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September 26
Chemistry 20
Schrodinger’s Equation
Aufbau Principle
 Each
electron occupies the lowest energy
orbital available.
 All orbitals related to an energy sublevel are
of equal energy.
 Energy sublevels within a principle energy
level have different energies.
 From low to high, s-p-d-f
 Orbitals between different principle energy
levels may overlap.
Pauli exclusion Principle
 Electrons
have specified spins
 A maximum of two electrons may occupy a
single orbital
Hund’s Rule
Electrons with the same spin must occupy each
orbital, before electrons with opposite spins may
be added to that orbital.
 Write
the electron configuration for the
following elements
Noble-Gas Configuration
We can write electron configurations with
Note that sodium’s electron configuration
contains the electron configuration for Neon
in it.
Sodium: 1s22s22p63s1
Neon: 1s22s22p6
We can write Sodium’s configuration using
noble gas configuration.
Lewis Diagrams
 Show
the symbol, and the valence
 Number of valence electrons can be
found by looking at the highest level s and
p orbitals.
 Valence electrons are shown as dots,
placed on the four sides of the symbol
Lewis Diagrams
Example: Chlorine
Chlorines electron configuration:
Chlorine therefore has 7 valence electrons.