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P020A Handout 5
Identify the causative agent and the effects on the fetus in the following maternal infections:
Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis, Cytomegalovirus
A. General development concepts
1. ______________ - _______________ development
2. ______________ - _______________ development
B. Rubella: AKA _______________________________________
C. Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) AKA: ________________________ syndrome
1. Etiology: __________________________
a. Critical time: ___________________ trimester
2. S&S: _____________________
a. ID: _________________________________________
b. _______________________ defects
1) ____________________ & ___________________
c. ______________________ defects
d. ______________ cephaly
e. ______________ abnormalities
f. __________________________
3. Treatment
4. Prevention: ________________________________
D. Toxoplasmosis:
1. ________________________ parasite
2. ______________ placental spread 
E. Congenital Toxoplasmosis
1. Etiology
a. ______________ undercooked meat
b. ______________ feces
c. _______ pasteurized mild
2. S&S: _____________________
a. Triad:
1) ____________ cephalus
2) Intracranial _____________________
3) Chorio_________________________
b. ID: _________________________
c. Sensory: ________________________
d. _______________________________
e. ____________ birth weight
f. Hepatosplemomegaly  _____________________________
3. Treatment: ____________________________
4. Diagnosis
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
F. Syphilis
1. Transplacental spread 
G. Congenital Syphilis
1. Etiology:
a. Spirochete bacterium: ____________________________
b. Vulnerable Time period: _____________________________
2. S&S
a. Early Stage
1) ______________ to ______________
2) ______________ discharge
3) Blistery ___________________
4) No _________________ bridge
b. Stage
1) Hutchinson’s triad
i. Hutchinson’s ________________
ii. ___________________________
iii. ________________
2) ID
3) _______________ pain
4) ______________________________ loss
3. Treatment
a. Mom: Prenatal _____________& ________________________
b. Delivery: __________________________________
H. Cytomegalovirus
1. _____________ - like infection: ________________________
2. Etiology: ____________________________ spread 
I. Congenital Cytomegalovirus
1. S&S:
a. Inflammation of the ________________________
b. Hepatosplenomegaly  _____________________
c. ____________ birth weight
d. ________________________
e. ________________________
f. __________ cephaly
2. Diagnostic tests
a. Antibody ________________ against ___________
b. ________________________ level
c. ________________________ screen
3. Treatment
a. Focus on __________________________
4. Prognosis
5. Prevention
a. PG: _________________________________________
J. Small Group Questions
#31 Describe the cause, sequence of events, pathology and preventative factors of
erythroblastosis fetalis.
#32 Describe the relationship of the Rh factor disorders and kernicterus
A. Erythroblastosis Fetalis
1. _______________________ disease
a. _____________ incompatibility
b. _____________ incompatibility
2. Neonate ______________ destruction
3. S&S
a. __________________
b. _________________________  Jaundice
c. __________________
4. Treatment
a. ________________ therapy
1) ___________________ breaks down when exposed to _______
b. Blood ___________________
B. ABO Incompatibility
1. Etiology:
a. Mom blood type: ____________________
b. Fetus blood type: ____________________
2. S&S
a. _________________
b. _________________
c. Severe  _______________________
1) Brain damage due to ___________________________________
3. Treatment
a. _________________ therapy
C. Rh incompatibility
1. Etiology / Pathophysiology
a. Mom blood type: __________________
b. Fetus blood type: __________________
c. Mom develops _________________________ to __________ 
d. Immune response  ___________________________________ 
1) ________________________
2) ________________________  __________ cannot metabolize 
2. S&S
a. Utero
1) _______________________
2) ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
d. ________________________
e. ________________________
3. Treatment (neonate)
a. ________________________
b. ________________________
4. Prevention!
a. ________________________
1) Prevents development of ______________________________
D. Kernicterus
1. Definition: ___________________ brain damage due to destruction of
_________in ______ _______ bilirubin  crosses “_____________________________barrier” Brain ___________________
2. Etiology
a. _____________ incompatibility
b. _____________
c. _____________ anomalies
d. _____________ incompatibilities
3. S&S
a. Characteristic: ________________________________
b. ___________________ athetosis
c. Spastic ____________________
d. Hypotonia
e. Anemia
f. Hypoxia
Describe the fetal effects from maternal use of the following teratogens: Narcotics, Marijuana,
Alcohol, Thalidomide, Anti-convulsants, Tobacco
A. Teratogen
1. Potential to _________________________________________
B. Narcotics
1. Examples: ___________________________________________
2. Effects:
a. Retarded _________________________
1) _____________ birth _______________________
b. ________________________
1) Withdrawal Begins: _____________________________________
i. Tremors  ___________________________
ii. ___________ swallow reflex
iii. __________________
iv. _____________________
v. _______ temp  ________________________
2) Up to 6 mo S&S
i. Hyper ______________________________
ii. Hyper ______________________________
iii. Tremulousness
iv. ___________ social responsiveness
3) Congenital abnormality _________________________
C. Cocaine
1. Drug type: ____________________
2. Action: _________________ blood vessels  ___________________ to brain
3. Trassmission: __________________________& _________________________
4. Effects Mom: _______ risk of ________________________________
5. Effects Baby:
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
6. Withdrawal: Begins ________________________________________
a. ______________ cardia
b. ______________
c. Hyper_______________________
d. _________________ problems
e. _________________ problems
f. ___ risk of ____________________
D. Marijuana
1. Type of drug: __________________________
2. Effects: Baby
a. _______ muscle mass
b. __________________
c. ____ __________________ reflex
E. Alcohol
1. Type of drug: _____________________________________
2. Effects: _____________________
a. Fetal Alcohol _____________________
1) ____________ severe
b. Fetal Alcohol _____________________
F. Thalidomide
G. Anti-convulsants
H. Tobaccoa