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Not everything is
what it appears to be!
Allegory defined
• The basic meaning of allegory is "to say
another thing“ or “to speak otherwise”
• from Latin allegoria
• from Greek allegorein "say otherwise"
• allos "other" + agoreuein "speak in public”
Allegory defined
An allegory is…
• a story that acts as an extended metaphor
in which persons, abstract ideas, or events
represent not only themselves on the literal
level, but they also stand for something
else on the symbolic level.
Faith (Character )
Faith (Belief)
Allegory defined
An allegory is:
• a symbolic fictional narrative that conveys
a secondary meaning (or meanings) not
explicitly stated.
• a narrative which has both a literal
meaning and a representative one.
Starving for attention?
Dying for one’s art?
Foolish devotion?
Allegory defined
• Poems, novels, or plays can all
be allegorical, in whole or in part.
These allegories can be as short
as a single sentence or as long as
a ten volume book.
Allegory defined
• Allegory is the direct opposite
of the literal
• Fables and parables are types
of allegory
Types of Allegory
Types of Allegory
There are two main types of allegory:
• Historical /Political
• Allegory of Ideas
Allegory Type #1:
Historical /Political Allegory
• In historical /political
allegory, historical
persons and events are
referred to via metaphor
and symbolism
• Political ideas or systems
may also be represented
Historical /Political Allegory
• George Orwell's Animal Farm
is a modern example
Historical/Political Allegory,
describing the development of
Russian communism in
terms of a revolt by farm
Historical /Political Allegory
• Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland is an
example of political allegory depicting
nineteenth-century British imperialism.
Historical /Political Allegory
• The Wizard of Oz has
been interpreted as a
historical/political allegory
about the Populist
period in late 19th
century American history.
Historical /Political Allegory
• “Young Goodman Brown” is an allegory
about the Salem Witch Trials and the
Puritan mentality in general.
• Young Goodman Brown = a newly initiated
Puritan adult member of the community who
strictly follows Puritan doctrine stands in
judgment of his fellow townspeople.
Allegory Type #2:
Allegory of Ideas
• In the Allegory of Ideas,
characters personify
abstract concepts and
the story attempts to
teach the audience a
Allegory of Ideas
• The allegory of ideas is particularly
common in medieval literature, as in
Dante's Divine Comedy.
Allegory of Ideas
• The medieval drama Everyman is another
allegory of ideas, as the character
“Everyman” must prepare to face death
and be judged for his deeds.
• (Lesson: do good deeds in life because Death
may be arriving soon.)
Allegory of Ideas
• Many Bible stories are allegorical. For
• The apple that Adam receives from Eve is
symbolic of the “knowledge of Good and
Evil” and is thus allegorical. The serpent is
often read as signifying temptation or true
Allegory of Ideas
• Fables and parables are also
examples of this type of allegory.
Allegory of Ideas
• Lord of the Rings & The Chronicles
of Narnia have both been described
as allegorical (whether the allegory was
intended by the authors is an ongoing debate)
Allegory is Everywhere!
Many movies contain allegory
• The next time you watch a movie in which
the characters or settings seem symbolic,
impress your friends by pointing out the
 This would probably
not impress your friends,
but Allegory is always a
crowd pleaser!
• A humorous poster for writers about
Allegory…it’s everywhere
End of presentation.