Download Rainforest tree ferns

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Lesson plan
Rainforest tree ferns
Rainforest tree ferns
EHere is a lesson plan outline, and some hints on
how to use the video.
1. To understand that plants have certain
environmental requirements.
2. To understand that plants do not live in isolation.
3. To understand that not all plants need full
sunshine, and some cannot tolerate it.
4. To understand that the tropical rainforest is
made of many layers of plant.
5. To understand that it rains in nearly every month,
and more particularly, nearly every day in the
E Make sure your
students know what a
rainforest is, and where
there are examples, for
example, the Amazon.
We have a book on the
Amazon and more on
rainforests, see links
What do your students
know of a rainforest? It is
worth splitting the word
into two: rain forest,
so they get the idea of
rain. In fact, what they
are really imagining is a
TROPICAL rainforest, as
there are plenty of other
© 2016 CurrriculumVisions
The video
The video can be linked to a number of our books,
including Rainforest life, Rainforest bugs, Rainforest
people, The Endangered rainforest, and more.
The video can be used to explain the nature of
understorey plants.
Watch the video FULL SCREEN (not set in the web site
page: click the double arrow bottom right of the video
control bar).
You can run the whole video through. You will be
expecting to show it again, this time stopping it
multiple times to point out a range of facts. For
example, on replay, stop near the beginning, and
make sure students have listened to the rain. Ask
them what intensity rain it is. A little further on make
sure they can isolate a tree fern from other plants.
© 2016 CurriculumVisions
Watch the video, then answer these questions:
1. How hard is it raining?
2. A tree fern is not a real tree, but just a fern with a
long stem. Can you make a sketch of one?
3. Rainforests have three layers of plant: near ground
understorey tree, canopy tree. Which kind is a tree
4. This plant is in the shade. Do you think it grows
quickly or slowly?
5. If a fern was put in full sunlight would it still grow
© 2016 CurrriculumVisions
1. Tropical rainforest storms are daily and of high
2. This is really important, as by sketching, students
demonstrate whether they have isolated the tree fern
from the environment in their minds, and what its
parts are, for example,the growing crown.
3. Understorey
4. Slowly because the light available for
photosynthesis is small.
5. The leaves would burn because it is adapted to a
humid environment, and leaves have no protection
from drying out.
NOTE: much more
interactive audiovisual
is available by using our
Eavesdrop resource.
To find it search:
‘Forest’. Choose
World biomes: Forest
life Eavesdrop AUDIO
This will open the
interactive screen
© 2016 CurriculumVisions