Download Aluminum Isotope symbol 13 protons 13 neutrons 10 electrons

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Atoms are the smallest unit of matter.
They are not the smallest particle though. Atoms are
made up of several smaller particles.
Subatomic particles that make up each atom.
Protons: (+) charge, located in the nucleus, mass of 1 amu (atomic mass unit)
Neutrons: no charge (neutral) ,also located in the nucleus, mass of l amu
Electrons : (-)charged, found orbiting the nucleus, mass of 0.0005 amu (extremely small)
Atomic number represents the number of protons found in the nucleus. Each element has its own
atomic number. It is the protons that determine the identity of the element.
Atomic mass is calculated using the mass of the protons and neutrons. Most of the mass resides in the
nucleus. The electrons are so light that it would take approximately 2000 of them to equal the mass of l
proton or neutron. Therefore we don’t really need them to calculate the mass of the atom.
Atomic charge (oxidation state) is determined by the number of protons and electrons. If the protons
and electrons are the same, the atom has no charge and is said to be neutral. If the protons exceed the
electrons the atom will have a net positive charge. These atoms are called CATIONS. If the electrons
exceed the number of protons, then the atom will have a net negative charge. These atoms are called
Isotopes-same element (same atomic number/protons) but with a different mass (because the number
of neutrons vary). Radioactive isotopes have large nuclei containing more neutrons than the protons.
This makes the atom unstable and radioactive.
Isotope symbols
Atomic mass
(P + N)
Atomic Charge
(Charge p + charge e-)
Neutral elements have no charge because
the # protons = # electrons.
Atomic #
13 protons
13 neutrons
10 electrons
Isotope symbol