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Nutrition and
Miss Saha
Definition of Terms
 Nutrition
receives a proper and
____________ food and water ration
so it can grow, maintain its body,
reproduce, and supply or produce
expected ___________.
 Nutrient
food or ________ of foods of
the same general chemical
composition that supports animal life.
the body’s
___________ reactions
Transport other nutrients
Aide in body temperature
Help give the body its form
Carry ______ from the body
Importance of Water
important __________
Loss impedes circulation,
results in dehydration, slows
body functions
Carries ____________ for disease
Makes up about _______ of an
animal’s body
and repair body
organs and tissues
Produce milk, wool, and eggs
Develop the fetus
Serve as _________ material for
enzymes and hormones
Develop antibodies
__________ DNA
Importance of Proteins
into amino acids during
Animals must consume essential
amino acids
_________ can create all amino acids
Amino acids contribute to animals’
Function and growth determine
animals’ amino acid ________
bodily functions
Produce heat to warm
the body
Store fat
Importance of Carbohydrates
by animals into energy
Made of sugars, starches, and crude
Completely digested sugars and
starches are nitrogen-free extracts
Crude fiber is mostly non-digestible
bulk or roughage
Large amounts of crude fiber better
handled by some animals (ruminants)
Aid in absorption of fatsoluble vitamins
Provide fatty acids