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Emotional Intelligence
Increasing Individual and Team Performance
October 2016
Barbara J (BJ) Bard
• Consulting Director, Justice and Public Safety
• WA DOC 7 years; AOC 1.5 years; LASD 1.5 years; WA DOR 2 years; United
Nations (HCR in Geneva) 3 years; Telecommunications 3 years; Oil Industry
2 years; Health Care (hospitals) 3 years; Automotive 2 years
• Project Management and Organizational Change Management
• Large Scale Projects across North America and Europe
• Started in Systems; moved to Human Resources; moved to
• Became interested in Goleman’s theories in EI when developing a
Leadership Competency Model (1994)
• Have been following Goleman since that time
• Topic choice was selected by Serena Hansen
• What is Emotional Intelligence
• Why Focus on Emotional Intelligence?
• A Deeper Dive – EI Domains and
• What Industry Practitioners Say
• Starting the Journey to EI
• Books, Articles and Blogs
• Questions
Definitions of Emotional Intelligence
• The ability to identify, assess and control the
emotions of oneself, of others and of groups
• The ability to recognize and control your own
emotions and understand what those
emotions are telling you
• The ability to recognize the emotional wants
and needs of others and respond
• The capacity to be aware of, control, and
express one's emotions, and to handle
interpersonal relationships judiciously and
Why Focus on Emotional Intelligence?
• Intelligence has been tied to measureable business results
• IQ is stable over a lifetime; personality generally doesn’t
change; so EI, which is flexible and can change is the only
controllable factor
• Teams with higher EI perform better and quicker than teams
with lower EI
• A project manager needs to lead large teams and build strong
• Of the 10 PMBOK project management areas of knowledge,
three directly require emotional competencies
(communications, HR management and Stakeholder
The best leaders have been found to have the highest EI quotients
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence
Self Awareness
Recognizing and understanding your moods, emotions
and drives, as well as their effect on others
• Self confidence
• Realistic Self Assessment
• Sense of Humor
Self Awareness
Self Regulation
Controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses or moods
Suspending judgement – thinking before acting
• Trustworthiness and integrity
• Comfort with ambiguity
• Openness to change
Self Regulation
A passion for work for reasons beyond money or status
Pursuing goals with energy and persistence
• Strong drive to achieve
• Optimism through thick or thin
• Organizational commitment
Understanding the emotional makeup of other people
Tailoring actions according to people’s emotional
• Expertise in building and
retaining talent
• Cross-cultural sensitivity
• Service mentality
Social Skill
Managing relationships and building networks
An ability to find common ground and build rapport
• Effectiveness in leading change
• Persuasiveness
• Building and leading teams
Social Skill
How to Build Emotional Intelligence (One Example – uncredited)
Start with yourself
Communicate Benefits
Develop Self Awareness
Build Optimism
Encourage Healthy
Set specific learning
Lead by example
Have a positive affect
Establish goals
Share with all levels of the team
Keep a journal; encourage discussion
Practice reflection
Understand body language and cues
Practice active listening
Build resonance and decrease dissonance
Be aware of the situation and the responses
Mutual respect for all views
Be aware of team EI quotient
Lead by example
Have a positive affect
Another Example (EI for PMs Blog)
1) Develop Self Awareness
a) Develop emotional self awareness (be accurate)
b) Develop self confidence (not arrogance)
2) Develop Self Management
a) Develop self control
b) …
3) Develop Social Awareness
a) See others clearly and develop empathy
b) Develop organizational awareness
4) Develop Relationship Management
a) Develop stakeholder relationships
b) Develop others
5) Develop Team Leadership
a) Improve communications and conflict management
b) Practice inspirational leadership
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Management
with Impact
• Communicate with as little distortion as possible
• Communication is at the heart and directly impacts success
• Ability to not only make rational arguments but to frame ideas, approaches
and solutions in an appealing way
• Starts with credibility and ends with emotional connectivity
• Positive conflict management exhibits behaviors that are integrating,
compromising and obliging
• Negative yields donating and avoiding behaviors
• A project manager is a change agent and must intricately guide both the
team and organization through change
• A PM’s ability to cooperate and associate with perceptions of others
directly impacts change effectiveness
• Discerning and calculated facilitation to galvanize team performance
• Ability to quickly develop relationships and motivate for success
Matthew Gonzalez, Ph.D., PMP on
Books, Articles and Blogs
Books by Daniel Goleman
• Focus – The Hidden Driver of
Excellence – 2014
• Social Intelligence – 2006
• Primal Leadership – 2004/2002
• Working with Emotional
Intelligence – 1998
• Emotional Intelligence - 1995
Other Books and Blogs
• Emotional Intelligence for Project
Managers – Anthony C. Mersino
• Emotional Intelligence in Project
Management – Matthew D.
• Project Manager’s Competence in
Emotional Intelligence – Dr. Lew
Primal Leadership was ranked as one of the • Emotional Intelligence and Project
Management – John Sutherland
Ten Books that can Change Your Life by
Gerald McGroarty,
Contact Information
Barbara J (BJ) Bard– Consulting Director,
Justice & Public Safety
Sierra Systems
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pattern for San Mateo Superior Court - Sample Schedule
• Sample Schedule for
NIEM Translation
• Model Effort by Team
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