Download sagittarius - Divine Hunger with Jenna Abernathy

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Nov 21(ish) - Dec 21(ish)
Astrology For Stress Eating
Welcome to your SAGITTARIUS Astrology for Stress Eating Report! Astrology is a powerful
marriage between science and the subtle art of understanding your natural tendencies. When
explored effectively, it transforms negative habits while illuminating the path to your fullest
potential. Though your report is based on your sun sign, your astrological (and human) makeup
is far more complex and nuanced than any description your sun sign alone could ever provide.
That said, my nutrition consulting practice developed my understanding that your sun sign sheds
light on stress eating behaviors, empowering you with tools and awareness to diminish your
stress eating.
What you will learn in this report are ways that tension can build in SAGITTARIUS, triggering
you to stress eat as well as tools to understand and transform the symptom itself. For a deeper
exploration of your real divine hunger apply for your Free Divine Hunger Discovery Session
Your sun sign represents your personality and how you express yourself creatively in the world.
It’s the vital force that lights you up. When you aren’t engaging yourself in a way that is in line
with your life force energy, tension builds. This tension often manifests as stress eating, making
you think you have a “food issue.” In reality, overeating is an arrow pointing your attention
towards something happening in your inner world. Two significant things occur when you stress
eat: 1) you tend to eat lower quality food, and 2) stress hormones tell your body to turn calorie
burning metabolism down, and store the extra food as weight. This often drives the heroic yet
stressful efforts of food deprivation and over-exercise that further propels the cycle of stress.
Beyond increasing your weight, these stress hormones invite a host of diseases to develop in
your body and worsen pre-existing symptoms. At this point, many people spiral into behaviors
like trying to control eating with willpower, then beating themselves up when they can’t
maintain their self-imposed restrictions. This causes more tension, and you guessed it, more
stress eating. Instead, a deeper understanding of “WHY” you are stress eating creates new
choices and, with that, a sense of empowerment. In this way, the behavior has the potential to
bring a new level of awareness, natural weight loss, and deeper satisfaction.
While I do coach clients on “WHAT” to eat, compared to “WHO” you are as an eater, the food
part is easy.
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Sagittarius is a Mutable, Fire Sign. Mutable signs are the flexible signs at the end of each
season. Fire signs rule passion. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and marks the last
month of Fall.
Body part: Hips, Thighs, Femurs, Liver
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Key Words: “I perceive”
Symbol: The Centaur
Sagittarius Shining (in alignment): on a quest for wisdom, intuitive, expressive, easy going,
optimistic, idealistic, future-oriented, expansive, fun, philosophical, intellectual, generous,
sincere, straightforward, fortunate, spontaneous, ambitious, understanding, interested in world
religions and languages, generous, exuberant, high-minded, importance on integrity, visionary,
inspiring, enthusiastic, dependable, flexible, honest, enjoys risk and travel, attuned to flow of
life, abundant, helpful, friendly, searches for purpose, one-pointed vision like a guiding star in
the sky, resolves duality, serves humanity with insight, teacher, healer, lover of humanity,
prophetic, rules the superconscious, capable of greatness when disciplined, innate understanding
of people, good listener, counselor, advisor, loves higher education, needs freedom, nature is
essential, humorous, forgives easily, athletic, aspires to inspire, sees the good in all, gypsy of the
zodiac, needs space to roam, a loner, lavishes with advice, follows ideas as far as they go, gifted
storyteller, writer, publisher, entertainer
Sagittarius in Stress/Survival: scatters energy and money, avoids looking inside, repeats
lessons over and over, procrastinates, exaggerates, honest but tactless, blind faith and optimism,
dogmatic, purposeless, irresponsible, superficial, boastful, evangelical, insensitive to impact on
other’s emotions, projects blame, dictatorial, intolerant, projects values on others, moralizing,
indiscriminate urge for adventure, mind justifies wonderings, tremendously impractical,
irresponsible, dismisses need for self-discipline, perpetual partier or student with no practical
implementation, easily claustrophobic in relationships leaving a trail of broken hearts, controls
others instead of introspection, disorganized, restless, opinionated, pompous, verbally forceful,
blunt, gullible, fanatical, preachy, impulsive, high standards leads to judging others, wounds with
careless words, superficial emotional attachments, lacks staying power, rebels against reality,
dismisses help if different fit than current dogma
Sagittarius Health: Sagittarius you tend to have strong health from your positive, fiery nature.
However, this can be be weakened by habits of excess.
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Sagittarius Evolving: The symbol for you is the Centaur- half human, half horse. With your
bow and arrow you attempt to liberate yourself from the lower animal nature. This often means
the early part of your life has more superficial wandering in it, for the sake of experience, while
the later part is more serious, internal and directed to spiritual goals. It is vital for your happiness
to find ways to discipline your enthusiastic fire so that it doesn’t get scattered to the wind or
trapped in moralistic thinking. Instead, move towards a more inspired life for yourself and those
around you. When you aim your arrow high, committed to explore deeper truths, you will
uncover your unique path that uses the best of your higher mind. Aligning yourself with the
transformational power of faith, in addition to discipline towards a specific goal, greatly
decreases your stress. This enables you to live out your calling as a guiding light of fun,
wisdom, and purpose.
Sagittarius Stress Eating Triggers: (Remember inner tension fuels stress eating)
dispersing money and energy unwisely
dividing life and people into good and bad, moral and amoral
feeling bogged down by the details (you are way more “big picture oriented”)
being dogmatic, righteous, or blunt can cause you stress when others are upset
being let down by impractical, overly optimistic plans that don’t pan out
feeling too lost, disillusioned, or ungrounded to live out your big purpose
too many irons in the fire
feeling restricted by circumstances
lack organization and discipline
excess outward energy, overdoing parties, gambling, or other risk-taking behaviors
having to repeat lessons over and over
blaming others
when bored, restless, or impatient
lacking appreciation of the present moment (due to future orientation)
inadequate physical activity
being burned out
over-consuming by habit
not having enough space to feel what is going on in your body
Regardless of your sign, when you eat too much food, at any one time, your body goes into a
stress response. This tells hormones like cortisol and insulin to store fat, especially around the
belly, as well as not to build muscle. The stress response also stimulates cravings for sugar, salt,
and fat, which have a negative cascading effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health.
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Soulful Solutions: A Divine Hunger approach to any stress eating behavior is to see the
symptom (stress eating) as the messenger instead of the enemy. You can train yourself to
become aware in these moments and notice what is right below the surface. When you beat
yourself up for stress eating, your inner tension and cravings only increase. If you learn to see
these behaviors as a wake up call to connect you to your body, you can break the cycle.
Sagittarius Stress Eating Solutions
1) Print out several copies of the Sagittarius Stress Eating Solutions Worksheet at the end of
this document. Fill one out the next time you feel the urge to stress eat.
2) Slow down. Pause. Breathe. Feel into your heart and your belly. Notice what is happening.
Body awareness takes you out of the stress response and into a relaxation response, where you
make better choices. Relaxation also turns on your calorie-burning metabolism.
If you have been moving fast prior to eating, transition out of the stress response by taking 5 -10
long, deep breaths. Calming breath turns on your relaxation response, giving you the oxygen
you need. Oxygen is what the metabolism thrives on, so open a window and SLOW. . . IT. . .
DOWN. The extra time also gives your body a chance to register food you have eaten, thereby
quelling overeating that comes purely out of speed.
3) Embody your beliefs: You are probably great at telling other people what you believe.
However, walking your talk can be challenging, so examine if what you believe is stress reliever
does, in fact, help you to lower stress. Make a strong commitment to notice if what you believe
actually works in real time.
Sagittarius Lifestyle Choices To Consider:
4) Aim your arrow high: Strive so that your actions not only benefit you, but inspire those
around you. This will reduce your stress and increase vitality many fold.
5) Winding down: Wide open spaces, nature, trees, the woods, learning new languages, reading
spiritual books, and traveling can help to unwind you.
6) Rhythm: Although your daily rhythm may vary, it is helpful for you to infuse your days with
a higher purpose for even the most mundane of actions.
7) Movement: Get in your body and out of your head. Any expressive movement or exercise
that you helps you feel into your muscles will help you relieve stress.
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8) Atmosphere: Cultural, Inspiring, Worldly, Artistic, Social, Positive people, Trees
9) Connection: Having friends who inspire you to expand your philosophy can help you feel
like your most radiant self. Also groups like in education, leading workshops or yoga can also
help you connect into your inspirational fire.
10) More Support: Meditation can connect you with truth and wisdom from the inside out. It is
also an effective way to focus and discipline your mind so you are able to aim at your desired
goal. This gives you more stamina for the universal message that wants to be expressed through
Deeper Dive
As you can see, your sun sign plays an important role in your journey with weight and stress
eating. However, there are many other practical and astrological factors to consider to fully
understand your relationship with food, body, and weight. For example, your moon sign (which
rules emotions and emotional eating), as well as your ascendant (which rules your physical
body), both add details that your sun sign alone cannot give. Timing also plays an important role
as transiting planets can bring in waves of inspired change. These additional factors offer a more
complete picture that can illuminate deeper lessons of your food and body experience.
If this report helped you in any way, I am thrilled! If you'd like to explore this further, apply for
your personalized Free Divine Hunger Discovery Session now.
I look forward to supporting your body love evolution!
Jenna Abernathy
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This worksheet is best used when you want to slow yourself down from stress eating. It can also
be helpful to understand what was really happening after you have overeaten. The more you use
it, the more you create healthier, more loving patterns.
Print multiple copies and leave a stack near your fridge, in your car, at your office, or wherever
you tend to stress eat.
WHAT WAS THE TRIGGER? (What just happened in your thoughts or interactions):
Hungry Thirsty Excited Anxious Lonely Tired Overwhelmed Stressed Sad Guilt
Shame Frustrated Angry Depressed Bored Sexual Vulnerable Agitated Jealous
Grounded Calm Inspired Pleasure Connected Rested Peaceful Relaxed Awake
Appreciated Courageous Love Touch Comforted Powerful Inspired Energized Joy
MY CRAVING FOR ___________________________________________
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