Download Unit 3: Revolution PPT astro_unit_3-revolution

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What does the word
Famous and respected within a
particular sphere or profession.
Write down:
o Name of each scientist
o Their discovery/contribution to the study
of astronomy
Who first discovered other moons in
the Solar System? Which planet do
 We will be learning
about important and
“Revolutionary” astronomers
 Working in groups of 2
 You will create
a brochure about your scientist
 Today you will read about your scientist and begin
organizing information
o using the “Eminent Eight: Astronomer Biography Form”
 Tomorrow we will be in the library so you can fill
in the gaps of information.
What is one major difference in our
understanding of the universe now as
compared to a few hundred years ago?
 Todayo Work on your brochures- you should finish with
all research today
o Fill in information on your brochure- include all
information from the research sheet. Be as
detailed and clear as possible!
o Your brochures are due tomorrow.
o If you print to the library-only print ONCE
If we get over 60 items, we could
win donuts and KR sunglasses!
That’s only 2 cans per person!
Wh0 is your brochure about? What was
his major contribution to astronomy?
o Finish your brochures
o Your brochures are due TODAY
o If you print to the library-only print ONCE
When done w/ brochure:
o “Astronomical Scientific Models”
o Bring your book and notebook to the
What does it mean when we describe
a scientist’s view of the Solar system
as heliocentric?
Your brochures are placed around the
Each scientist should have at least 2
brochures describing their lives and
Your job is to use only the brochures to
answer the provided questions.
Which scientist described the 3 laws
of planetary motion?
Who was the “Greatest naked-eye
observer in the world”? Why was he
called that?
Should be in the form of a flow chart
Each Scientist/group should have its own
box describing:
o Their model or theory or law/formula that
describes the solar system or universe.
Use the flow chart to show the
chronological order of the
Central African: The Moon and weather
Took careful observations of the moon
Figured out that the orientation of the
points on the crescent moon coincided
with the seasons.
Used the moon to keep track of the wet
and dry seasons.
 Ancient Greek: Pre-
Aristotle, Geocentric
 Described the Solar
system with the
Earth at center“Celestial Sphere”
 Each planet was
attached onto a
Why was Copernicus’s Heliocentric
theory not widely accepted? Who
provided the evidence to change that?
 Earth is spherical-its shadow
showed on the moon during an
 Said the Earth can’t be moving or
clouds and birds and other
objects would be left behind
 Orbits must be circular because
the heavens are perfect
 Stellar parallax would exist if the
Earth moved
 All of these were proved false by
 Earth centric
 Improved accuracy of
celestial predictions
 Stated that each
planet moved in a
circle within its orbital
 Remained the
standard for 1400
years, until Copernicus
 Heliocentric-First
to propose that
Sun is the center, not Earth
 This more easily explained the
motion of the planets
 However, he still held the belief
that the orbits were perfect circles
 wasn’t able to improve the
prediction of planetary movementstill had the circles within circles
 Not widely accepted
 Built on the work of
Copernicus and Brahe
 Attempted to find a model
that would work based on
circular orbits
 His calculations were 8 arc
minutes off of Tycho Brahe’s,
but he couldn’t ignore it-he
needed a new model of the
Solar system
 “Those eight minutes pointed
the road to a complete
reformation in astronomy”
 Summarized his ideas in 3 laws
of planetary motion
 1. Each planet’s orbit is an
ellipse, with the Sun as one
 2. As a planet moves around the
Sun, it sweeps out equal areas
in equal times
 3. The orbital period is related
to the distance from the Sun
 Using the new laws, Tycho
Brahe’s observations were
now explained
 This was strong evidence in
favor of Copernicus’s idea of
a Sun-centered solar system
What are the aphelion and
How is the angular momentum of
a planet conserved? (Kepler’s 2nd law)
How is the angular momentum of
a planet conserved? (Kepler’s 2nd law)
Use your book
help answer!!
 to 
law worksheet-only do #1-7 of
the first page, don’t do the rest of the
Answer in your notebooks:
o Pg 149 #9-13, 15
Restate Kepler’s 3rd law in your own
words. How is this law useful to
laws of motion vocabulary
Kepler’s law worksheet-only do #1-7 of
the first page
Book questions: Pg 149 #9-13, 15
 Unit