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Chapter 16 Circulation
Section 2 Blood and Lymph
What are the components of
• Plasma is the liquid part of
the blood
What makes up blood?
• Blood is made up of four
Red blood cells
White blood cells
What determines the type of blood
that a person can receive in a
• Marker molecules on your red blood cells
determine your blood type and the type of
blood that you can safely receive in
What are the structures and function
of the lymphatic system?
• A network of vein-like
vessels that returns the
fluid (lymph) to the
• The structures are the
lymph nodes
• The liquid part of the
• 90% of plasma is water
• 10% of plasma is
dissolved materials such
as nutrients or glucose
• Plasma is yellow
Red Blood Cell
• Take up oxygen in the
lungs and deliver it to
cells everywhere in the
• They are produce only
in the red bone marrow
• They do not undergo
mitosis and cannot
• An iron containing
protein that bonds
chemically with oxygen
• Remember DNA
contained the code to
produce proteins
White Blood Cell
• Are also produced in the
red bone marrow
• They are the body’s
disease fighters
• They capture invaders like
bacteria by engulfing
them and digesting them
• They lose their lives in the
battle against disease and
are also known as puss
• Platelets are cell
fragments that play an
important part in
forming blood clots
• Because of their
irregular shapes they
are able to latch
together and form clots
Lymphatic System
• A network of vein-like
vessels that returns the
fluid (lymph) to the
• Fluid inside the
lymphatic system
• It consists of water and
dissolved materials such
as glucose
• I also contains white
blood cells that have
left the capillaries
Lymph Node
• Small knobs of tissue
that filter lymph,
trapping bacteria and
other disease-causing
microorganisms in the
• When the body is
fighting an infection,
the lymph nodes
become enlarged and
can hurt
Blood Transfusion
• The transfer of blood
from one person to
Rh Factor
• Another protein in red
blood cells
• It can cause a clumping
reaction in blood
Marker Molecules
• Blood types such as A,
B, AB, and O are
determined by marker
molecules that are on
red blood cells
• These marker molecules
help to identify the
types of cells and their
Why do vampires drink blood?
Are they parasites?
What might their digestive system look
Draw a diagram of a vampires
digestive system and
determine if the vampire
need type A blood, type B
blood, type AB blood or type
O blood.