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Ancient Greece
History of Ancient Greece
• Athens was located in
northern Greece
• It was one of the most
powerful city states of its
• Athens was know for
having a democracy as their
form of government at their
• Athens military was not that
strong, but their navy was
the best of its time
• Athens put a large focus on
learning and the arts
• Some notable figures are
Socrates and Plato
• Athens contains some of the
greatest architectural
accomplishments of its time
• Athens created an empire
where they had many
colonies spread out among
the Mediterranean
• Citizens were given the right to participate in the
Athenian government, though the participation varied on
what class you fell in whether it be Aristocratic or middle
• Metics were freemen that were not citizens of Athens
• Slaves did not have any rights at all
• Women lack rights as well, the rights that got depended
on the husband
Athenian class structure
• Sparta was a much smaller
city state than Athens, but
was the other greatest power
of its time
• It was located in more of
Southern Greece surrounded
by land to protect
themselves from any ocean
• Sparta put a large focus on
their military and it was the
strongest of its time
• Sparta controlled a large
population of slaves called
helots, which allowed them to
focus on their military while
the slaves took care of
everyday tasks
• Male Spartans were required to
join the military at 7 and then
serve until they were 60
• The women played important
role in society as well where
they were allowed to own land
Sparta continued
• Spartan Citizens were given all rights and the women
were apart of this as well. The men though had to serve in
the military.
• Perioeci were noncitizens that were not slaves
• Helots were the slaves of the Spartans
Spartan class structure