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Economics Baseball
The Story of “Economics Baseball”
You are in the World Series and the series is tied 3-3.
To help your team win Game 7, you must answer
economic questions to get hits and score enough runs
to beat the opposition.
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Game Directions
The goal of the game is to answer Government trivia
questions to get hits and score runs. To play the game you
have to answer questions at particular levels of difficulty to
get different types of hits to score runs for your team. If
you don’t want to attempt a trivia question, you can click
on a chance card and see what happens during your at bat.
To keep up with who is on base, students can either set up
a baseball diamond in the classroom where each student
can move forward from base to base, or the teacher can
keep track of the field on a chalkboard. In addition, teams
can hit back-to-back homeruns by answering baseball
trivia questions. To win the game you have to score more
runs than the other team.
Game Preparation
Game board: All you need is a cleared out space in your classroom
and a make-believe baseball diamond. You can also keep track by
drawing a baseball diamond on a chalkboard to keep track of who is on
base where.
Trivia Cards: Print out questions for the trivia cards that relate to your
next American Government exam.
Bonus Question Cards: Click on the bonus ball to answer individual
baseball trivia questions for back-to-back homeruns only after a
homerun question is answered correctly.
Scoreboard: Someone should keep score by making a scoreboard on
a chalkboard or dry-erase board.
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Educational Objectives
9-12 students
Subject Area Objectives
Students will be able to….
Standard: Assesses the development of the relationship
between the three branches of government, including
executive vs. legislative power shifts and struggles and
impact of the line-item veto and judicial activism.
Standard: Describes the uniqueness of American
Standard: Describes the development and nature of
public opinion in America.
Standard: Acquires and processes information by using
thought processes (recall, translation, interpretation,
application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation).
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Time to play “Economics Baseball”
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Game Directions
Chance Cards
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Chance Card 1
Struck out looking. That’s what happens when you’re
afraid of the ball.
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Chance Card 2
Up in your kitchen. Hit by pitch, take your base. Don’t even
think about charging the mound.
Back to game
Chance Card 3
Balk. Any runners on base can take an extra base.
Back to game
Chance Card 4
You struck out swinging on a wild pitch and made it to first.
Good hustle.
Back to game
Chance Card 5
You got robbed of a homerun. Don’t worry, be happy.
Back to game
Chance Card 6
Ball four. Take your base.
Back to game
Chance Card 7
Liner up the middle. Base hit.
Back to game
Chance Card 8
Too bad, you struck out!
Back to game
Chance Card 9
Reached on an error. The third baseman overthrew the ball.
Back to game
Chance Card 10
Stolen base for any runner on base, but you struck out.
Should’ve tried to answer a question.
Back to game
Chance Card 11
Ground rule double.
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Chance Card 12
Deep fly to the warning track but caught. You’re out!
Back to game
Trivia Cards (Single)
Single Question 1
A change in consumption resulting in a change in
real income is known as……
Single Question 2
Goods that consumers demand more of when
their income increases…..
Single Question 3
Table that lists the quantity of a good that
all consumers in a market will buy at each
different price….
Question # 4
Graphic representation of a demand
Question # 5
Two goods that are bought and used
Question #6
Goods that consumers demand less of when
their income increases…..
Question #7
Table that lists the quantity of a good a
person will buy at each different price…..
Question #8
Demand that is very sensitive to a change in
Question #9
Consumers buy more of a good when its
price decreases and less when its price
Question #10
Measure of how consumers react to a
change in price
Question #11
Reaction to an increase in a good's price by
consuming more of other goods…..
Question #12
Demand that is not very sensitive to a
change in price…..
Question # 13
Goods used in place in of one another…..
Question #14
Desire to own something and the ability to
pay for it…..
Question #15
Law that states producers will offer more of
a good or service at higher prices…..
Trivia Cards (Double)
Double Question 1
With elasticity of demand, the higher the measure
then the more responsive consumers will be to a
change in______.....
Double Question 2
An Elasticity of 1.0 of greater…..
Double Question #3
The determinants of demand are also
Question #4
The introduction of the cellular telephone
has reduced pay phone usage. What type of
demand shifter is this?
Question #5
The housing market in Las Vegas is
booming, and home prices have been rising
faster than almost any other city in the U.S.
over the past five years. What type of
demand shifter is this?
Question #6
Although major airlines lowered ticket
prices as much as 50% in the wake of the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many flights are
still undersold. What type of demand
shifter is this?
Question #7
What happens to the quantity demanded
when the price rises?
Question #8
What happens to the quantity demanded
when the price of an item falls?
Question #9
When the demand curve shifts to the right
what is this called?
Question #10
When the demand curve shifts to the left
what is this called?
Trivia Cards (Triple)
Triple Question 1
What is the formula for calculating elasticity?
Triple Question 2
What is the formula for calculating percentage
change in quantity demanded?
Question #3
How can income affect a consumer’s
demand for a good?
Question #4
What protections does OSHA give to
people in the United States?
Question #5
What is consumer sovereignty?
Question #6
The interaction between buyers and sellers
combined with self-interest, competition,
supply and demand without a central plan is
called what?
Trivia Cards (Homerun)
Homerun Question 1
You own a pizza shop and you need to determine if you raise
your prices what effect it would have on the consumer. If
your current price per slice is 1.50, what effect would an
increase have on elasticity if your raised your prices to
2.50? You must calculate to determine if the price change
would be elastic, inelastic or unitary.
Homerun Question 2
You own a pizza shop and you need to determine if you raise
your prices what effect it would have on the consumer. If
your current price per slice is .50, what effect would an
increase have on elasticity if your raised your prices to
1.50? You must calculate to determine if the price change
would be elastic, inelastic or unitary.
Homerun Question 3
How can a change in population cause a
change in the type of clothing that is in
Homerun Question 3 Answer
What is a change in the age of the
population will change the type of clothing
that is in the greatest demand, because
people of different ages demand different
types of clothing. For example, a population
that has a large percentage of teenagers will
probably want jeans, whereas a population
that has large percentage of 30- to 40-yearolds is likely to want clothes for work.
Homerun Question 4
How do you create demand?
Homerun Question 5
What is the formula for calculating
percentage change?
Homerun 5 Answer
Original Number – New Number
Original Number
Homerun Question 6
When movie rentals were $2.95, Sara rented
ten movies a month. The price of a rental
increased by fifty cents and Sara decided to
rent two fewer movies a month. When the
price increased by one more dollar, Sarah
decided to cut the number of movies she
rented in half. What is her quantity
demanded by month at the current price?
Homerun 6 Answer
Four movies
Bonus Baseball Trivia
Bonus 1
What term describes a desire to own
something and the ability to pay for it?
Bonus 2
What is the definition of competition
according to an economist?
Bonus 3
What is the self motivating force in the
Bonus 4
What is the self regulating force in the
Bonus 5
Give an example of a good or service that
may change in elasticity over time rather
than immediately, and discuss why this
Bonus 5 Answer
Electricity or gas are good examples--if
they become more expense, or if people try
to conserve them, they buy appliances that
use less of them, but they generally do this
when their old appliance wears out (over
time) rather than right away.
Bonus 6
What does unitary elastic mean?
WRONG!!! Add another out to your
Back to the game
Nice hit
Singled through the hole.
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Line drive down the left field line.
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Liner down the right field line.
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