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Prices do not remain constant over a period of time.
They tend to change due to various economic
conditions, inflation and deflation.
Changes in the price levels cause two type of
economic conditions, inflation and deflation.
These changes in the price levels lead to inaccurate
presentation of financial statements which
otherwise are prepared to present the true and fair
view of the company's financial health.
The term 'financial statement' refers to two
statements, i.e. the balance sheet or statement
of financial position.
 That reflects assets, liabilities and capital on a
particular date and profit and loss account or
income statement.
 That shows the operating results achieved
during a particular period.
Financial transactions are usually based on actual or
historical cost concept. They reveal the impact of
various transactions involved in the accounting
period on the operating and financial health of the
But various transactions include:1.Current assets acquired and current liabilities
incurred at different points of time in the accounting
2. Various expenses incurred and incomes earned at
different points of time in the accounting period.
3.Various assets acquired at different points of time.
To sum up, the reasons for the emergence
of price level accounting are as follows: Inaccurate presentation of financial
statements during the changes in price levels.
 Difficulties in replacement of fixed assets
during inflation.
 Inadequacy of working capital arising out of
increasing price levels.
 Losses arising as a result of holding monetary
current assets such as cash and receivables
and gains accruing from holding current
liabilities as sundry creditors.
1.CURRENT PURCHASING POWER TECHNIQUE:Current Purchasing Power Technique of accounting requires
the companies to keep their records and present the financial
statements on conventional historical cost basis but if further
requires presentation of supplementary statements in items
of current purchasing power of currency at the end of the
accounting period. The main objective of this method is to
take into consideration the charges in the value of money as a
result of changes in the general price levels.
The major weaknesses of this technique
are:1.As it takes into account the general price
index, it does not account for changes in the
individual assets of the company.
2.The technique seems to be more of
theoretical nature than of any practical utility.
3.In a country like India, even the price indices
may not be correct and it may further cause
inaccurate presentation of the financial
METHOD:(a) Conversion Technique:Current Purchasing Power Method (CPP) requires
conversion of historical figures at current purchasing
power. In this method, various items of balance sheet
and profit loss account are adjusted with the help of
recognized general price index.
(b)Monetary and Non-Monetary accounts (Gain
or Loss on Monetary items):For the conversion of historical costs in terms of current
purchasing power of currency, it is useful to make a
distinction between :
i.e., money value items;
i.e., real value items. Monetary accounts are those assets
and liabilities which are not subject to reassessment of
their recorded values owing to change of purchasing
power of money. The amounts of such items are fixed, by
contract or other wise in term of rupees, regardless of
change in the general price level.
(c) Mid-Period Conversion:There are several transactions which take place
throughout the year such as purchases, sales,
expenses, etc. For conversion of such items, average
index of the year can be taken as the one index for all
such items.
(d) Adjustment of Cost of Sales and Inventory:As inventory is purchased in period and sold in
(n+x)period, there is a time gap between purchases
and sales. During this time, there might be changes
in the price levels.
(e) Ascertainment of Profit:Profit under Current purchasing power (CPP)
accounting can be ascertained in two ways:(i) Net Change Method:- This method is based on the
normal accounting concept that profit is the change in
equity during an accounting period. Under this method,
the opening as well as closing balance sheets are
converted into CPP terms by using appropriate index
(ii) Conversion of Income Method:- Under this method,
the historical income statement is converted in CPP
terms. Purchases, sales and other expenses which are
incurred throughout the year,are converted at average
 Replacement Cost Accounting (RCA)Technique is an
improvement over Current Purchasing Power
 One of the major weakness of Current Purchasing Power
technique is that it does not take into account the
individual price index related to the particular assets of
a company.
 Another problem posed by the price level changes is
that how much depreciation should be charged on
fixed assets. The purpose of charging depreciation is
two fold(i)To show the true and fair view of the financial
statements and the profitability of the concern.
(ii)To provide sufficient funds to replace the assets after
the expiry of the life of the asset.
The main difficulties are as follows: It is not possible to find accurately the
replacement cost till the replacement is
actually made.
 The replaced new assets are not of the same
type and quality as old assets because of new
 Income Tax Act, 1961 does not provide for any
other method than the actual cost method.
 In the Current Value Accounting Technique of price level
accounting all assets and liabilities are shown in the
balance sheet at their current values.
 The value of the net assets at the beginning and at the end
of the accounting period is ascertained and the difference
in the value in the beginning and the end is termed as
profit or loss, as the case may be.
 In this method also, like replacement cost accounting
technique, it is very difficult to determine relevant
current values and there is an element of subjectivity in
this technique.
 The committee presented its report in the year 1975 and
recommended the adoption of Current Cost Accounting
Technique in place of Current Purchasing Power of
Replacement Cost Accounting Technique for price level
 The crux of the current cost accounting technique is the
preparation of financial statements (Balance Sheet and
Profit and Loss Account) on the current values of
individual items and not on the historical or original cost.
The essential characteristics of current cost
accounting technique are as follows:
 The fixed assets are shown in the balance sheet at their current
values and not on historical costs.
The depreciation is charged on the current values of the fixed
assets and not on original costs.
Inventories or stocks are valued in the balance sheet at their
current replacement costs on the date of the balance sheet and not
cost or market price whichever is lower.
The cost of goods sold is calculated on the basis of their
replacement cost to the business and not on their original cost.
The surpluses arising out of revaluation are transferred to
Revaluation Reserve Account and are not available for distribution
as dividend to the shareholders.
In addition to the balance sheet and profit and loss account, an
appropriation account and a statement of changes is prepared.
However, there are many difficulties
in the operation of CCA technique:
(a) It is very difficult to determine the ‘value to the
business’ of a real asset.
(b) There is an element of subjectivity in this technique.
(c) It does not hold good during the periods of
Some Important Adjustments
Required under the CCA Technique:
(i) Current Cost of Sales Adjustment (COSA):
 Under the CCA technique, cost of sales are to be
calculated on the basis of cost of replacing the goods
at the time they are sold.
 The important principle is that current costs must be
matched with current revenues. As for sales are
concerned, it is current revenue and out of the costs,
all operating expenses are current costs.
 But in case of inventories, certain adjustments will
have to be made, known as cost of sales adjustment.
Cost of sales adjustment can be
calculated with the help of the
following formula:
(ii) Depreciation Adjustment :
 Under CCA method, assets are shown in the balance
sheet on Current Replacement Costs after allowing for
 This will require an adjustment in Depreciation also.
 Formula:
(iii) Backlog Depreciation:
 Whenever an asset is revalued, the profit on revaluation is
transferred to Revaluation Reserve Account. But, the revaluation
also gives rise to backlog depreciation. This backlog depreciation
should be charged to Revaluation Reserve Account.
(iv) Monetary Working Capital Adjustment (MWCA):
 Working capital is that part of capital which is required to meet
the day to day expenses and for holding current assets for the
normal operations of the business. It is referred to as the excess of
current assets over current liabilities. The changes in the price
levels disturb the working capital position of a concern.
 CCA method requires a financing adjustment reflecting the effects
of changing prices on net monetary items, leading to a loss from
holding net monetary assets or to a gain from holding net
monetary liabilities when prices are rising, and vice-versa, in order
to maintain the monetary working capital of the enterprise. This
adjustment reflects the amount of additional finance needed to
maintain the same working capital due to the changes in price
levels. The method of calculating MWCA is the same as that of
Symbolically :
(v) Current Cost Operating Profit:
 Current cost operating profit is the profit as per historical cost
accounting before charging interest and taxation but after
charging adjustments of cost of sales, depreciation and monetary
working capital.
(vi) Gearing Adjustment:
 During the period of rising prices, shareholders are benefitted to the
extent fixed assets and net working capital are financed while the
amount of borrowings to be repaid remains fixed except interest charges.
 In the same manner, there is a loss to the shareholders in the period of
falling prices.
 To adjust such profit or loss on account of borrowings, ‘gearing
adjustment’ is required to be made. ‘Gearing adjustment’ is also a
financing adjustment like COSA and MWCA.
 This adjustment reduces the total adjustment for cost of sales,
depreciation and monetary working capital in the proportion of finance
by borrowings to the total financing.
 In the past few years of high inflation, companies have
reported very high profits on the one hand but on the
other they have faced real financial difficulties.
 This is so because in reality dividends and taxes have
been paid out of capital due to overstated figures of
profits arrived at by adopting historical cost concept.
 Thus a change from historical cost concept to price level
or inflation accounting has been recommended.
The major advantages of Inflation
Accounting are as follows:
(1) It enables company to present more realistic view of its
profitability because current revenues are matched with current
(2) Depreciation charged on current values of assets in inflation
accounting further enables a firm to show accounting profits
more nearer to economic profits and replacement of these
assets when required.
(3) It enables a company to maintain its real capital by avoiding
payment of dividends and taxes out of its capital due to inflated
profits in historical accounting.
(4) Balance Sheet reveals a more realistic and true and fair view of
the financial position of a concern because the assets are shown
at current values and not on distorted values as in historical
(5) When financial statements are presented, adjusted to the
price level changes, it makes possible to compare the
profitability of two concerns set up at different times.
(6) Investors, employees and the public at large are not misled by
inflated book profits because inflation accounting shows more
realistic profits. Higher paper profits without adjustment for
price level changes cause resentment among workers and they
demand higher wages and also excessive profits attract new
entrepreneurs to enter the business. Inflation accounting helps
in avoiding further competition from prospective
(7) The financial statements prepared by a company adjusted to
the price level changes also improve its social image.
(8) Inflation accounting also affects the investment market as it
helps to establish a realistic price for the shares of a company.
Some people are of the opinion that inflation accounting
may create more problems than solving them because
of the following:
(1) Adjusting accounts to price level changes is a never-ending
process. It involves constant changes and alterations in the
financial statements.
(2) Price level accounting involves many calculations and
makes financial statements so complicated and confusing
that it becomes very difficult for man of ordinary prudence to
understand, analyze and interpret them.
(3) The concept of price level accounting appears to have
more theoretical importance than practical because
adjusting the accounts to the changes in the price levels
may lead to window dressing of accounts due to the
element of subjectivity in it. People may adjust the
accounts according to the values most suited to them,
thereby, making the financial statements more inaccurate.
(4) Depreciation charged on current values of fixed assets is
not acceptable under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and hence
adjusting it to price level changes does not serve any
practical purpose.
(5) During deflation, when the prices are falling,
adjustments of accounts to price level changes will mean
charging lesser depreciation and overstatement of profits.