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Greek and Latin Roots
English words come from many languages, including Greek and Latin.
 Scrip, Script,
 Cred,
 Jur, Jus, and Jud
Learning Objective
I can use root 1 words to determine 2
the meaning of unknown words. L 4
1. A root is a word part that usually cannot
stand alone as a word.
2. Determine means to agree on something.
Sentence Frames
The root_____ means____.
Therefore, _______ means ________.
Root: Scrip, Script
to write
a set of papers with writing
that will be read and acted
The actor had to memorize the script for the play.
The root script- means to write.
Therefore, script means a set
of papers with writing that will
be read and acted out.
a written agreement to
buy a magazine or
newspaper for a certain
amount of time
“Are you going to renew your subscription
to Premier when it expires?”
The root script- means to write.
Therefore, subscription means a
written agreement to buy a
magazine or newspaper for a
certain amount of time.
3. Postscript:
P.S.; a short bit or
writing added after a
letter is finished
Dear Sarah,
I like your new hair style. It was
nice to see you.
From, Julie
P.S. Call me when you come into
town again.
The root script- means to write.
Therefore, postscript means a
short bit or writing added after
a letter is finished, or P.S.
4. Credential:
A document that
proves a person is
All teachers have a credential to prove that they have met all
requirements of the state.
The root cred- means to believe.
Therefore, credential means a
document that proves a person
is believable.
to refuse to
believe; to reject
as untrue
During a debate, differing perspectives may try to discredit each other.
The root cred- means to believe.
Therefore, discredit means to
refuse to believe; to reject as
believable, reliable
The sunrise over the mountains offers credible evidence that the Earth
The root cred- means to believe.
Therefore, credible means
believable, reliable
Root: Jur, Jus, Jud
Law, Justice
7. Justice:
The Pledge of Allegiance ends with the phrase ….”with Liberty and Justice
for all”.
The root jus- means law and justice.
Therefore, justice means fair;
a group of people sworn to
uphold the laws and to
determine the truth
The jury listened to all the evidence before they had to deliver a verdict.
The root jur- means law and justice.
Therefore, jury means a
group of people sworn to
uphold the laws and to
determine the truth.
9. Judge:
an expert in law
The judge listened carefully to what the witness had to say.
The root jur- means law and justice.
Therefore, jurist means an
expert in law.
To break the law by
lying; to break a formal
promise; to break an
Laws against perjury are very strict.
The root jur- means law and justice.
Therefore, perjury means
to break the law by lying; to
break a formal promise; to
break an oath
It’s time to….
Show what you know!
Think about a Greek or Latin root that means:
scriptcredjus-,jud- means ________
and justice
The root jur-,
Write the sentence frame on your white board and
the correct root that goes with the definition.
Choose a vocabulary word using this root and write the
sentence frame filling in the blanks .
Therefore _____ means _________.