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Energy is the ability to do work or cause
Work is done when a force moves an object
through a distance. Work is the transfer of
energy. (The object that work is being done on
gains energy)
Both energy and work are measured in joules
Example: The wind moving a leaf causes
change, therefore, the wind has Energy.
Kinetic energy= the energy of motion
Potential energy= stored energy
The amount of kinetic energy an object has
depends on its mass and velocity.
Velocity=how fast an object moves
The more work you do to get an object
moving, the more energy you give that
A bowling ball would have more kinetic
energy than a golf ball when traveling at the
same velocity, because you would have to do
more work to get the ball moving.
Kinetic energy increases when velocity
What is kinetic energy?
This type of energy has the potential to do work.
There are 2 types: Elastic and Gravitational.
Elastic potential energy is associated with
objects that can be stretched or compressed.
An archer gives potential energy to a bow by
pulling it back. This stored energy can send
an arrow whistling to its target.
Gravitational potential energy depends on
This energy is equal to the work done to lift
The greater the weight of the object or the
greater the height its lifted, the greater its
gravitational potential energy.
How could this man increase his gravitational
potential energy?
Energy associated with the motion or position
of an object.
Can occur as potential or kinetic.
Examples: frog leaping through the air or
school bus you ride in.
Is the measure of the energy of the particles
in an object. (atoms and molecules which
make up all matter)
These particles have both kinetic and
potential energy due to their arrangement
and motion.
When thermal energy increases, its particles
move faster making it feel warm to the
touch. (Ice cream melts when thermal
energy increases.)
Some chemical compounds such as chocolate,
wood and wax store chemical energy.
Chemical energy is potential energy stored in
chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds
Chemical energy is stored in the foods you eat,
the match you use to light a candle and in the
cells of your body.
When you receive a shock from a metal
doorknob you experience electrical energy.
Moving electric charges produce electricity
and they carry electrical energy.
We rely on batteries and power lines to run
electrical devices such as radios, lights and
Radiant energy is the energy that travels in
waves. These waves have electrical
properties and magnetic properties.
Examples: light we see each day, ultraviolet
radiation, microwaves and infrared radiation.
A type of potential energy.
Stored in the nucleus of an atom and
released during nuclear reactions.
Nuclear power plants use fission reactions
to produce electricity. (nucleus splits apart)
The sun and other stars create energy
through nuclear fusion. (nuclei join
Are energy and work the same thing?
How are kinetic and potential energy
List the forms of energy and give an example
of each.