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Douglas MacArthur: Commander of the US
Army forces in Asia
Hideki Tojo: Japanese prime minister
WAC: A corps of women who provided
supported services to the US Army
EQ: How did the US react to the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
The students will be able to recall and
evaluate the concepts of Lend-Lease
Act and Pearl Harbor.
Ch 23 Sec 1: Dictators and War (Global
II Review)
• In the 1920s, some nations moved toward
totalitarianism, a type of leadership in which a
single party or leader completely controls the
lives of its people.
• The 1917 communist revolution in the Soviet
Union produced the first totalitarian country.
The leader Vladimir Lenin was replaced by
Joseph Stalin in 1924.
Joseph Stalin
• After WWI, Italy had great money troubles. In
1922, the king asked Benito Mussolini, who
founded a political party called the Fascists, to
lead Italy and form a government. Mussolini
controlled the press tightly, created secret
police and outlawed political parties.
Benito Mussolini
• Following WWI, Germany became a
democracy. However, great money problems
occurred in the 1930s. The Nazi Party led by
Adolf Hitler rose to power. Hitler criticized
many people, political programs, and
ideologies, but hit sharpest assaults were
against communists and Jews. Hitler was antiSemitic, or prejudiced against Jewish people.
In 1933, he was appointed chancellor, and
became president within two years.
Adolf Hitler
• In Japan, the Great Depression ended a period
of increased democracy. Military leaders
thought that expanding throughout Asia
would solve Japan’s money problems. Japan
attacked Manchuria in 1931. In 1937, Japan
raided the capital city of China, Nanjing, with
terrible brutality.
• In the 1930s, Italy and Germany acted
aggressively like Japan did in Asia. Hitler took
over the Saar region from French control and
sent troops into the Rhineland, while
Mussolini led an invasion into Ethiopia.
• France, Britain, and the United States
responded to the aggression of Italy, Germany,
and Japan with the policy of appeasement.
Appeasement means compromising with a
potential enemy to maintain peace. However,
this approach failed. Italy, Germany, and Japan
grew more aggressive.
Ch 23 Sec 2: From Isolation to
• Winston Churchill, the prime minister of
Britain, often mention the US in his speeches,
hoping to convince America to join the Allies.
Despite America’s isolationism, Congress
passed the Neutrality Act of 1939. This law
was designed to help the Allies buy goods and
war supplies from the US.
Winston Churchill
• President Roosevelt often talked about
helping Britain. In early 1941, Congress
approved the Lend-Lease Act. This act gave
the President the power to sell, give, or lease
weapons to protect the US. All the aid went
to the Allies.
• Later in 1941, Roosevelt met with Churchill to
discuss the war and their hopes for a peaceful
world. They also signed the Atlantic Charter, a
document that supported national selfdetermination and a worldwide plan for peace
after the war.
• Hitler knew the US was helping the Allies.
Therefore, in the fall of 1941 he ordered
German U-boats to attack American ships. US
involvement in the war seemed unavoidable.
Ch 23 Sec 3: America Enters the War
• As Japan expanded its empire throughout
Asia, its relationship with the US worsened.
Japan needed resources such as oil, steel, and
rubber to maintain its military. The US began
to withhold these goods as a way to limit
Japan’s expansion. The US also instituted a
trade embargo against Japan.
• Hideki Tojo, the Japanese prime minister, tried to
reach a trade agreement with the US. When he
failed, Tojo decided to attack the US. Hundreds of
airplanes were launched from Japanese aircraft
carriers. Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii, the site of the US Navy’s main base in
the Pacific on December 7, 1941. Japan wanted
to destroy ships and planes that threatened
their expansion efforts. The surprise attack killed
nearly 2,500 Americans and sunk many ships.
Many aircraft carriers survived the attack
Hideki Tojo
Attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
• After the attack, Congress declared war on Japan.
Because of their alliance with Japan, Germany
and Italy declared war on the United States.
• America prepared for war immediately. Men join
the military by the millions. Thousands of women
joined the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) as clerical
workers, truck drivers, instructors, and lab
technicians. Peacetime industries transformed
into war industries. The nation’s economic
situation improved. The government created
agencies to help produce military equipment.
These agencies allocated scarce materials to the
proper industries.
Women’s Army Corps
My Papa Pete, Uncle Owen, and Uncle Frankie
• In Asia, US Army General Douglas MacArthur
struggled unsuccessfully to help the
Philippines against Japanese forces.
Thousands of US troops surrendered.
Japanese troops forced these sick and
malnourished men to march many miles.
More than 7,000 of them died on the march
known as the Bataan Death March.
• In May 1942, the US Navy finally stopped
Japan’s progress. At the Battle of Coral Sea,
the navy prevented Japan from taking a key
spot in New Guinea. This kept the Japanese
from expanding further.
Which event brought the United States directly
into World War II?
a. the sinking of the Lusitania by Germany
b. the invasion of Poland by Germany
c. the murder of many Jews throughout Europe
d. the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan
Which event brought the United States directly
into World War II?
a. the sinking of the Lusitania by Germany
b. the invasion of Poland by Germany
c. the murder of many Jews throughout Europe
d. the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan
The main purpose of the Lend-Lease program
enacted by the United States during World
War II was to
a. sell weapons to both Allied and Axis nations
b. rehabilitate countries devastated by war and
c. encourage the extension of democratic
reforms in Germany
d. assist countries fighting the Axis Powers
The main purpose of the Lend-Lease program
enacted by the United States during World
War II was to
a. sell weapons to both Allied and Axis nations
b. rehabilitate countries devastated by war and
c. encourage the extension of democratic
reforms in Germany
d. assist countries fighting the Axis Powers