Download Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Reception Autumn 1

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Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Reception
Autumn 1 Learning Objectives
Baseline Assessment – number recognition and ordering 1-10 11-20
counting up to 10 objects
saying one more/ one less than any number to 10
sorting objects
To recognise numerals of personal significance.
To count 3 or 4 objects with 1:1 correspondance
To count up to 6 objects from a larger group
To sort and match objects – colour, size e.g. 3 bears
To recognise numbers 1-9
Numicon free play
Number songs and rhymes
Autumn 2 Learning Objectives
Counting groups of 7, 8, 9 and 10 objects
Representing numbers using fingers, Numicon shapes, numerals.
Counting groups of objects, matching numbers to sets.
Talking about shapes, vocab: same, different, curved, straight
Recognise and name 2D shapes – triangle, square, rectangle, circle
Making a 2 colour repeating pattern.
Recognise and sequence 1-10
Finding the total of 2 groups of objects.
To say one more than. vocab: 1 more, altogether, __ and 1 more makes…?
Spring 1 Learning Objectives
Less able children: counting up to 10 objects
Recognise, sequence, match and write 0-5 1-10 0-20
To develop number formation.
To develop recognition of Numicon shapes.
To select 2 groups to make a given total – making sets of 5, 6
vocab: altogether
To make a 2 colour repeating pattern – Espresso, beads, pegboards
Order 2-3 items by length or height vocab: long, short, longer, shorter, taller, tallest,
longest, shortest
To sort shapes into groups. vocab: flat, solid, 3D shape names
Problem Solving skills – Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Mental Maths = To say 1 more and 1 less than.
To say number names in order, forwards and back
To use positional language.
Spring 2 Learning Objectives
Less able children: counting up to 10 objects, recognising and writing 1-9, counting forwards
and backwards
To total 2 numbers to 10.
To count larger groups of objects, using counting strategies.
To sort objects using different criteria e.g. by shape, colour or size.
vocab: same, different, sort, grouping
Building models, making pictures with 2D and 3D shapes.
Order 2-3 items by weight and capacity. vocab: full, empty, heavy, light, heavier, lighter.
Problem Solving skills – longest beanstalk
Mental Maths = To estimate how many and check by counting.
To use ordinal numbers.
To count aloud in 2s, 5s, 10s
Summer 1 Learning Objectives
Less able children: write and order numbers 1-10, saying the number that is one more,
comparing groups of objects more/ less/ fewer
To share objects into equal groups
To add and take away. vocab: fewer, how many are left? How many altogether?
To relate addition to combining groups. More able – add by counting on from the biggest
To relate subtraction to taking away.
Use language such as ‘greater’ ‘smaller’ ‘heavier’ ‘lighter’ to compare quantities.
To use everyday language related to time.
To order everyday events.
Mental Maths = To say 1 more and 1 less than.
To select 2 groups to make a given total
To count in 2s, 5s 10s, including odd and even numbers
Summer 2 Learning Objectives
Less able children: totalling 2 groups of objects. To relate subtraction to taking away.
To add by counting on, using a number line 11-20
To subtract numbers by crossing out, counting back, using a number line.
More able – solving problems.
To solve practical problems using money- recognising 1p 2p 5p 10p Equivalence using 1p
coins. Exchanging 2p for 1p 1p. vocab: how much? enough, how much left? How many ___
can I buy?
To select 2 numbers to make a given total, beginning to remember some number pairs.
To make a 3-4 shape repeating pattern.
To make simple musical/ rhythmical repeating patterns.
To sort, describe and name 2D and 3D shapes.
To solve practical problems involving number, measures and shape.
Mental Maths = ordinal numbers
Solving addition and subtraction problems – number stories.
To use and follow positional language, to find objects from positional and
directional clues.