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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Collision handling: detection and response CSE 3541 Matt Boggus Collision handling overview detection response Point collision detection Line segment and ray collision detection Polyhedron-polyhedron collision detection Bounding volume test Vertex inside polyhedron test Concave case Convex case Edge-face intersection test Kinematic response Penalty method Geometric modeling primitives • Point • Line segment • Polygon Terminology – convex and concave polygons Convex and concave – line test Convex and concave – interior angles Polygon triangulation split into a set of convex polygons Generic collision detection test • Given two objects, the objects are either colliding or not colliding • if( objectsCollide ) { collision response } • Ex: two 2D points, P and Q – P.x == Q.x && P.y == Q.y – (P.x – Q.x < errorThreshold) && (P.y – Q.y < errorThreshold) Types of equations • Explicit y = f(x) – Ex: y = 2x+5 • Implicit 0 = f(x,y) – Ex: x2 + y2 – 1 = 0 • Given some point P = (a,b), compute f(a,b) = c – c > 0, then P is outside of circle – c = 0, then P is on boundary of circle – c < 0, then P is inside circle • Parametric (x,y) = (f(t),g(t)) – Ex: x = cos (t), y = sin (t) • Given a value for t, compute a point (x,y) = P – P is on boundary of circle • Note: shapes other than circles can be defined too Parametric line equation • P(t) = P0 + t V – P0 is point on line – V is direction (or slope) of line – On line segment ending at P1, t ranges from (0,1) • Can also be expressed in (x,y) components – x = P0.x + t * (P1.x – P0.x) – y = P0.y + t * (P1.y – P0.y) Point on a line segment • Given (x,y), is it on a line segment (P1 to P0)? • x = P0.x + tx * (P1.x – P0.x) • y = P0.y + ty * (P1.y – P0.y) • Plug in x, y, P0, P1, solve for tx and ty • On the segment if 0 ≤ tx = ty ≤ 1 Examples • P0 = (0,0) • P1 = (1,1) • • • • P = (0.5, 0.5) P = (-1, -1) P = (2, 2) P = (5, 0) Line intersection – two equations • Pa = P0 + ta (P1 – P0) • Pb = P2 + tb (P3 – P2) • Set them equal, solve for ta and tb – Note that these are vector equations, not scalars • Line segment intersection if – 0 <= ta <= 1, and – 0 <= tb <= 1 Line intersection – visual example Point in polygon – ray test Ray test special cases Point in convex polygon (y - y0) (x1 - x0) - (x - x0) (y1 - y0) > 0, point is to the left of the line < 0, point is to the right of the line = 0, point is on the line Point in convex polygon (y - y0) (x1 - x0) - (x - x0) (y1 - y0) For (3,1): (1)(5) – (3)(0) = 5 For (3,0): (0)(5) – (3)(0) = 0 For (3,-1): (-1)(5) – (3)(0) = -5 Polygon Intersection Contained vertex Intersecting edges Polygon intersection – vertex + edges Collision detection: point-ground plane p = (x, y, z) y0 y0 y0 Surface/Polygon normals Images from Collision detection: point-arbitrary plane p = (x, y, z) E ( p) 0 E ( p) ax by cz d N p d N = (a, b, c) N E ( p) 0 E ( p) 0 Terms: p = point N = normal vector D = distance from origin Collision detection: time of impact P(ti) P(ti+?) P(ti+1) 2 options -Resolve collision based on new position, P(ti+1) -Compute fractional time at which collision actually occurred, resolve collision based on that position, P(ti+?) Tradeoff: accuracy v. computational cost 3D object collision detection Collision detection: polyhedra • Order tests according to computational complexity and power of detection 1. test bounding volumes for overlap 2. test for vertex of one object inside of other object 3. test for edge of one object intersecting face of other object Polygon and polyhedra complexity How many edges? How many points? Bounding objects • Sphere • Axis aligned bounding box • Oriented bounding box Bounding volume construction • Given a set of points as input, can we automatically create bounding volumes – Axis aligned bounding box – Sphere – Convex hull Axis aligned bounding box Axis aligned bounding box Bounding sphere Bounding sphere Bounding sphere Bounding sphere Convex Hull Best fit convex polyhedron to concave polyhedron but takes some (one-time) computation 1. Find highest vertex, V1 2. Find remaining vertex that minimizes angle with horizontal plane through point. Call edge L 3. Form plane with this edge and horizontal line perpendicular to L at V1 4. Find remaining vertex that for triangle that minimizes angle with this plane. Add this triangle to convex hull, mark edges as unmatched 5. For each unmatched edge, find remaining vertex that minimizes angle with the plane of the edge’s triangle Convex hull Convex hull Convex hull Convex hull Convex hull Convex hull Convex hull Bounding Slabs For better fit bounding polyhedron: use arbitrary (user-specified) collection of bounding plane-pairs Is a vertex between each pair? d2 N P d1 Sphere vs. Sphere Compare distance (p1,p2) to r1+r2 distance(p1,p2)2 to (r1 + r2)2 AABB vs. AABB AABB vs. AABB Oriented bounding boxes and arbitrary polygons • Separating axis theorem – ation/collision-detection-with-the-separating-axistheorem/ – – orialA.html Sphere vs. AABB Sphere vs. AABB – clamping Sphere vs. AABB – closest point Collision detection: polyhedra 1. test bounding volumes for overlap 2. test for vertex of one object inside of other object 3. test for edge of one object intersecting face of other object Collision detection: polyhedra Intersection = NO For each vertex, V, of object A if (V is inside of B) intersection = YES For each vertex, V, of object B if (V is inside of A) intersection = YES A vertex is inside a convex polyhedron if it’s on the ‘inside’ side of all faces A vertex is inside a cancave polyhedron if a semi-infinite ray from the vertex intersects an odd number of faces Collision detection: polyhedra Edge intersection face test Finds all polyhedral intersections, but is the most expensive test: for all faces (i) for all edges (j) test face i for intersection with edge j If vertices of edges are on opposite side of plane of face Calculate intersection of edge with plane Determine if that point of intersection is inside the face Collision response Collisions: physics review • Momentum p mv • In a closed system, momentum is conserved p mv m'v' • After a collision, the sum of all momentums is the same as the sum of all momentum before the collision Collision types Elastic collisions – no loss of kinetic energy (e.g. deformations, heat) Kinetic energy Inelastic collisions – loss of kinetic energy 1 2 E mv 2 Elastic collision with stationary object: horizontal and vertical walls/planes • For vertical wall/boundary – Negate x component of velocity – Preserve y component of velocity • Ex: v0 = (3,-3) ; v = (-3,-3) • For horizontal walls/boundaries – Preserve x – Negate y Elastic collision with stationary object: angled walls/planes • Still split velocity vector into components – Now with respect to the normal (n) of the wall • u = (v * n / n * n) n – Note: * is dot product – Vector/direction is parallel to n – Scalar/magnitude is in opposite direction of n; (v * n) < 0 • w=v–u • Reflected velocity: v’ = w – u Penalty method normal spring force Collision response: penalty Collision response: damped Damping factor = 0.8 Other object vs. plane ideas normal old velocity distance from plane new velocity Elastic collision with movable object Other object vs. object ideas v2 v1 Inelastic Collisions Coefficient of restitution ratio of velocities before and after collision (dampen the resulting velocity) Objects stick together, momentum is conserved ADDITIONAL SLIDES Collision detection speedup Particle collision detection loop ArrayList Particles = new ArrayList(); Particle p; Particles.Add(p); … void HandleAllParticleCollisions(){ for(int i=0; i < Particles.Count; i++){ for(int j =i+1 j < Particles.Count; j++) { // test Particles i and j for collision } } } Collision detection speedup • Two approaches – Bound the object – Bound the space the object is contained in Hierarchical bounding volumes Approximating polyhedra with spheres for time-critical collision detection, by Philip M. Hubbard HBV example HBV example HBV example Spatial subdivision – grid (quadtrees and octrees) Spatial subdivision – binary space partitioning Collision detection: swept volume Time & relative direction of travel sweeps out a volume Only tractable in simple cases (e.g. linear translation) If part of an object is in the volume, it was intersected by object Additional issues • Adding physics for rotation • Handling multiple collisions • Resting contact