MindShare: Knowledge Sharing via
... Ontologies, or ways of categorizing and describing things, have application to organizing information for human access and allowing software agents to exchange knowledge. The traditional approaches to ontology development involve dedicated effort by a small team of knowledge engineers in a slow and ...
... Ontologies, or ways of categorizing and describing things, have application to organizing information for human access and allowing software agents to exchange knowledge. The traditional approaches to ontology development involve dedicated effort by a small team of knowledge engineers in a slow and ...
cG Sufatrio, Darell JJ Tan, Tong-Wei Chua, Vrizlynn LL
... since they operate under the same constraints found in a particular app deployment stage. As a result, we can more easily pinpoint each proposed scheme’s unique differentiator(s), strengths and limitations relative to one another. The breadth, depth and timeliness of our survey and analysis coverage ...
... since they operate under the same constraints found in a particular app deployment stage. As a result, we can more easily pinpoint each proposed scheme’s unique differentiator(s), strengths and limitations relative to one another. The breadth, depth and timeliness of our survey and analysis coverage ...
Strategies and Design for Interleaving Reasoning and Selection of Axioms
... Web scale reasoning has become a crucial issue for practical applications of the Semantic Web, because of the extremely large scale data on the Web. Web scale semantic data have the following main features: • Infiniteness. There are extremely large amount of semantic data on the Web. Till June 2009, ...
... Web scale reasoning has become a crucial issue for practical applications of the Semantic Web, because of the extremely large scale data on the Web. Web scale semantic data have the following main features: • Infiniteness. There are extremely large amount of semantic data on the Web. Till June 2009, ...
A New Multi-Panel Cartoon based CAPTCHA as
... In 2014, S. Karthika and Dr. P. Devaki. [7] Have proposed this paper about different types of Captcha and how they work. The author put forward it to, there are many Captcha techniques are design to provide better authentication for online application. It can provide the ease of access to the user a ...
... In 2014, S. Karthika and Dr. P. Devaki. [7] Have proposed this paper about different types of Captcha and how they work. The author put forward it to, there are many Captcha techniques are design to provide better authentication for online application. It can provide the ease of access to the user a ...
Man to Machine, Applications in Electromyography
... called a motor unit, and are stimulated simultaneously when the motoneuron fires. The muscle fibers of one motor unit are not bundled within a muscle. Rather they are spread throughout the muscle with a relatively uniform distribution. When a series of NAP’s reach the cells of a muscle unit they cau ...
... called a motor unit, and are stimulated simultaneously when the motoneuron fires. The muscle fibers of one motor unit are not bundled within a muscle. Rather they are spread throughout the muscle with a relatively uniform distribution. When a series of NAP’s reach the cells of a muscle unit they cau ...
Interaction-based Invention: Designing Novel Devices from First
... The topology is verified by algebraically "composing" interactions and comparing the result with the desired interaction . A strategy for proposing the interconnection of interactions is faced with an enormous space of possibilities . To cope, This generates candidate solutions by focussing first on ...
... The topology is verified by algebraically "composing" interactions and comparing the result with the desired interaction . A strategy for proposing the interconnection of interactions is faced with an enormous space of possibilities . To cope, This generates candidate solutions by focussing first on ...
Technologies émergentes de mémoire résistive pour les systèmes
... the influence of numerous factors. We don’t live in an isolated environment or a Faraday cage. While we can perceive and realize some of the things that influence us and our actions, there are numerous others that we barely perceive or realize. Thus, even if I write down every single name that has ...
... the influence of numerous factors. We don’t live in an isolated environment or a Faraday cage. While we can perceive and realize some of the things that influence us and our actions, there are numerous others that we barely perceive or realize. Thus, even if I write down every single name that has ...
George Kalfopoulos - Department of Mathematics
... much knowledge as possible. The transfer and transformation of potential problem-solving expertise from some knowledge source to a program is known as knowledge acquisition. This process must be completed by the knowledge engineer and is inherently a difficult one. The knowledge acquired must then b ...
... much knowledge as possible. The transfer and transformation of potential problem-solving expertise from some knowledge source to a program is known as knowledge acquisition. This process must be completed by the knowledge engineer and is inherently a difficult one. The knowledge acquired must then b ...
... Hybrid IS (H-IS): Horizontal Layers • Horizontal homogeneous layered model (Section 8.3.2) allows multiple events to be handled in parallel. • This type of model just needs to be generalised to allow heterogeneous models to be layered. • H-IS models can be ‘layered’ in a single IS • H-IS can handle ...
... Hybrid IS (H-IS): Horizontal Layers • Horizontal homogeneous layered model (Section 8.3.2) allows multiple events to be handled in parallel. • This type of model just needs to be generalised to allow heterogeneous models to be layered. • H-IS models can be ‘layered’ in a single IS • H-IS can handle ...
An Expert System Framework for Infertility in Women using Web
... the knowledge from a human expert and coding it into a form that a computer may apply to similar problems. Each of the component on the Figure 4.1 play an important roles for the infertility expert system. The component consists of user interface, explanation mechanism, inference engine, knowledge b ...
... the knowledge from a human expert and coding it into a form that a computer may apply to similar problems. Each of the component on the Figure 4.1 play an important roles for the infertility expert system. The component consists of user interface, explanation mechanism, inference engine, knowledge b ...
Reflections on Brian Shackels Usability
... reduce software defects (Williams et al., 2003). Test-first approaches were also shown to improve the effectiveness of students (Erdogmus, 2005) in terms of productivity and quality. But the picture is not simple. For example, it may not increase the speed of implementation or reliability of the pro ...
... reduce software defects (Williams et al., 2003). Test-first approaches were also shown to improve the effectiveness of students (Erdogmus, 2005) in terms of productivity and quality. But the picture is not simple. For example, it may not increase the speed of implementation or reliability of the pro ...
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies
... humans consider intelligent [1]. Now a day number of medical services are available in the form of offline or online Computer application. These computer-based applications have been improved the efficiency and accuracy in medical services. The different research areas of Computer Science have been ...
... humans consider intelligent [1]. Now a day number of medical services are available in the form of offline or online Computer application. These computer-based applications have been improved the efficiency and accuracy in medical services. The different research areas of Computer Science have been ...
... WARNING. On having consulted this thesis you’re accepting the following use conditions: Spreading this thesis by the TDX (www.tesisenxarxa.net) service has been authorized by the titular of the intellectual property rights only for private uses placed in investigation and teaching activities. Reprod ...
Creating New Pathways to Justice Using Simple Artificial
... that while some technology solutions do not go far enough to present meaningful change, many AI-based solutions were too ambitious or theoretical and, there‐ fore, failed to meet the needs of users.4 I chose to deviate from these past approaches and to conceptualize a system that is advanced in term ...
... that while some technology solutions do not go far enough to present meaningful change, many AI-based solutions were too ambitious or theoretical and, there‐ fore, failed to meet the needs of users.4 I chose to deviate from these past approaches and to conceptualize a system that is advanced in term ...
ProofTool: GUI for the GAPT Framework - Informatik - FB3
... GAPT1 (General Architecture for Proof Theory) is a framework that aims at providing data-structures, algorithms and user interfaces for analyzing and transforming formal proofs. GAPT was conceived to replace and expand the scope of the CERES system2 beyond the original focus on cut-elimination by re ...
... GAPT1 (General Architecture for Proof Theory) is a framework that aims at providing data-structures, algorithms and user interfaces for analyzing and transforming formal proofs. GAPT was conceived to replace and expand the scope of the CERES system2 beyond the original focus on cut-elimination by re ...
Searching Social Networks
... available and may not even be indexed or cataloged. Much of this information may only be accessed by asking the right people. The challenge of finding relevant information then reduces to finding the right people whom we may ask a specific question and who will answer that question for us. The right ...
... available and may not even be indexed or cataloged. Much of this information may only be accessed by asking the right people. The challenge of finding relevant information then reduces to finding the right people whom we may ask a specific question and who will answer that question for us. The right ...
A Survey on Preprocessing of Web Log File in Web Usage Mining to
... According to Murata and Saito (2006) user’s interests can be revealed through graph based on their web surfing. In this research, first authors collected the users’ accesses from the user search keyword and graph is generated from it. By applying PageRank algorithm mined from graph to assign importa ...
... According to Murata and Saito (2006) user’s interests can be revealed through graph based on their web surfing. In this research, first authors collected the users’ accesses from the user search keyword and graph is generated from it. By applying PageRank algorithm mined from graph to assign importa ...
The Intelligent Conversational Humanoid Robot
... meaningful input.” [7]. Using DictationGrammar, a grammar that allows free text dictation, SAPI will try to recognize all audio input as speech and convert it to text. To ensure that the speech recognition software does not continuously try to convert audio and background noise, a push to talk butto ...
... meaningful input.” [7]. Using DictationGrammar, a grammar that allows free text dictation, SAPI will try to recognize all audio input as speech and convert it to text. To ensure that the speech recognition software does not continuously try to convert audio and background noise, a push to talk butto ...
Automatic conversion of sentence-end expressions for utterance
... Building characters for dialogue agents is important in making the agents more friendly and human-like. To build such characters, utterances suitable for the designated characters are usually manually prepared. However, it is expensive to do this for a large number of utterances for various types of ...
... Building characters for dialogue agents is important in making the agents more friendly and human-like. To build such characters, utterances suitable for the designated characters are usually manually prepared. However, it is expensive to do this for a large number of utterances for various types of ...
an implementation of expert system for
... defines the method of reasoning used by ES. There are two main approaches of speculation used by expert system with production rules, which are forward (deductive) and backward (inductive) chaining. Depending on the project of the expert system, the inference engine performs either forward or backwa ...
... defines the method of reasoning used by ES. There are two main approaches of speculation used by expert system with production rules, which are forward (deductive) and backward (inductive) chaining. Depending on the project of the expert system, the inference engine performs either forward or backwa ...
IUI 2015: ACM International Conference on Intelligent User
... be invited for oral presentation and short papers either as oral or poster presentation. Authors of accepted IUI 2015 full papers will have an opportunity to submit extended versions to the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS, tiis.acm.org) for consideration for a special issue ...
... be invited for oral presentation and short papers either as oral or poster presentation. Authors of accepted IUI 2015 full papers will have an opportunity to submit extended versions to the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS, tiis.acm.org) for consideration for a special issue ...
Siri Is My Client: A First Look at Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues
... associated with media produced by computers, machines, or programs like Siri. When there is money involved, the public domain is not a realistic option, as someone (likely many people) will claim ownership and do so with compelling arguments. Similarly, without the potential for return on an investm ...
... associated with media produced by computers, machines, or programs like Siri. When there is money involved, the public domain is not a realistic option, as someone (likely many people) will claim ownership and do so with compelling arguments. Similarly, without the potential for return on an investm ...
Towards Smart User Models for Open Environments
... in which the integration of computers and networks render a multitude of services and applications accessible through easy-to-use human interfaces (see [IST-FP6; 2003-2004], [Castells, 2003]). This vision of 'Ambient Intelligence' places the user, the individual, at the centre of future developments ...
... in which the integration of computers and networks render a multitude of services and applications accessible through easy-to-use human interfaces (see [IST-FP6; 2003-2004], [Castells, 2003]). This vision of 'Ambient Intelligence' places the user, the individual, at the centre of future developments ...
Slide 1
... – User-friendliness, strong graphical capabilities, and a natural language interactive human– machine interface can greatly increase the effectiveness of DSS – Improved effectiveness of decision making – The decision maker has complete control over all steps of the decision-making process in solving ...
... – User-friendliness, strong graphical capabilities, and a natural language interactive human– machine interface can greatly increase the effectiveness of DSS – Improved effectiveness of decision making – The decision maker has complete control over all steps of the decision-making process in solving ...
... A central field within the research of artificial intelligence (AI) is the development of knowledge representation formalisms. Knowledge representations are needed when computer systems must work with information which is not conveniently accessible or usable in its “natural” form (e.g., geographica ...
... A central field within the research of artificial intelligence (AI) is the development of knowledge representation formalisms. Knowledge representations are needed when computer systems must work with information which is not conveniently accessible or usable in its “natural” form (e.g., geographica ...
Speech-generating device

Speech-generating devices (SGDs), also known as voice output communication aids, are electronic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems used to supplement or replace speech or writing for individuals with severe speech impairments, enabling them to verbally communicate their needs. SGDs are important for people who have limited means of interacting verbally, as they allow individuals to become active participants in communication interactions.There are several input and display methods for users of varying abilities to make use of SGDs. Some SGDs have multiple pages of symbols to accommodate a large number of utterances, and thus only a portion of the symbols available are visible at any one time, with the communicator navigating the various pages. Speech-generating devices can produce electronic voice output by using digitized recordings of natural speech or through speech synthesis—which may carry less emotional information but can permit the user to speak novel messages.The content, organization, and updating of the vocabulary on an SGD is influenced by a number of factors, such at the user's needs and the contexts that the device will be used in. The development of techniques to improve the available vocabulary and rate of speech production is an active research area. Vocabulary items should be of high interest to the user, be frequently applicable, have a range of meanings, and be pragmatic in functionality.There are multiple methods of accessing messages on devices: directly or indirectly, or using specialized access devices—although the specific access method will depend on the skills and abilities of the user. SGD output is typically much slower than speech, although rate enhancement strategies can increase the user's rate of output, resulting in enhanced efficiency of communication.The first known SGD was prototyped in the mid-1970s, and rapid progress in hardware and software development has meant that SGD capabilities can now be integrated into devices like smartphones. Notable users of SGDs include Stephen Hawking, Roger Ebert, and Tony Proudfoot.Speech-generating systems may be dedicated devices developed solely for AAC, or non-dedicated devices such as computers running additional software to allow them to function as AAC devices.