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Name : lolowah Nasser al-naimi
ID: 200900858
Writing and research 201
The purpose of my research is to investigate
the causes behind poverty in KSA.In the streets
a daily problem is happening in the signal
lights we see people asking for money and we
want a solution for it because it has bad
outcomes towards the country itself. I will
discuss in this paper what are the causes of
poverty and how we can manage this problem.
My method is searching about books and
articles regarding poverty including online
search and library research. I am going to ask
people what they think are the causes of
poverty in the Kingdom and how we can
solve this issue. I think that more than 55% of
Saudis are poor.
1. book Social Policy & Administration Volume pages 689–
707, December 2010 it says that This article reports an
exploratory study in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia, which
assembled data and information from government and
non-governmental organizations about poverty and
poverty alleviation policies. A list of poor families which
were receiving benefits from the Social Security
Department and charitable associations in Jeddah City
was constructed, from which female-headed households
were identified and classified depending on the
circumstances of the female head. The article describes
the social, cultural and demographic characteristics of
poor female-headed households in Jeddah. to analyze
aspects of their everyday lives.
2. This evidence is used to discuss the ability of the
Saudi state's income support system to address
poverty as the country undergoes economic and
social modernization.
 3. My reason to do this research because I always
think to myself how come we are the richest country
in Gulf Area and most of the Saudis are poor. It relates
to all of us because it is a human matter issue.bes the
social, cultural and demographic characteristics of
poor female-headed households in Jeddah. The article
also uses the results of interviews with 13 poor female
heads of households.
I have in my research three questions what are
the causes of poverty, who is the responsible of
causing this issue and what are the possible
sulotions.I will investigate this issue and causes
also I will try to find sulotions.My statement
that more than 55% of Saudis are poor is true .