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Cell Division Homework #3
Name: ________________________ Per: ____ Sci #: ____
List three advantages to asexual reproduction.
What is the advantage to sexual reproduction?
_________________ is the name given to sex cells; egg and sperm cells.
In organisms that result from sexual reproduction, the organism will have _____ sets of chromosomes.
One set comes from the _____________ and the other comes from the _____________.
What are homologous chromosomes?
All of the cells of the human body have a chromosome number that is _____________, except for the
gametes which have a chromosome number that is _____________.
What is the purpose of meiosis?
What event occurs in prophase I of meiosis that did not occur in prophase of mitosis?
Anaphase I splits apart __________________ and anaphase II splits apart __________________.
10. A tetrad consists of _________________.
11. _____________________ is the exchange of genes between segments of homologous chromosomes
during meiosis.
12. During the _____________ stage of meiosis, the diploid number of chromosomes is reduced to the haploid
number of chromosomes.
For each of the following, indicate if the statement is true of mitosis or meiosis.
____________13 This type of cell division results in cells that are different from the mother cell.
One Diploid (2N) cell  Two Diploid (2N) cells
____________15 This type of cell division results in cells that have half the number of chromosomes as the
parent cell.
____________16 One Diploid (2N) cell  Four Haploid (1N) cells
____________17 This type of cell division occurs in all body cells except for in the formation of sex cells.
____________18 In this type of cell division tetrads are formed and crossing over may occur.
____________19 This type of cell division occurs in the formation of sex cells.
____________20 This type of cell division produces cells that are identical to each other.
Distinguish between these pairs of words:
21. asexual reproduction/sexual reproduction
22. haploid/diploid
23. mitosis/meiosis
Multiple Choice:
______24 In a particular organism, 2N = 16. How many chromosomes will be found in each of the body cells
of this organism? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32
______25 In a particular organism, 2N = 16. How many chromosomes will be found in each of the sex cells
of this organism? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32
______26 In which phase of meiosis are tetrads formed? (A) prophase II (B) prophase I (C) metaphase I
(D) interphase (E) anaphase II.
______27 Crossing over occurs during: (A) meiosis I (B) meiosis II (C) mitosis (D) cytokinesis (E) in
both mitosis and meiosis.
______28 Which of the following events occurs during prophase I of meiosis? (A) the DNA is replicated
(B) homologous pairs of chromosomes are linked together (C) homologous pairs of chromosomes
are pulled apart (D) 4 sex cells are produced.
True or False?
______29 Each cell that is produced by mitosis has half the number of chromosomes as the mother cell had.
______30 DNA is replicated and chromatids are formed in both mitosis and meiosis.
______31 If an organism has 12 chromosomes in each of its body cells, it would also have 12 chromosomes in
its gametes.