Download Multiple Intelligence Example Activities Verbal

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Intelligence Quotient
Intelligence Interval
Cognitive Designation
40 - 54
Severely challenged (Less than 1%
of test takers)
55 - 69
Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 84
Below average
85 - 114
Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 129
Above average
130 - 144
Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 159
Genius (Less than 1% of test
160 - 175
Extraordinary genius
Mensa IQ Test
Mensa Workout
• Initial Comments
• What were your responses/reactions when taking
the Mensa workout?
• Identify the factors that could contribute to errors
or not an accurate representation of your
Rethinking IQ
In 1983, Harvard University professor Howard Gardner published his book
• MI theory asserts that individuals who have a high level of aptitude in one
intelligence do not necessarily have a similar aptitude in another intelligence. For
example, a young person who demonstrates an impressive level of musical
intelligence may be far less skilled when it comes to bodily-kinesthetic or logicalmathematical intelligence. Perhaps that seems obvious, but it's important to
recognize that this notion stands in sharp contrast to the traditional (and still
dominant) view of intelligence as a general ability that can be measured along a
single scale and summarized by a single number.
Multiple Intelligence Quiz
• Were the results accurate?
• Would you add or change any questions to the M.I. Test?
• Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory is widely
accepted in education, why is this?
• How do these two intelligence tests compare?
• Identify factors that could contribute to errors or not an
accurate representation of your intelligence.
Multiple Intelligence Example Activities
Verbal Linguistic:
story telling, journaling, pre-reading word and letter recognition
Musical Rhythmic:
singing, humming, chanting, playing with instruments, role-play to enact stories and
Logical Mathematical:
puzzles, manipulative, pattern games, number sequences
Visual Spatial:
painting, drawing, multimedia, visual rich activities
Bodily Kinesthetic:
dance, aerobic exercise, drama, role playing, sculpturing
outdoor nature collecting, mapping, comparison of natural elements
self paced independent work and exploration, reflection
cooperative/partner activities, sharing, explaining, demonstrating
With the knowledge of Multiple Intelligence (how people learn), let’s help
these two students.
Student #1: Struggles with Math concepts
Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic, Musical, and Visual
What are 5 different activities that will help this student improve their
learning Math?
Student #2: Struggles with Reading
Multiple Intelligences: Auditory, Interpersonal, Mathematical
What are 5 different activities that will help this student improve their
learning Reading?
How do you learn?
1. Choose 2 subjects you would like to improve in.
2. Identify the problem/challenges with this subject area
Applying your Results
1. Choose 3 intelligences that scored the highest percentage.
2. Create 5 different activities for each subject that will help you improve your learning.
You are a visual, kinesthetic, and rhythmic learner. You would like to improve in Biology
but you have difficulty understanding the concepts of human biology. You could:
1. Watch a youtube clip of a video explaining how a heart pumps blood
2. Make a model of the heart
3. Write a simple song or rhyme about the directions of blood flow
4. Create actions/movement to memorize the blood flow through the chambers of the
5. Use an anatomy coloring book.