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Integrated PPM Governance
Leveraging Org Change Management for PPM
Process Implementations
Presented by: Allan Mills
• What is PPM Process?
• What are some of the challenges in implementing effective
PPM processes?
• How can Organizational change Management facilitate
effective PPM implementation that provides value?
Integrated PPM Governance
PPM and PPM Defined
Project Management
Project Portfolio Management
• Project Management
• Project Portfolio Management
• Application of knowledge, skills, tools
& techniques to project activities to
meet project requirements
• Application of knowledge, skills, tools
& techniques to a collection (or
portfolio) of projects in order to meet
needs of an organization’s investment
• Stakeholders: business owners,
sponsors, end users
• Stakeholder needs: business
requirements, controlling costs &
• Stakeholders: financial management,
senior executives, stockholders
• Stakeholder needs: optimal
investment of resources, ROI,
strategic alignment
Integrated PPM Governance
The Art & Science of Project Management
10-20% Science
80-90% Art
A Good PPM Process
makes the science more
efficient so the PM’s can
spend more time on the
Plans, WBS, Gantt Charts, Standards,
Controls, Variance Analyses, Metrics, Risk
Management, Status Reports, Meeting
Effective Communications, Trust,
Integrity, Honesty, Sociability,
Leadership, Values, Staff
Development, Flexibility, Decision
Making, Perspective, Negotiations,
Customer Relations, Problem Solving,
Managing Change, Managing
Integrated PPM Governance
Challenges of a PPM Process Implementation
Utilizing a standardized PPM Process is powerful but:
How do we enable the PPM Process to add value?
How do we standardize the PPM Process?
How much should we implement at first?
What changes bring the most value?
How do we overcome resistance to change?
How do people buy-in to the process?
Integrated PPM Governance
Process for Leading Successful Change
John Kotter: Leading Change
Implement and
sustain change
8. Make it stick
7. Don’t let up
Engage and
enable the whole
6. Create short-term wins
5. Enable action
4. Communicate for buy-in
3. Get the vision right
2. Build guiding teams
1. Increase urgency
Create a Climate
for change
Integrated PPM Governance
Systematic Approach to Change Management
• A way to logically plan for change
• Use a Standard Project and Portfolio Management
• Build a case for change and increase urgency
• Build the guiding teams
• Create the PPM Methodology/vision
• Celebrate short-term wins
Integrated PPM Governance
Increasing Urgency
Ways to increase the sense of urgency for PPM Process changes:
– Obtain belief from everyone that PPM Process change is critical
to success
– Gain rational buy-in
• An awareness campaign – what is PPM Process?
• Based on solid data – show benefits to results
• Solidify scope and benefits of PPM Process implementation
– Gain emotional buy-in
• Feel the pain of the current process and a need to change – why is
there a need for an integrated PPM Process?
• Demonstrate how the new process will improve results
• Generate positive energy for PPM Process Change
Integrated PPM Governance
Building Guiding Teams
• Change needs a number of powerful guiding teams - from all
stakeholder groups impacted by the PPM Process change
• Teams actively champion the effort – to build the positive
energy for the changes that will result from the PPM Process
• Teams take action to overcome barriers – the implementation
team actively works towards solutions and results
Integrated PPM Governance
Get the Vision Right
Why do we need a vision?
Allows everyone to see the need for the PPM Process
Steers implementation in the right direction
Envisioned future that helps achieve success
Provides motivation and clarification
Shared urgency for change pushes people into action
Vision steers them in the right direction
Once the Vision is defined:
– Communicate about change without endless meetings
– Interdependent groups can work in some degree of autonomy
Integrated PPM Governance
Communicate for Buy-in
The Goal:
– To get as many people as possible acting to make the vision a
The PPM Process Communication Plan:
Communication through the core team
Identifying sources of resistance
Keep focused on the vision
Show how PPM Process will bring tangible benefits
Focus on communicating the envisioned future
Integrated PPM Governance
Enabling Action
The Goals:
– Enable broad base of people to act – provide training and the
process to make it successful
– Remove the barriers to PPM Process implementation
– Individuals receive the PPM Process training needed to be
– Managers commit time and resources necessary to build the
system and provide training
– Organizational processes and systems aligned to new PPM
Integrated PPM Governance
Create Short-Term Wins
• Celebrate major Project milestones
• Project and Portfolio Management Methodology updated
based on PM feedback
• Complete Training for PPM Process
• Project plans are all developed using the methodology
• Confidence that PPM Process success based on concrete
Integrated PPM Governance
Don’t Let Up
PPM Process Plans – Don’t Let Up
– Implement Portfolio Management
– Continuously improve processes
– Company User Group - Share PPM best practices
Reinvigorated project provides accomplishment and optimism
Addition and development of new people
Sustained leadership from senior people
• Reinforce the need for change
• Perceived as actively involved in the change
Integrated PPM Governance
Process for Leading Successful Change
John Kotter: Leading Change
Implement and
sustain change
8. Make it stick
7. Don’t let up
Engage and
enable the whole
6. Create short-term wins
5. Enable action
4. Communicate for buy-in
3. Get the vision right
2. Build guiding teams
1. Increase urgency
Create a Climate
for change
Integrated PPM Governance
Taking a Deeper Dive
Let’s take a deeper dive on Building Guiding Teams
– What kinds of Guiding teams do you have?
– What do you think makes an effective guiding team?
– How do you develop a climate of trust and commitment within
the teams in your organization?
Integrated PPM Governance
Kinds of Guiding Teams
The Sponsor
The Senior Guiding Team
Field Guiding teams
Change Teams
Integrated PPM Governance
Key Skills and Attributes of Guiding Teams
A Shared Sense of Purpose
Clear Roles
Effective team Processes
Strong Relationships
Effective interface management
Integrated PPM Governance
Setting Clear Goals for the Guiding Teams
Power and Influence
Integrated PPM Governance
Increase the urgent need for PPM Process
Create and nurture the guiding teams
Create a sustainable vision of the future
Celebrate the short-term wins
Keep the energy and excitement going
PPM Process is indispensable to your success
Integrated PPM Governance
regoProcess Can Assist
regoProcess provides several PPM Process Reengineering and
PMO Start-up Offerings
Visit our website for more information:
Integrated PPM Governance
We hope that you found this session
informative and worthwhile. Our
primary goal was to increase your
understanding of the topic and CA
PPM in general.
There were many concepts covered
during the session, if you would like to
contact any presenter with questions,
please reach out to us.
[email protected]
Thank you for attending
regoUniversity 2015!
Integrated PPM Governance