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MISY 4342, sec 201
Group Project Presentation
Zainab A. Al-Dawood 200800915
Arwa Al-Ahmed
Doha Al-Mohsin
Instructor: Dr. Nazeeruddin Mohammed
1.0 An Over View of Image Processing
1.1 Introduction
2.0 Classification of Biometrics
3.0 Applications of Biometrics
3.1 E-commerce Applications
3.2 convert Surveillance
4.0 Types of Biometrics
4.1 Finger scan
4.2 Retina Scan
4.3 Iris Scan
5.0 Drawbacks
6.0 Future of Biometrics
7.0 Works on Biometrics
7.1 Algorithm 1
7.2 Algorithm 2
8.0 Conclusion
9.0 References
A) Discretization and Representation:
where it Converts all the visual displayed
information into a discrete form that goes
suitable with the computerized language to
understand and then save it in the storage
(B) Processing: where it improves the
image quality by filtering compressing and
saving changes during the transmission.
(C) Analyzing: where it extracts the
image features, shapes and cognition.
1.0 An Overview of Image
The use of biometrics is shown in several
areas, it can be used to protect and prevent
the unauthorized access to some security
systems like ATM’s, smart cards and others.
The advanced solution of the biometrics is
used to protect a large database system
that is more sophisticated method, called
“the identification”. Lets get in details with
how this technology is applied and used in
banking systems.
The two categories of biometric techniques are:
The physiological based techniques
measure the physiological characteristics of a person.
These include fingerprint verification, iris analysis,
facial analysis, hand geometry-vein patterns, ear
recognition, odor detection and DNA pattern analysis.
2. The behavioral based techniques
measure the behavior of a person. These
include hand written signature verification
and speech analysis hand written signature
verification and speech analysis. These
techniques involve two major steps. These
are the Authentication & the verification.
During enrollment there are 8 steps:
Capture the biometrics, which has to be stored in the
Process the biometric, extract and enroll the
biometric template;
Store the template in a local repository, a central
repository, or a portable token such as a smart card.
During access to database:
4) Live-scan the biometric feature;
5) Process the biometric and extract the biometric template;
6) Match the scanned biometric against stored templates;
7) Incase of successful verification; provide a matching
score to business application;
8) Record a secure audit trail with respect to system use
Biometric applications depend on comparing as new
measure against previously captured information.
All the information regarding the fingerprints, retina
etc… Are digitalized and stored. This can be
compared with a database in seconds and with an
extraordinary degree of accuracy. Fingerprints have
the advantage of being cheaper and simpler than
most other biometrics.
E-commerce developers are exploring the use of
biometrics to more accurately verify a trading party’s
Facial and body recognition biometric techniques come
in to picture automatically to identify known suspects
entering buildings or traversing crowed security areas
such as airports
Finger-scan biometrics is base
on the distinctive characteristics of
the human fingerprint. A fingerprint
image is read from a capture device,
features are extracted from the
image, and a template is created
Retina scan requires the user to
situate his or her eye with ½ inch of the
capture device and hold still while the
reader ascertains the patterns. The user
looks at a rotating green light as the
patterns of the retina are measured
The iris has colored streaks and
lines that radiate out from the pupil of the
eye. The iris provides the most
comprehensive biometric data after DNA.
And the chance that any two people may
have the same pattern is one in 10 to-thepower-78, which is way above the current
population of the Earth
A major problem with biometrics is how
and where to store the user’s template. Its
storage introduces privacy concerns. On the
other hand, storing the template on a
smart card enhances individual privacy and
increases protection from attack, because
individual users control their own
There will be no doubts that the
Biometric technology is one area that no any
field of the IT industry can dismiss. It provides
huge security benefits toward business and
technological industry proved from the
previous study of its pros and cons.
STEP 1: A User enters a bank that uses a
biometric system (either; finger scan, voice
and hand scan) for higher protective degree.
STEP 2: The person scans his /her
fingerprint (as input) on the finger scan pad so
it captures his/her identity.
Then it would be a
7.0 Works on Biometrics
STEP 4: User is requested to speak few words, which is converted into
digitalized code by the voice scanner.
STEP 5: A comparison of this voice code entered with some other in the
database if someone else has the same voice code
if the code is matched
if the code does not find a match
If the figure print is matched with any one stored in the database available in the
ELSE (if finger print does not find a match!)
STEP6: The user is required to place his/her hand over the hand scanner so its
STEP 7: A Comparison between the current scanned entered with those already stored
in database.
if the data is matched
If the data does not find a match ….GOTO Algorithm 2.
STEP 8: access the matched file in the database.
STEP 9: Exit.
STEP 1: A message sent to the database asks for the password
file from the OS security files.
The passwords are received in an encrypted from (DES-data
Encryption Standards).
STEP 2: The User Spell his/her password
STEP3: converting the vocal password spoken into textual
password by the speech processing circuit.
STEP 4: A Comparison between the password got and others
stored in the file in step 1
if match is found
THEN, …… Access the database.
ELSE, …… Glow the danger light
STEP5: Exit.
The technologies behind biometrics are still
emerging and developing within the time.
This article gives a snapshot of the dynamic
impacts under this emerging of biometric in
the market, and we hope this beginning
helps lately the new technology of
Douhou, S., & Magnus, J. R. (2010). The reliability of user
authentication through keystroke dynamics. Statistica Neerlandica,
Nov2009, Vol. 63 Issue 4. Retrieved from EBSCOHOST
365 Computer Security Training. (2010). What is Biometric
Fingerprint Scanning. Retrieved from
Daily Mail. (2011). Log-in to Facebook with an iris scan: Eyescanner for your PC set to go on the market in months. Retrieved