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Communication in Finnish Workplaces Tampere 14.11.2013 Outi Katajamäki Certified International Business Coach Stereotyping (or generalisation) A valuable tool but • it must be consciously held • it should be descriptive rather than evaluative • it should be managed Cultural layers 11/18/13 © 1998, 2007 Richard D Lewis Cultural Factors Influencing on Communication Different values and attitudes (based on religions and philosophies) Right and wrong Good and bad Money, work and free-time Beautiful and ugly ⇒ Morality ⇒ Behaviour, diet, alcohol, drugs, holy days etc. Social relationships Gender, men and women Individual vs. group Age, status, politeness, respect, addressing, personality, guanxi ... Differences in the material culture Houses, food, infrastructure, technology Concept of time 11/18/13 Communication Verbal communication 7% Non-verbal communication 70-93 % Paralinguistics (study of the human voice) Kinesics (body movements like gestures and postures) Proxemics (space) Chronemics (defining time) Artefacts (man-made environment, clothing etc.) 11/18/13 Language Language barriers ”lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikko- aliupseerioppilas” ”Lääkäri määrää väärää päänsärkylääkettä.” Paralanguage Indistinct voice, vocal lip control, articulation Stress, strain, power, intonation (pitch) and rhythm of the voice Laughing, sighing, whispering etc. Vocal segregates (”um”, ”uh-huh”) Silence 11/18/13 Differences in Verbal Communication High and low context cultures What is said and what is not Number and meaning of words, exaggeration Negative phrases, indirect communication Interpretation situation-specific Tolerance of silence/noice Seeking for consensus Accent and understanding Speech delivery, missing vowels/consonants 11/18/13 Body Movements 11/18/13 Body Movements (Language) Attitudes (liking, disliking), gestures, warmth Status (superior, subject roles) Affective states or moods (intensity of affective experience) Approval-seeking (smile, nodding etc.), courtship Inclusiveness (positional cues of individuals towards others), leakage and deception 11/18/13 Space (proxemics) Spatial relationships (distance) intimate-close (touch to 6”) intimate-far (6” - 18”) personal (18” - arm’s length, friends, lovers) official (4’ - 12’, business meetings) public (12’ - 25’, one-way, speaker - audience) Territorial rights size of the office protection of the territory /entry restrictions 11/18/13 Defining Time Monochronic cultures Polychronic cultures Patient Impatient Plans carefully in advance Plans approximately Sticks to plans One project leads to another Focuses on one issue at a Works on several issues Follows procedures Mixes systems, procedures Punctual Unpunctual Work & Fact-centred Human-centred time simultaneously 11/18/13 Black spots of Communication at work - Defensive communication culture - Importance of communication is not regognized - Incorrect form or channel of communication - Ambiguous communication - Values, beliefs and attitudes on the background Black spots of Communication at work - Lack of interaction - The MUM effect and filtering - Lack of Intercultural sensitivity and awareness - Lack of communicative skills - Unconcious communication styles Valued in Finnish Business Life Reliability Precision Punctuality Initiative Frankness Equality Teamwork Modesty Basic Rules for Interacting with Finnish colleagues Talk and listen in equal proportions Be polite but direct Partly conceal feelings Use logic and rationality Interrupt only rarely Stick to facts Concentrate on the deal Prioritise truth over diplomacy Follow rules, regulations, laws Speech is for information Basic Rules for Interacting with Finnish colleagues Maintain word-deed correlation Complete action chain Stay results-oriented Stick to agenda Compromise to achieve deal Respect contracts and both spoken and written word Reply quickly to written communication or e-mails Restrain body language Be punctual Some Concepts of Culture Hofstede Power Distance Masculinism - Feminism Individualism - Collectivism Uncertainty Avoidance Long-term – Short-term Orientation Terpstra - Sarathy Material Culture Education Language Religion and Philosophy Aesthetics Values and Attitudes Social Organisation Trompenaars & Hampden- Turner Relation to other people Universalist - Particularist Individualism Communitarianism Affective - Neutral Specific - Diffuse Achievement - Ascription Time orientation Sequential - Synchronic Relation to environment Internal - External Control 11/18/13