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Introduction to Scratch
Introduction to Scratch
Intro to visual programming environment
Intro to programming with multimedia
Story-telling, music-making, game-making
Intro to programming concepts: objects, attributes,
sequence, repetition, conditions, events, I/O
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
What is Scratch
Scratch is a free programmable
toolkit that enables users to create their
own games, animated stories, and
interactive art and share their creations
with one another over the Internet.
Use of scratch allows you to:
• Create solutions to problems using computers
• Study information
• Invent algorithms
• Write programs to implement the algorithms
• Reuse a lot of existing program and machine parts
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Start Scratch
Introduction to Scratch
• Open web browser
• Navigate to:
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch start window
This is where the result of your
program execution will be seen
Your construct your script
here by putting together
command blocks from the
“Blocks palette”.
List of existing or
created objects which
are used in your script.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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What Scratch can do
Introduction to Scratch
• Can make cartoons
• Can create stories
• Can create video games
Elements of Scratch: objects
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Locations in 2D space
Variables (to remember the state of things)
Events: that are broadcast for communication
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Your first script
Introduction to Scratch
• Make sure to have a sprite selected in the “Sprite list”
• Drag shown blocks into “Script area”.
• Click the sprite in the “Stage area”
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Add new stage
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Stage dimensions
These are x- and y- coordinates for the stage:
x = -240
y = 180
x = 240
y = 180
x = 240
y = -180
x = -240
y = -180
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Add new sprite
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Loop constructs in Scratch
Introduction to Scratch
• Repeat N times
• Repeat forever
• Repeat forever if some condition exists
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Compose program in Scratch
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Compose scripts in Scratch
Examples of loops and “IF” operators:
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch assignment No. 1
Using Scratch ( design algorithm and script which would perform
the following:
1. Draw a car.
2. Draw a smiley face.
3. Draw a house.
4. Draw a sailboat.
5. Draw initials of the team leader.
6. Draw a robot face
7. Draw a 6-leaf flower
8. Draw 5 squares with crosses
• Save your script on your local computer.
• Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution description,
working script, and Scratch screen shots.
• Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the
• Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working
scripts to the audience in class.
• The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch assignment No. 2
Using Scratch ( design algorithm and script which
would display:
1. working digital clock
2. working analog clock
3. stop watch
Create your own sprites and your own background if needed.
• Save your script on your local computer.
• Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution
description, working script, and Scratch screen shots.
• Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the
• Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working
scripts to the audience in class.
• The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch assignment No. 3
Using Scratch ( design algorithm and script which
would draw a graph of function:
f(x) = A sin(ax + b)
where A, a, and b are parameters which can be entered from keyboard.
Create your own sprites and your own background if needed.
• Save your script on your local computer.
• Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution
description, working script, and Scratch screen shots.
• Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the
• Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working
scripts to the audience in class.
• The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Scratch assignment No. 5
Introduction to Scratch
Using Scratch ( design algorithm and script which
would perform the following functions:
1. Rotate the vehicle with an arm until it finds (touches)
the object
2. “Grab” the object
3. Rotate the vehicle with the object 180 degrees
4. Release the object
5. Move the vehicle off the object
Create your own sprite and your own background.
Save your script on your local computer.
Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution description,
working script, and Scratch screen shots.
Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the BlackBoard.
Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working scripts to the
audience in class.
The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch assignment No. 6
Using Scratch ( design an algorithm and a script
which would move chosen sprite (a ball) in random direction inside a
rectangular box and bouncing off its walls.
You may create your own sprites and your own background.
• Save your script on your local computer.
• Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution
description, working script, and Scratch screen shots.
• Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the
• Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working
scripts to the audience in class.
• The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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Introduction to Scratch
Scratch assignment No. 7
Using Scratch ( design an algorithm and a script
which would animate your team name.
Maximum length 30 seconds. Your scene needs to have theme music
and a stage that reflects your personality, interests, and essence. Include
suitable animation for the letters.
You may create your own sprites and your own background.
• Save your script on your local computer.
• Prepare brief printed MS-Word report with problem statement, solution
description, working script, and Scratch screen shots.
• Upload the script and the report to your group file exchange section on the
• Each team should be able to present (show on the screen) and explain working
scripts to the audience in class.
• The printed report shall be turned in.
Instructor: Dr. Vlasov
Lecture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
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