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SOS Athletic Excellence
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Contents Page
About the Author
Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
Monitoring Progress
Essential Muscle Building Tips
Working Out Your Individual Nutrition Needs
Pre Shake Arrival Plan / Preparation Phase
Pre Shake Exercise Plan / Preparation Phase
The Complete Muscle Building Nutrition Plan
The Complete Muscle Building Training Plan
Coaching call + Follow Sam O’Sullivan
Further Help from Sam / Products / Follow Us
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
About Sam O’Sullivan
Sam O’Sullivan is the creator of the ’45 Day Complete
Muscle Building Program’. Sam is a highly qualified
Personal Trainer with seven years experience in the
industry. He has a huge passion for training,
nutrition and health.
Sam owns his own gym in Cardiff, United Kingdom
called ‘SOS Athletic Excellence’ where he conducts
his Personal Training sessions and body
Sam maintains a lean physique himself due to his
sporting commitments but understands how the
human body works with gaining lean muscle.
Sam O’Sullivan
Creator of
The 45 Day Complete
Muscle Building Plan
Sam has put all of his knowledge into this book to maximise your results from
the ’45 Day Complete Muscle Building Plan’.
Sam has helped hundreds of people transform their body shapes by adding
lean muscle and dropping body fat. Below are some examples of clients Sam
has worked with. Using these tried and tested principles Sam has created a
Blueprint that incorporates the Juice+ Plus product range to help you build
muscle in a healthy and efficient manner.
Transformations clients that have followed Sam’s ‘45 Day Complete Muscle
Building Plan’ principles
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Muscle - some people walk into a gym, throw a few
weights around, and muscles will appear. For others,
putting on muscle is a bit more of a challenge. No
matter what they seem to do, they find their bodies
don’t respond.
If this is you, it could be due to a variety of things.
This ‘Complete Muscle Building Plan’, will give you a
blueprint to add muscle and lose body fat in just 45
days using the assistance of Juice Plus+ Complete.
Your Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes have been
ordered and should arrive within 9 – 11 days.
Sam maintains a lean
Use this arrival time to clean up your diet, start the
training program and also digest the information in
this book. In order to increase mass you must have
a daily surplus of calories.
and muscular
physique following
the principles of the
‘45 Day Complete
Muscle Plan’.
Nutrition and training type will be key to ensure these calories go to good use
and create increased lean muscle mass, not fat mass.
I will do my best in this ‘Complete Muscle Building Plan’ to give you all the
tools to make this 45 day journey a huge success.
It is important that you understand what it takes to add lean muscle and what
you need to do over the next 45 days. I will therefore start by sharing with you
some nutrition and lifestyle tips to encourage lean mass gains and transform
your body into a toned and muscular physique.
With nutrition and training you must realise that there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’
method. I will therefore try to educate you as much as I can with the
fundamentals of muscle building. These principles can then be used to
maximise your gains following on from this initial 45 day program.
I have followed these principles myself over the last 18 months and am now
able to stay lean and muscular all year round.
Before we get any further make sure you print out this book.
It’s going to be your resource for the next 45 days and needs to be on hand.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
Juice PLUS+® Complete is a tasty drink for well-being. It contains low
glycaemic index carbohydrates, the so-called ‘good carbs’, vegetable proteins
of high biological value, essential isoflavones and natural fibre. Juice PLUS+®
Complete is the only nutritional beverage containing the Juice PLUS+®
different fruits and vegetables juice powders.
The JP+ Complete provides convenient nutritional support on a daily basis.
It’s an ideal on the go breakfast, delicious snack and for anyone who wants a
healthy, easy-to-digest meal.
As part of the ’45 Day Complete Muscle Building Plan’, you will have two Juice
Plus+ shakes a day. One will be a morning smoothie and the second will be a
post workout shake.
What makes Juice Plus+ Complete the shake of choice for the ’45 Day
Complete Muscle Building Plan’ is that it is packed with plant nutrients and
essential plant enzymes that are easily digestible. It also contains many of the
essential amino acids and mixes great with other foods such as almond butter,
fruit, vegetables and various milk varieties.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
So do you really need to take extra supplements?
Absolutely! It’s no longer a question! A whole food supplement will fill a lot
of holes that if left empty will hinder your body’s ability to burn fat efficiently
and build muscle.
Supplements compensate for important nutrients the average UK diet often
lacks- this is particularly important when attempting to lose body fat and
increase muscle.
The balanced nutrition provided by the supplements listed helps stabilize
your body’s hormone chemistry, raise your metabolism and increase your
body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients – all without added calories!
Sensible supplementation promotes fat loss without losing muscle by
supplying the essential nutrients necessary to increase or maintain lean
muscle tissue.
The Result:
Your body is more prepared to fight illnesses and has the raw
materials necessary to achieve a lean, fit physique. In a perfect world, we
would eat perfectly balanced meals that contain just the right amount of each
vitamin that we need for optimal health and well being, without adding extra
calories that lead to weight gain. Whole-food supplements serve as buffers in
the event that your diet does not meet your daily requirements.
The nutrients you need for optimum health and fitness
Did you know there are 45 known essential nutrients (nutrients must come
from outside sources) 13 kinds of vitamins, and at least 20 kinds of minerals
that are required in specific amounts for the body to function properly?
Macro and Micronutrients
Macronutrients have calories. Macronutrients are your proteins,
carbohydrates and fats. Micronutrients do not have calories. These are your
vitamins, minerals and water. Vitamins and minerals are simply catalysts that
allow metabolic processes to take place. Vitamins and minerals act on the
macronutrients you take in – the proteins, carbs and fats in your diet.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
So if you’re not taking in a balanced diet of proteins, carbs and fats, the
vitamins and minerals can’t do their job.
Enzymes are required for your body to function properly. Without enzymes
you wouldn't be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, or digest your food. You
must have enzymes to help perform these tasks. Each metabolic reaction is
started, controlled, and terminated by enzymes. Without enzymes, no
metabolic activity will occur. When you were young, you had an abundant
supply of enzymes. You felt great. Your energy level seemed never ending.
You had "enzymes to burn" which kept you running at tip top efficiency. Over
the years as you eat overcooked and processed foods; you are using up your
natural supply of digestive enzymes. So, as you age, digestion becomes more
difficult for your body.
The reason we are running out of enzymes is a LIFESTYLE PROBLEM.
Our poor dietary habits, fast food obsessions, and excessive intake of fat and
sugars, all require excessive amounts of enzymes to digest our foods.
Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the "building blocks" of the body that make up proteins.
Protein substances make up the muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, and
hair. Growth, repair and maintenance of all cells are dependent upon them.
Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our body weight. A
deficiency in even one of the 20 standard amino acids will severely
compromise your health.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)
Essential meaning your body can't live without them. These are the “good”
fats needed for a healthy heart, a healthy nervous system, and especially a
healthy brain (the human brain is around 80% fats). Protein alone does not
build muscle.
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EFA’s are the starting point – or the mortar and brick - for manufacturing all
other fatty acids and hormones necessary to build strong lean muscle while
increasing stamina required for building lean muscle. EFA’s also help to
decrease inflammation and pain; reduced muscle soreness after strenuous
workouts and shortened recovery time.
Phytonutrients “Antioxidants”
Antioxidants are cell protectors. They protect cells from the damage caused
by unstable molecules known as free radicals; the devils that roam around
your blood stream, causing damage to cell walls.
Free radicals also accelerate the aging process. Also, over a long time period,
such damage can become irreversible and lead to diseases like cancer.
Antioxidants interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some
of the damage free radicals otherwise might cause.
Why is this important to you? Resistance Training increases oxygen intake
from 10 to 20 times over the resting state.
This greatly increases the generation of free radicals. Antioxidants play the
housekeeper's role, "mopping up" free radicals before they get a chance to do
harm in your body. Now it is important that you consume many of the super
foods below, but we can’t all live in an ideal world and this is where
supplementation plays a vital role in supplying the antioxidant nutrients we
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Recommended Supplements
Juice Plus+ Premium Plus+ Capsules:
These contain the
nutrients of the following fruits, vegetables and berries. Apples, oranges,
pineapple, cranberries, acerola cherries, peaches, papaya, dates, prunes,
carrots, parsley, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, spinach, garlic,
concord grapes, blueberries, bilberries, blackberries, elderberries,
raspberries, cranberries, redcurrants and
Juice Plus+ Premium Plus Capsules
critical in maintaining digestive health and ensuring your boy has the
correct enzymes to break down food effectively.
healthy heart, helps the body to absorb calcium and also in
relieving stiff muscles. Please do not buy the cheap stuff ending in ‘ate’ as
your body will only process about 10%.
Zinc: for a healthy immune system and boosting testosterone levels
Fish Oils:
reduces inflammation, cardiovascular health, better brain
You can purchase these products at SOS Athletic Excellence Gym in Cardiff.
It is essential and motivational to collect evidence of development and
change. Throughout the plan we are not only going to educate you on food
choices but we also want you to understand the benefits of monitoring your
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
How the Monitoring Works
At the start of the program you will start you off by taking your initial
measurements and weight. This will then set your starting point. This will
then be re taken each week on the same day for the duration of your weight
management program. If possible you will monitor:
Body Fat %.
Your body fat will play a huge part in your body shape. Monitoring this will let
you see exactly how much fat you have lost throughout the program and not
just weight.
Although weight is not an essential measurement it is still a good
motivational tool to use. However be wary, losing / gaining weight can be a
combination of many factors such as water and fat, and/or increases in
Before and After Photos
Before and after pictures is undoubtedly the best way to monitor progress. Do
three sets of photos (Front / Side / Behind). We advise you to take these
photos every single weeks to monitor improvements.
Sam O’Sullivan practicing what he preaches with his own before and after photos
PLEASE NOTE: Do not worry if you do not have access to body fat and
water measurement etc. weight guides can still be effective, most
importantly so is the mirror. Remember…
‘What gets measured gets managed, what gets managed gets results’
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
45 Day Complete Muscle Gain Guidelines For Maximum Results
Essential Muscle Gaining Tips
You Need to Eat More:
Gaining muscle is not just about lifting
weights. Eating tons of protein and also ensuring you have a calorie surplus
each day is key. You've always heard that your body needs protein to grow
and this is true. However, adequate protein does not always result in muscle
growth. You need to consume adequate calories also.
The truth is if you don't consume enough calories, then you're not growing. So
you’re going to have to commit to eating regular high protein meals in order
to make this a success.
You Will Start Each Day with a Liquid Meal
This will make
hitting our calorie goal achievable from day one. Starting the day with highquality protein from the Juice Plus+ Complete and then having a solid
breakfast an hour later.
You will aim to eat every 2.5 – 3 hours. I recommend you use
the ‘ding-ding, time to eat’ method, Making a conscious decision to take the
time to eat is one of the best keys to gaining mass. Sounds simple, but if you’re
like me and run a business and have a lot of other interests and obligations, it
becomes easy to skip meals or, as I prefer to call them, feedings.
Once you have had a meal, set the watch so that it rings two and a half hours
later, indicating when it’s time for your next feeding.
Eat plenty of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are needed to fuel
exercise. The higher the level of carbs in the body, the more likely you are
going to remain in an anabolic environment.
Carbs also play a role in the release of insulin. As you know, insulin is the
body's most potent anabolic hormone. So don’t be scared of carbs from the
correct sources.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Eat Plenty of Protein.
Let's face it, muscle is protein and protein is
composed of amino acids. You can't build big muscles without an adequate
supply of protein. Think of building muscle as building a castle with Lego
blocks. If you don't have the pieces to start with then you cannot build the
castle. Eating enough protein should be a no-brainer but for those who don't
know, one should consume 2-3 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight.
So if you weigh 80 kg you would need about 160-240 grams of protein per
The best way to do this is to break the supply of protein into smaller servings
throughout the day for better absorption and assimilation. In short, eat your
protein and eat good kinds such as beef, chicken, fish, Juice Plus+ complete
and eggs. You will aim for 6 meals a day on the ‘SOS 45 Day Complete Muscle
Building Program’.
Eat multiple meals.
Since you're now eating lots more calories per
day (we will work out exact calories in next section) our next best bet would
be to eat 6 meals a day. Although this may seem like a lot, it really isn't. Do the
math, if you divide 3000 calories into 6 smaller meals a day, then each meal
will consist of approximately 500 calories.
Trust me when I say that 500 calories isn't a lot. Although it takes a lot of
discipline, eating smaller and more frequent meals will pay off in the end.
Eat enough good fats.
One mistake wannabe lifters make is to not
eat enough good fats. Fats are very important in growth. One good thing to
know about good fats is that there is a direct relationship between fat
and testosterone levels.
Eat a good pre-workout meal.
The best thing to consume
before a workout is a meal consisting of slow burning carbs. The reason is
that slow burning carbs take longer to convert into glucose thus keeping
blood sugar levels relatively consistent. This keeps your body from having an
energy crash allowing you to train longer and harder. Be sure to combine this
meal with a healthy serving of good protein as well to maximize gains.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Consume a high quality post-workout meal.
The meal
right after you train should be high in fast burning carbs and protein. The
ideal candidate for this would be a protein shake coupled with some form of
sugar. When you train, you put your body in a catabolic state and destroy it so
that it can build itself back bigger and stronger. However, if you don't supply
the raw building blocks, then how can your body efficiently repair itself?
For the average person, a 40g protein shake and 75g of carbs is plenty. Just
make sure you don't waste any time and slam the drinks down as soon as you
finish training. Leave the chatting for after you consume those drinks.
Drink plenty of water. One of the most overlooked factors in exercise
is adequate water consumption. This should be a no-brainer since water
comprises up to 70% of the body and if you're dehydrated, your muscle size
suffers as well. It is apparent that one pound of muscle can hold up to three
pounds of water. Now if you add it all up, that's a lot of size.
Water will also flush out the toxins and help your body to reduce fat. You
should be drinking 1 litre for every 50lbs (22.7kg) of body weight. Your first
pint of water should be within 30 minutes of waking up.
Use supplements.
If you can afford to use extra supplements, then by
all means do so. Why? Because they work! However, I would stick with the
basics such as Juice Plus+ Complete, Juice Plus+ capsules and BCAA’s initially.
Before adding in further supplements than the Juice Plus+ range speak to
your coach.
The number one overlooked factor in building a better body is rest. If
you don't rest, then how can your muscles recover and grow? Our bodies
need a stimulus to grow, such as intense training. Once this happens, our
muscles essentially ‘break down’. Make a conscious effort to get to bed before
10.30pm! Getting the full 8 hours sleep will ensure your body gets a ‘dose’ of
the hormones that help you to burn fat and build muscle. If you struggle to
sleep have a glass of Tulsi tea around 9.30pm for a full night’s sleep.
On the ’45 Day Complete Muscle Gaining Plan’ you will incorporate two
complete rest days each week to maximise recovery and gains in lean mass.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Preparation is Key.
‘Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail’. We have
all heard this saying and it really is so true! Make sure you plan your meals;
you plan everything else in work/life so why not plan your food intake? Cook
extra meals if necessary and freeze, or place them in the fridge so you do not
have to worry when you get in after a long hard slog at the office.
Take a power naps when possible.
Napping is also good for
grownups! Robert Kennedy, who owns several popular muscle magazines, is
also a big proponent of napping for muscle growth. A good nap should be 20
to 60 minutes, no longer; otherwise you will become too groggy. So nap as
often as possible and GROW!
BCAA stands for branched chain amino acid, and amino
acids are the basic components of protein (or, as we like to say in the iron
game, “the building blocks of muscle”. BCAA’s will prevent muscle breakdown
and prevent muscle catabolism, which is the process by which the body
breaks down muscle tissue to use as an energy source.
If a meal is going to get delayed when your watch goes off indicating it’s time
to eat, get some water and take 10-20 capsules of BCAA’s.
Have on hand a secret high-calorie jar.
In one of my
cabinets at the office, I keep what I like to call a “secret high-calorie jar” and
consists of a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.
If my feeding times gets delayed, I reach in and take two handfuls from the
premixed jar to keep my blood sugar constant. My concoction contains dried
fruits (apricots, blueberries, Thompson raisins, figs, cherries, mango slices),
nuts (pistachios, cashews, walnuts, dates, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts,
macadamias) and seeds (pumpkin, sesame). Besides providing myself with a
n abundance of good quality calories, I’m also getting many valuable
nutrients, such as selenium from the brazil nuts, magnesium from the
cashews, and antioxidants from the dried fruits.
Occasionally I’ll add some amino acid capsules to further increase the
anabolic (muscle-building) process.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Always drink a muscle-building shake after training.
Taking a post-workout shake is critical for gaining mass. In fact, the rate of
protein synthesis and possibly muscle growth, can double when protein is
consumed immediately after a workout. Research at the University of
Connecticut has found that a protein/carb shake also helps increase the
number of testosterone receptors. If a person in particularly lean, I have
found that results are best when you use a formula that contains 4 grams of
carbohydrates to every gram of protein.
Don't overuse machines at the gym. 'Remember this motto:
Seven days training on machines makes one weak! This is due to the scale of
motor unit recruitment in the body. With that said, if you're lining up at the
gym for the lat pull-down machine, you are not going to grow as fast as the
guy slaving away at the chin-up bar.
Burn your calories in the gym.
You can't effectively gain a lot of
muscle mass if you play football four days a week, then run up and down hills
on Sundays. So limit your cardio and perform it strictly in the gym if you’re
serious about adding muscle.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Working Out Your Individual Nutrition Needs
In order to gain muscle we are going to have to workout your individual
calorific requirements. For the example below we will use an 80 kg male and
work out his macro split of protein, carbohydrates, fats and total calorie
intake calories.
Firstly we will start with protein.
Your protein goal for each day is easy:
Multiply your weight in kg x 3 and this will equal your protein goal for each
For example if you weigh 80 kg x 3= 240
Your protein goal each day will be 240 grams each day
Your Carbohydrate Goal each day will be your weight in kg x 4
For example if you weigh 80 kg x 4 = 320 grams
Your fat goal each day will be your weight in kg x 1.5
For Example if you weigh 80 kg x 1.5 = 120 grams
1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories
This gives the 80 kg male the daily macronutrients as seen below:
Protein = 240 grams / 960 calories
Carbohydrates = 320 grams / 1280 calories
Fats = 120 grams / 1080 calories
Total calories = 3,320 calories
So working out macronutrients is easy:
Protein = BW (kg) x 3
Carbs = BW (kg) x 4
Fats = BW (kg) x 1.5
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Meal Frequency
With lots of food to get through in order to reach each day’s calorie goal it’s
best to eat frequently. I recommend aiming to have 6 ‘feeds’ each day. Eating
frequently will often keep energy levels constant and provide a more anabolic
state for greater muscle gains.
If your aiming for 6 meals a day and require 3160 calories like our 80 kg
friend used in the example above, working it out is easy! Simply Use the
equation below…
Calories needed ÷ Meals = Number of calories per meal
3160 ÷ 6 = 526 calories a meal
Sam’s Tip: If you prefer to eat larger meals at night, that’s fine. Remember we
are aiming to add muscle. Just make sure the extra calories come from lean
sources of protein.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Pre Shake Arrival Nutrition Plan
As I mentioned earlier your shakes will arrive within 9-11 days. However you
can still get started on the program.
Aim to increase your calories from lean sources of protein, slow release
carbohydrates and good fats.
Now is the time to cut out the ‘nasty’s’, so listed below are the items you will
remove from your diet for this preparation phase…
All Caffeine: plus hot chocolate, fizzy drinks
Processed Foods: all tin’s, baked, pre-packed, long life products... the list is
Wheat Products: bread, biscuits, cakes, pies, breakfast cereals.
Dairy: Milk, Yoghurt and Cheese (only for this phase).
Alcohol: the hardest but the most effective! BAN all of it, even your diet filled
vodka drinks.
Phase 1:
The pre shake plan has 2 simple rules:
Remove all foods that the human body deems as toxic!
Cleanse the body to remove toxins and toxicants!
Once you eliminate these types of foods and re-establish the body’s biological
status, you will notice that you will remove a lot of stubborn fat in a relatively
short amount of time.
Through the intake of poor nutrition, processed foods and pesticides your
body, when overwhelmed with toxins will store them in the Adipose Tissue
(Subcutaneous Fat).
Your body stores the excess toxins there to stop them circulating throughout
the body.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Women generally store the majority of fat around their buttocks, thighs and
hips while men store around their stomach and hips. In order for you to
effectively lose the ‘stubborn’ fat, you need to rid the fat cells of the toxins
they are currently storing.
By riding the body of these excess toxins you give the body a chance to repair
and strengthen itself, and when the toxins are removed from the system, the
fat will remove quicker.
We do this by simply eliminating certain foods and additives. You will notice
in phase 1 that you have a list of foods. Please do not consume any foods that
are not on this list.
The rules are simple: If it’s not on the list (unless in the recipes) it is not
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Breakfast Choices:
4 egg omelette with added spinach, peppers and mushrooms
2 poached eggs with 100 g of smoked salmon and spinach
100 g of steak, 2 poached eggs and ½ a avocado
Snack Choices:
1 Plum and a table spoon of Almond butter
50g Natural Yoghurt and a handful of cashew nuts
Apple and a table spoon of cashew butter
Energizer Smoothie: 350 ml of coconut water, 50 g blueberries, 30 g spinach,
tea spoon of chia seeds)
Lunch Choices:
Chicken and White Bean Salad (see recipes)
Greek Salad with Chicken (see recipes)
Beef and Noodle Soup (see recipes)
Snack Choices:
1 x Chicken breast and a handful of nuts
3 x Beef slices and a banana
4 x 4 rice cakes with peanut butter
Evening Meal Choices:
Lamb Kebabs (see recipes)
Tuna, Bean and Red onion salad (see recipes)
Steak, butternut squash, salad and ½ an avocado
Tuna steak, sweet potato and butternut squash
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Pre Shake Exercise Plan
Super Charge your Muscles with Exercise
FACT: Nothing burns fat and builds muscle better than healthy muscles. The
goal of the pre shake / preparation phase is to maximise fitness levels and
A healthy human body is made up of over 50% lean muscle in the form of
over 600 muscles!
Muscle not only defines the way your body looks, it controls your metabolic
rate. In your quest to realise your fitness goals, it’s common to lose focus on
the things that really matter, such as your health and wellbeing. Thus, you end
up neglecting your overall state of health.
Increasing your daily calorie intake does not necessarily assure effective
muscle gains. When your muscles are not properly cared for through
consistent, effective exercise or if they are undernourished, your muscles will
deteriorate. When that happens, you are likely to gain fat and your health will
begins to plummet.
In the pre shake arrival phase the aim is to increase strength and fitness
levels with preparation based workouts. This period involves 5 sessions.
Never perform more than 2 consecutive days of training.
Train 2 days on and 1 day off, until you have completed each session twice.
Your shakes should have arrived by the time you have completed each session
At this point you to progress onto the ’45 Day Complete Muscle Building Plan’.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Pre Shake Exercise Program Session 1
Sam’s Tip: Take a maximum of 90 seconds rest
between sets to maximise muscle gains
Barbell Squats: 5 x 12 Reps (Squat Low Making
Sure you hit a minimum of 90 degree bend in
Walking Dumbbell Lunges: 4 x 8 on each leg
(Make sure back knee touches the floor)
Leg Press: 3 x 20 reps (Go as heavy as possible
on each set)
Sam demonstrating a
barbell back squat to
the depth required.
15 Minute AMRAP:
(Complete as many rounds as possible in a 15 minute
time period)
 15 KB Push Press Right Arm
 15 KB Swings
 15 KB Push Press Left Arm
 30 KB Goblet Squats
 100 metre Sprint
Finisher: Max Rep Burpee Tuck Jumps in 2 minutes
The SOS Athletic Excellence girls demonstrating
some Kettlebell Swings
Laura demonstrating
the perfect start position
of a Kettlebell Goblet
Laura demonstrating
the perfect finishing
position of a Kettlebell
Goblet Squat
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Pre Shake Exercise Program Session 2
SOS Tip: Slow the tempo of the lowering phase for
maximum muscle building effect
Bench Press: 5 x 12 reps
Tricep Dips: 4 x 12 reps
Dumbell Flies: 3 x 12 reps
Four Rounds for Time
(Complete 4 rounds of the following exercises as fast as
possible with limited rest in between)
 15 Right arm KB Swing
 15 Left arm KB Swing
 15 Press Ups
 15 Right arm KB Squat Pull
 15 Left arm KB Squat Pull
 15 Press Ups
 400m Run
Finisher: Max Rep Press Ups in 3 minute Time Period
Laura demonstrating the start of a press up. If
these are too advanced then drop to your knees.
Technique is critical, so if you’re unsure about any
exercises then please speak to an exercise
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Pre Shake Exercise Program Session 3
SOS Tip: Focus on the squeeze of the muscles
during each part of the lift
Pull Ups or Lat Pull Down: 5 x 10 reps
Dumbbell Row: 4 x 12 reps (each arm)
Standing Barbell Curls 3 x 15 reps
Depth on squats is essential for glute
activation. Check out Sam ensuring
Bex has optimal depth while
maintaining a straight back..
5 Rounds for Time
(Perform five rounds in as little as time possible)
12 KB Goblet Squats
6 Burpee
12 Kettlebell Squat Pulls
6 Burpee
12 Kettlebell Swings
6 Burpees
Finisher: 1 Mile Run as Fast as Possible
Jo one of our SOS Athletic Excellence
members demonstrating the goblet
position perfectly
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Pre Shake Exercise Program Session 4
DB Shoulder Press: 5 x 12 reps
DB Lateral Raises: 4 x 12 reps
Hanging Knee Raises: 3 x 15 Reps
Perform as Many reps as Possible
(Perform as many reps as possible in 60 seconds on each of the exercises below.
Rest 1 minute after all exercises are completed before repeating the sequence
three times)
1 Minute of KB Swings
1 Minute of Press Ups
1 Minute of KB Squat Pulls
1 Minute of Sit Ups
1 Minute of Double KB Push Press
Finisher: 30 Burpees as Fast as Possible
Sam demonstrating the start position of the Double
Kettlebell Push Press
Sam demonstrating the finishing position of the
Double Kettlebell Push Press
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Pre Shake Exercise Program Session 5
Pull Ups / Lat Pull Downs: 5 x 12 Reps
Weighted Sit Ups: 4 x 12 reps
Barbell Box Squats: 3 x 20 reps
Metabolic: Dumbell Destroyer
12 DB Squat to Bicep Curls
12 DB Lateral Raises
12 DB Walking Lunges
12 DB Squat to Press
12 DB Frontal Raises
500 Metre Row as Fast as Possible
Sam demonstrating Pull Ups
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Complete Muscle Building Nutrition Plan
With this plan work out your portion sizes that you need to hit your calorie
This Plan is based on that of an 80 kg male. If you weigh more you are likely
to need more calories, alternatively if you weigh less you are likely to need
Meal 1: Breakfast
Juice Plus+ Morning Olympian Shake
1 scoop of Juice Plus + Complete
450 ml of Almond Milk
20 grams of Almond Butter
10 grams of coconut oil
50 grams of Frozen Blueberries
25 grams of spinach
Meal 2: Protein Time
100 grams of Chicken Breast and 3 large eggs
100 grams of White Fish and 3 large eggs
100 grams of Turkey Breast and 3 large eggs
Meal 3: Snack Choice
200 grams of Greek Yoghurt and 30 grams of
brown rice cakes 25 grams of raw Almond
200 grams of Greek Yoghurt and 30 grams of
brown rice cakes with 25 grams of cashew nut
100 grams of Tuna in water, 30 grams of brown
rice cake with 25 grams 100% cashew butter
100 grams of Chicken Breast and 25 grams of
Macro’s of Morning Olympian Shake:
 Protein = 26 grams
 Carbs = 43 grams
 Fats = 25 grams
 Calories = 501 calories
Macro’s of this meal:
 Protein = 43 grams
 Carbs = 5 grams
 Fats = 13 grams
 Calories = 309 calories
Macro’s of this snack:
 Protein = 22 - 26 grams
 Carbs = 35 grams
 Fats = 13 grams
 Calories = 353 calories
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Meal 4
 Chicken (150 g) and White Bean Salad (see
recipes) and 25 g of chia seeds
 Greek Salad with Chicken (150 g) (see recipes)
and 25 g of chia seeds
 Beef (150 g) and Noodle Soup (see recipes) and
25 g of chia seeds
Meal 5: Pre Workout Snack
Quinoa (125 g)
10 minutes Pre Workout
Black coffee with 20 grams of MCT Oil or
Coconut oil and 10 grams of BCAAS
Post Workout Shake (Put this after
 1 scoop of Juice Plus+ Complete
 400 ml of water
 100 grams banana
 50 grams of frozen blueberries
 100 grams pineapple slices
 90 grams of oats
Take 20 grams of BCAAS after Training with your
Macro’s of this snack:
 Protein = 49 grams
 Carbs = 25 grams
 Fats = 14 grams
 Calories = 422 calories
Macro’s of this snack:
 Protein = 8 grams
 Carbs = 39 grams
 Fats = 7 grams
 Calories = 251 calories
Macro’s of this snack:
 Protein = 10 grams
 Carbs = 0 grams
 Fats = 20 grams
 Calories = 180 calories
Macro’s of this shake:
 Protein = 31 grams + 20 g in
 Carbs = 128 grams
 Fats = 3 grams
 Calories = 663 calories
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Meal 6: Evening Meal Choices
 Lamb (150 g) Kebabs (see recipes), quinoa (60
grams) 25 grams of brazil nuts
 Tuna (150 g) Bean and Red onion salad (see
recipes) and 30 grams of pistachio nuts
 -Steak (150 g) butternut squash (100 g), salad
and 100 grams of avocado
 Tuna steak (150 g) sweet potato (100 g) and 100
grams of avocado
 Salmon Fillets (125 g) and quinoa (60 g) and 50
grams of avocado
Macro’s of this snack:
 Protein = 45 – 60 grams
 Carbs = 40 grams
 Fats = 17 -21 grams
 Calories = 493 - 540 calories
Protein – 234 grams / 936 calories
Carbs – 315 grams / 1,260 calories
Fats – 112 grams / 1,008 calories
Calories - 3,204 calories
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
The Complete Muscle Building Training Plan
Day One: Chest and Arms
Bench Press: 4 sets 8/8/8/8+ (last set as many reps as possible)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets 12/12/12/12+
1. Decline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 12/12/12+
2. Cable Flies: 3 sets of 12/12/12+
1. Weighted Chin Ups: 10 / 10 / 10 (add weight by wearing a weighted
2. Weighted Dips: max rep / max rep / max rep
500 metre row: 1 minute rest x 4 sets (make sure each one is flat out!!)
Day Two: Legs
Squat: 4 sets 8/8/8/8+ (make sure your squatting low)
Walking DB lunges: 4 sets 12/12/12/12+ (last set to failure)
1. Dumbbell Step Ups: 3 sets of 12/12/12+
2. Box Jumps: 3 sets of 12/12/12+
1. Leg Press: 30 / 30 / 30
2. Jump Lunges max rep / max rep / max rep
5 minute Plank
Day Three: Active Recovery
Swim one mile mixing up the strokes as needed
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Day Four: Back and Shoulders
Weighted Pull Ups: 6/6/6/6+
Dead lift 12/12/12/12
1. Seated Row: 12/12/12+
2. Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12/12/12+
1. Seated Dumbbell Press: 10/10/10+
2. Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 12/12/12+
30 Burpees as Fast as Possible
Day Five: Arms and Abs
Tricep Dips: 8/8/8/8+
Chin Up: 8/8/8/8+
1. Seated Dumbbell Curls 10/10/10
2. Cable Skull Crushers 10/10/10
1. Diamond Sit Ups 20/20/20
2. Side Plank: 45 seconds on both sides x 3 sets
1 minute Sprint: 1 minute rest – repeat x 8
Day Six: Rest Day
Day Seven: Rest Day
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Chicken & White Bean Salad
I love this salad because it is quick and satisfying. It keeps well which means
you can make a large batch and take it to work with you.
Time in the Kitchen: 15 minutes
Mustard Vinaigrette
1 medium clove Garlic, crushed
5 Tbsp Extra-virgin Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp Wholegrain Mustard
Pinch of Parsley - preferably fresh
Pinch of Thyme – preferably fresh
2 tsp of Lemon Juice
Salt and freshly ground Pepper to taste
Serves: 4
400g tin White Beans, rinsed and drained
600g diced cooked Chicken Breast
300g diced Courgette
110g finely diced Low-Fat Feta Cheese
100g chopped, Cherry Tomatoes
1 handful of coarsely chopped fresh Basil
Salt & freshly ground Pepper to taste
6 handfuls of a variety of Lettuce, leaves
and Spinach
To prepare the Vinaigrette:
In a small bowl, add the vinegar, garlic, and mustard, mix well. Slowly add the olive oil while
stirring rapidly with a fork. Add the parsley and lemon juice, thyme, salt and pepper. Taste
seasonings and adjust to preference.
To prepare the salad:
Combine beans, chicken, courgette, feta cheese and tomatoes in a large bowl until well
blended. Add chopped basil and 3/4 of your already prepared vinaigrette; toss until
combined. Taste and add season with salt and pepper (if needed).
Toss the remaining vinaigrette with leaves of your choice in a medium bowl. Serve the salad
on the greens,
Garnished with fresh basil leaves.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Greek Salad with Chicken
This is another quick and easy salad that is light and simple to make. I always
keep a few baked chicken breasts in the fridge so that I can make salads like
this quickly without too much fuss.
Time in the Kitchen: 12 minutes
Serves: 2
250g Chicken Breast
40g Olives
Handful Cherry Tomatoes
40g Cucumber
1 Small Onion
40g Low-Fat Feta Cheese
Juice of ½ a Lemon
1 tsp Olive Oil
Grill the chicken strips until well cooked.
In a bowl, mix together the olives, tomatoes, cucumber, onion and feta cheese. Squeeze the
lemon over the salad, drizzle the olive oil and stir. Place chicken strips on top of the salad.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Beef and Noodle Soup
Don’t be put off by the unusual spices in the soup. The flavours are fantastic
and it is so quick and easy.
Time in the Kitchen: 12 minutes
Serves: 2
1.2 litres of Beef Stock
1 small fresh Chilli chopped
1 Cinnamon Stick
2 Star Anise
2 Cloves of Garlic
225g Beef Steak, cut into strips
300g Rice Noodles
10 – 15 Broccoli Florets
4 Tbsp chopped, fresh Coriander
Lime wedges to garnish
Heat the stock, chilli and spices in a saucepan until boiling, then reduce the heat and simmer
for about 5mins. Add the beef strips and broccoli and simmer for a further 2-3mins. Cook the
noodles according to the packet instructions, drain and divide into bowls. Pour the broth over
the noodles, garnish with coriander and lime and serve.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Lamb Kebabs
These are fun to make and you can add or replace the vegetables with new
ones so you have a new dish each and every time.
Time in the Kitchen: 10 minutes
Serves 4
*Marinade time: Up to 2 – 3 hours
500g deboned, cubed Lamb
1 large Onion, cut into large chunks
12-15 Cherry Tomatoes
12-15 small Mushrooms
12 – 15 Pineapple chunks
1 Pepper, cored, seeded and cut into large chunks
8 kebab skewers
 6 Tbsp Olive Oil
 Juice of 1 Lemon/4 Tbsp shop-bought
Lemon Juice
 1 tsp mixed Dried Herbs
 Soy Sauce to taste
 Salt and Pepper to taste
Mix all marinade ingredients together and pour over the lamb. Place in the fridge to
marinade for 2 -3 hours. This will not only flavour the meat but tenderise it too. I try to leave
mine overnight for optimum flavour.
Once marinated, thread alternative pieces of lamb, onion, tomatoes, mushrooms, pineapple
and peppers onto the skewers. Cook in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes or if the weather
has been kind, stick them on the BBQ.
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Tuna, Bean and Red Onion Salad
This is a great one to take into work as it’s quick, easy and requires little
Time in the Kitchen: 5 minutes
Serves 2
400g Tin of Cannelloni beans, drained and rinsed
1 small Red Onion, finely sliced
1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 x 225g tins of Tuna
4 Tbsp freshly chopped Parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste
Add all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Serve with a green side salad or a small sweet
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Congratulations if you have finished your ’45 Day Complete Muscle Building
I hope you are thrilled with the results. Remember 45 days is a relatively
short period in training.
Brilliant transformations do take longer. The more consistent you are with
sticking to the principles outlined in this EBook the greater the results will be.
So stick at it!! Be consistent with both your training and nutrition and watch
your body shape continue to improve.
Please email me or send me your transformations. I would love to connect
with all you guys and see your progress. My contact details can be seen on the
next page.
I’m proud of your efforts on this plan. Keep up the great work
Healthy Thanks
Sam O’Sullivan
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
Training Program Progression
If you want to adapt your training program email Sam on
[email protected]
This adaptation will be Free for all customers of SOS Athletic Excellence and
cost others £30.
Coaching Call
If you want to take your body shape to the next level or are disappointed with
your individual results and want to arrange a coaching call email Sam on
[email protected]
30 minute coaching calls can be arranged for £30 with Sam on a 1:1 basis.
Further Products
Click Here
Click Here
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SOS Athletic Excellence Complete Muscle Building Plan
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We have other EBooks that have also been published.
You can check them out here.
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