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Battle of Yorktown
Who: George Washington, Marquis De
Lafayette, Rochambeau, De Grasse, Charles
Cornwallis. American/French vs. British
When: Late September-Mid October 1781
Where: Yorktown, Virginia
Winner: U S A! U S A!.......and france I guess…
Significance: Last major battle of the
American Revolution. After this defeat the
British start talking surrender terms
Borders: 13 Colonies become 13 States.
France to the North and West. Spain to the
Cost– Human Life: 25,000 Americans.
39,700 British. 7,500 Hessians
Financial Cost: British 80 million Pounds.
French 56 million Pounds. Americans 151
million continental dollars.
Slaves: Some were freed, some not.
New Government: Rebirth of Democracy