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Mineral Practice QUIZ
1. A mineral CANNOT be
6. Minerals are identified on the basis of
(A) inorganic
(B) a solid
(A) the method by which they were formed
(B) the type of rock in which they are found
(C) the size of their crystals
(D) their physical and chemical properties
(C) crystalline
(D) formed in nature
2. Only a small number of Earth’s minerals are
commonly found in rocks. The fact indicates that most
(A) minerals weather before they can be identified
(B) minerals have properties that are difficult to identify
(C) rocks have a number of minerals in common
(D) exposed surface rocks are mostly igneous
3. The data table shows the composition of six common
rock forming minerals.
7. The relative hardness of a mineral can be tested by
(A) scratching the mineral across a glass plate
(B) squeezing the mineral with calibrated pliers
(C) determining the density of the mineral
(D) breaking the mineral with a hammer
8. What property would a mineral have if it appears like
a new quarter in reflected light?
(A) a metallic luster
(B) metallic element composition
(C) magnetic
(D) a high density
The data table provides evidence that
(A) The same elements are found in all minerals
(B) a few elements are found in many minerals
(C) all elements are found in only a few minerals
(D) all elements are found in all minerals
4. Which element, found in both biotite mica and
muscovite mica, makes up the greatest percent by
volume of Earth’s crust?
(1) nitrogen
(2) oxygen
9. Which property allows diamond powder to be used
to shape gems for jewelry?
(A) crystal shape
(B) luster
(C) cleavage
(D) hardness
10. The cubic shape of a mineral crystal is most likely
the result of that crystal’s
(A) hardness
(B) density distribution
(C) internal arrangement of atoms
(D) intensity of radioactive decay
(3) potassium
(4) silicon
5. Minerals are composed of
(A) one or more rocks
(B) only one rock
(C) one or more chemical elements
(D) only one metal
11. Which mineral will scratch fluorite, galena, and
(1) graphite
(3) olivine
(2) calcite
(4) dolomite
12. Which mineral identification property is best represented by the samples above?
Using your knowledge of earth science and pages 39-43 in your workbook, answer the following questions.
13. Explain why color is NOT a good physical property to use in mineral identification.
14. Minerals are identified by their ____________________ and _________________ properties. Name 4
examples of these.
15. Mohs scale of hardness ranks the hardness values of minerals. Using Figure 2-4 on p.43 of your workbook,
answer the following questions.
a. Which minerals can be scratched with a fingernail?
b. Which minerals will scratch glass?
c. Why do physical properties, like hardness, vary from mineral to mineral?