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Civil War Vocabulary
Abraham Lincoln
• The 16th president of the
United States known for his
Emancipation Proclamation
• A plot to kill an important
government figure
• A conflict involving violence
California Gold Rush
• When gold was found in
Sutter’s Mill, settlers moved
westward in search of gold
• An injured or dead person
as a result of war
Civil War
• A conflict between people
from the same country or
Compromise of 1850
• Decided how slavery would
work in new territories
• The group of Southern
States that seceded from
the United States
•Freedom from a
controlling body
Emancipation Proclamation
• A speech made by
President Lincoln
addressing slavery
• A way of thinking that meant
Americans had the right to
expand where they chose
Free Soil Party
• Mostly Western settlers that
did not agree with Eastern
Fugitive Slave Act
• A law that made it illegal to
not return escaped slaves
General Grant
• Leader of the Union Army
General Lee
• Leader of the Confederate
Harriet Tubman
• A runaway slave that led other
slaves to freedom on the
Underground Railroad
Indentured Servant
• A person working to pay off a
Jefferson Davis
• President of the Confederate
Kansas-Nebraska Act
• Allowed new western states to
decide by popular sovereignty
if slavery would be allowed in
that state
Lincoln Douglas Debates
• A series of debates between
Lincoln and Stephen Douglas
during the election of 1858
Missouri Compromise
• Prohibited slavery above the
36’30” line and the Northwest
• A way of thinking that an
individual’s first
responsibility is to one’s
Popular Sovereignty
• When a new state’s citizens
vote whether they want to
have slavery in their state or
• To leave or separate from
an established country
• A way of thinking that one
small group or region is most
• When multiple farmers own pieces
of a large plantation
• When one man takes away
another man’s basic rights as a
human being
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• An abolitionist book written by
Harriet Beecher Stowe
addressing slavery issues
• The Northern States that
stayed with the United States
during the Civil War
• An elongated, violent conflict
between at least 2 groups of
established militaries.