People voluntarily unemployed
– Changing jobs
– Re-entering the workforce after school or child-rearing
– Move to another city for personal reasons
– Choose a new career
• Cyclical – due to the cyclical nature of the economy
– Being laid off during a recession with hopes of being called
– Recession => High Unemployment
• Underemployment – Those who are working at jobs requiring
less than their skill set
– College Phd working at Macy’s
• If you aren’t actively looking for a job the gov’t has no way of
tracking your efforts
• Special types of employment - not measured in national totals –
– Black Market or “non taxable” (Working “under the table”)
Federal Reserve System
• Board of Governors –
heads of the FED
• 12 Regional Reserve
• Most Important
Committee - Federal
Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
Board of Governors
• Seven members
– Appointed by president
– Confirmed by Senate
– Serve staggered 14-year
• Work includes:
– Analyze problems
– Supervise and regulate the
member Banks
– Responsible for the nation’s
payments system
Where is my Fed?
Federal Reserve Banks
• Operate a national payments
• Distribute the currency and coin
– Money is Printed by Treasury Dept,
not the FED
• Supervise and regulate member
banks and bank holding
• Central Bank - Serve as banker
for the U.S. Treasury
• Control Credit Card regulations
• Gather and analyze
regional, national and
international economic
• Design and test
econometric (Computer
Regression) models used
to produce data used in
making monetary policy
Monetary Policy
• Choices made by the
Fed to increase or
limit the money
supply (MS)
• affect money supply
and credit.
• Actions => short and
long-term effects
Federal Open Market
Committee FOMC
• Most Important power
• Done by Seven governors +
• Five FED presidents (New
York and four others on a
rotating basis)
• Nonvoting presidents give
• Final interest rate decision is
made by the 12-member
Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
Goals of Monetary Policy
Stable Prices
Sustainable Economic
Federal Open Market Operations
Fed’s Power to buy and sell US Bonds on the “Open Market”
If the Fed sells Bonds – Promises to repay at a future time
People buy bonds (Fed Sells bonds) Gov’t receives money
Since Consumers choose Bonds, they can’t spend that $ on
anything else => Takes away Disposable Income => Slows the
If the Fed Buys Bonds – Consumers receive money from their
bond – Consumers receive money => More disposable income
Stimulates the economy
Preferable to sell to your own people => Domestic Debt
If Selling to foreign nations => Foreign Debt
Today Quantative Easing – Fed is Selling Large amounts of
Bonds (Mostly to foreign) receives money => Using that money
to increase funds in banks => Keeps Interest rates low
Very controversial b/c => ↑ Future Debt
History of Econ Thought
• called- “Supply Side” Economics
• 1776 – 1930’s Adam Smith – “Wealth of Nations”
– “Laissez-Faire”, “Says Law”, Ricardo
– Called “Classical Economics”
• “Balanced Budget” - Taxes = spending
• Little Deficit Spending
• Allow Business to make ↑ profits
• known as “Trickle Down” economics – Wealth “Trickles down”
from business success
• Recessions caused by Businesses expenses ↑ (Cost Push
Inflation) during expansion => ↑P => Surplus Q
• Surplus => Slowly ↓ P until all surplus is gone => new
production, hiring and expansion cycle
• Trickle Down was NOT working – Business failures =>
– 25% unemployment => loss of trust in gov’t
Beginning of Keynesian Economics
– Demand Side Economics
•John Maynard Keynes – book “General Theory on
Money and Interest”
•Supported Gov’t involvement = G to replace C and I
– use of Fiscal Policy
– Called “Priming the Pump”
• Keynes –
• recessions can be due to ∆ Bus. cycle –
– Small recessions fix themselves
– Economy essentially re-primes itself
• When inventories get too low (Stuff on the shelf) companies make more =>
re-hiring (↑ I) =>↑ C => ↑ GDP
• Some Recessions are caused by ↓ (AD)
• If AD ↓ => No one wants to buy =>↓C => ↓I => ↓GDP
• Psychological effect
– People fearful – Not spending – “pump doesn’t re-prime”
– Key reason – Wages and Prices are “sticky downward”
– Need ↑ G to replace ↓C &↓I => ↑ GDP