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The Cold War
16.1= The Beginnings
The Iron Curtain
The Truman Doctrine
1947= Eastern European nations were struggling against communist
Greece & Turkey were nations that were struggling against communist forces
Truman believed these nations deserved aid
Truman requested money from Congress “to support free peoples who are
resisting attempted subjugations by armed minorities or by outside pressures”
U.S. government gave $400 million in aid to Greece & Turkey
American Foreign Policy
Followed a policy of containment
Keep communism where it already exists, prevent the spreading of it
Soviet Union would not risk spreading their influence if there were serious risks
The Marshall Plan
1948= Congress approved the Marshall Plan
U.S. program; $13 billion in grants/loans to Western Europe
Provided food, fuel, & money to jump-start economic growth
Germany & the Berlin Airlift
Germany= Front lines of the Cold War
Western Germany controlled by U.S., Britain, France
Eastern Germany controlled by communist USSR
Berlin controlled by Allied forces & Communist forces
West= Allied
East= Communist
June, 1948= Stalin blocked all traffic coming into Berlin; Could not receive any aid
U.S. & Britain supplied West Berlin through a major airlift; Berlin airlif
Alliances Form
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
1949; 12 Western European & North American nations agreed to protect Western Europe
Warsaw Pact
1955; Collection of all the Communist states, except Yugoslavia
The Cold War
16.2= The Korean War
China Becomes Communist
Before & after World War II(1937), civil war divided China
Nationalist Jiang Jieshi (Known in U.S. as Chiang Kai-shek) vs. Communist Mae Zedong
U.S. supported the nationalists; USSR supported the communists
Corruption hurt the nationalists, while Mae Zedong’s communists forces dominated
1949= China becomes communist, renamed the People’s Republic of China
Communism controlled ¼ of the globe & 1/3 of the world’s population
Korean War
June 25, 1950= N. Korea invades S. Korea
Take capital of S. Korea, Seoul
President Truman announces U.S. will aid S. Korea
U.N. Security Council unanimously votes to aid S. Korea
Soviet Union not able to veto vote, had been boycotting the Security Council
Security Council refused to seat Republic of China once it became communist
No formal declaration of war was declared
U.N. resolution allowed Truman to send American troops
The War; 1950-1953
General MacArthur wanted to invade China, Truman opposed
MacArthur distrusted Truman’s policy of limited war
MacArthur sent a letter to House of Reps. that attacked Truman; Fired for insubordination
Allied forces pushed back to the 38th parallel by spring of 1951
Stalemate, lasted until 1953
Election of 1952; Harry Truman vs. Dwight Eisenhower
Newly elected Eisenhower hinted using nuclear weapons to end war
Republican Eisenhower elected due to promises to end war; experienced military leader
This, plus death of Stalin led to the communists to agree to sign a cease-fire
Korean War led to:
1) Increased military spending
2) Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO); Defensive alliance to stop spread of
3) Truman’s no declaration of war would be used again by future presidents
The Cold War
16.3= Cold War Expands
Arms Race
September 2nd, 1949= Soviet Union tests an atomic weapon
Occurred around same time China became a communist nation
1952= U.S. develops new weapon, Hydrogen bomb
1,000 times more powerful than an atomic bomb
Einstein & Oppenheimer (Developer of first atomic bombs) urged U.S. not to make new
weapon; lead to an arms race
Mutually assured destruction
Eisenhower’s Policies
Aided greatly by secretary of state, John Foster Dulles
Foreign policy= Focused on stockpiling nuclear weapons & building planes,
missiles, submarines
Policy of massive retaliation
Brinkmanship= Dulles belief that going to the brink of war was only way U.S. could
prevent communism from spreading & protect America’s allies
Nikita Khrushchev
March 5, 1953= Joseph Stalin dies; replaced by Nikita Khrushchev
Opponent of U.S., but not as cruel as Stalin
Attempted to reach more peaceful relations with democratic West; July, 1955 met with
President Eisenhower
Cold War Spreads
Soviet Union wasn’t allowing free elections, Dulles wanted to “roll back”
communism & liberate countries under communist control
1956= Movements in Poland & Hungary
Hungarian revolution crushed by brutal Soviet Union response; Revolutionary leaders
executed & killed hundreds of other Hungarians
Massive retaliation was useless, U.S. didn’t want to use nuclear weapons
Cold War Spreads
Egypt & Suez Canal Crisis= President Abdel Nasser wanted to create a dam on
the Nile River, played U.S.-Soviet rivalry to his advantage
U.S./Britain agreed to fund construction costs until Nasser recognized the People’s
Republic of China
Nasser nationalized Suez Canal, placing it in government control; originally controlled by
British/French company & protected by British military
This action threatened flow of Middle Eastern oil to Europe, led Britain & France to team
up with Israel to seize back the Suez Canal; Allied powers did not inform U.S.
Outraged, Eisenhower did not allow Britain/France to use U.S. oil, led to their defeat by
Eisenhower Doctrine
January 1957= Promise that U.S. will use force to protect Middle Eastern
nations threatened by communism
Justified sending of U.S. troops to Lebanon to put down a revolt against U.S. government
Eisenhower’s administration utilized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Intelligence-gathering organization, created in 1947
Aided coups (government rebellions) in Iran (1953) & Guatemala (1954) to take down
communist rulers
Cold War & Space Race
October 4, 1957= Launching of Sputnik 1 by Soviet Union
Month later launched a larger satellite with a dog inside of it
Panicked, U.S. approved the National Defense Education Act
$1 billion program to produce more scientist and teachers of science
Congress created National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
The Cold War
16.4= Cold War at Home
The Red Scare
Reaction to the fear that communists, both outside & within the U.S., were
working to destroy American life
Federal Employee Loyalty Program (1947)= Created by Truman, screened political
affiliations of gov. workers
The Smith Act= Unlawful to teach/advocate overthrow of U.S. government, used to
destroy Communist Party
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
1947, targeted Hollywood & and the movie industry; Hollywood Ten
Movie executives created a blacklist of actors/actresses who couldn’t be hired
Spy Cases
Whittaker Chambers & Alger Hiss
Chambers, a former communist espionage agent, turned against communism after Stalin’
1948= Testified before HUAC, named Alger Hiss as one of his contacts within the U.S. gov
Hiss handed over classified document to Chambers; led to panic in U.S.
Spy Cases
The Rosenberg Case
Jewish couple, Ethel & Julius Rosenberg, accused of conspiring with others to help Soviet
Union develop atomic weapons
Executed in 1953; Controversial case, Rosenberg’s claimed anti-Semitism was why they
were arrested; Also their political affiliation to the Communist Party
Couple’s guilt based on testimony of one person
February 1950= Senator Joseph McCarthy, of Wisconsin, accused State
Department of harboring over 200 communist gov. officials
Anticommunism message grabbed headlines, led to his reelection in 1952
Made extreme charges against gov. officials, most charges were baseless accusations
against political rivals
1954, made charges against the U.S. army
Senate decided to hold televised hearings, American public shocked by McCarthy’s bullying
tactics; McCarthy discredited