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Indian J. Anim. Res., 48 (1) : 83-87, 2014
DOI- 10.5958/j.0976-0555.48.1.018
Yalçin Kaya* and Demet Kocatepe1
Department of Fish Processing Technology, Fisheries Faculty,
Sinop University, 57000 Sinop- Turkey
Accepted: 05-11-2013
The scorpion (Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus 1758) fish contained moisture, protein, fat, ash,
carbohydrate, 81.76, 15.91, 0.20, 1.57, 0.57%, respectively and energy 67.63 kcal/100g. The essential
amino acids content of scorpion was approximately 52% of total amino acids. The dominant amino
acids were lysine and glutamic acid. The ratio of essential/non-essential amino acids (E/NE) was
calculated as 1.08. The fatty acid composition indicated 53.22% saturated (SFA), 35.07%
monounsaturated (MUFA) and 1.75% polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids. Predominant SFA, MUFA
and PUFA were palmitic acid, oleic acid and arachidonic acid, respectively. The major macro and
micro elements were potassium, calcium and iron zinc, respectively.
Key words: Amino acids, Composition, Fatty acids, Minerals, Scorpaena porcus, Scorpion.
Fish are the major part of the human diet
and rich in protein (especially essential amino acids),
n-3 fatty acids, macro and micro mineral elements.
In the world, about 86% of total fishery production
(128.3 million tons in 2010) was used for direct
human consumption. The remaining 14% (20.2
million tons) was destined for non-food products,
mainly for manufacturing of fishmeal and fish oil.
About 47% of the fish destined for human
consumption was living and fresh form. In 2009,
the estimated global per capita consumption of fish
was 18.4 kg, accounting for 16.5% of the global
population’s animal proteins intake and 6.4% of total
protein consumed (FAO, 2012).
Turkey has very long coastal line (8333 km)
and fishery is vital income sources for the country.
In 2011, the total fishery production of Turkey was
703.545 tons, total consumption was 468.040 tons
and per capita consumption was 6.3 kg (Tuik, 2012).
Fish species generally consumed in Turkey are
anchovy, bonito, horse mackerel, sardine and
whiting. Scorpion fish consumption is increasing day
by day due to its delicious taste, white-hard and
boneless muscle. In 2011, 196.4 tons of scorpion
caught in Turkey and approximately 48% was caught
in Black sea. Scorpaena porcus is a marine,
demersal, non-migratory and traumatogenic fish
species (Fish base, 2012). These fish species caught
in the Black Sea almost all the fishing season.
Keeping this in view, the chemical composition
scorpion fish caught in Sinop region of the Black
Sea was determined to evaluate its nutritional value
for human beings.
Materials: For this study, 2 kg of scorpion
fish (Scorpaena porcus) was purchased from the
local fish market in the region of Sinop-Middle Black
Sea harvested in September 2012. Gutting was
carried out manually after cleaning with running tap
Analysis: The whole muscle of scorpion fish was
analyzed for moisture, protein and ash according to
AOAC (1995), total fat according to AOAC (2005),
amino acids by modified HPLC method (Dimova,
2003; Gheshlaghi et al.,2008) and fatty acids
(IUPAC, 1979). The macro (Ca, P, Mg, Na and K)
and micro (Mn, Zn, Fe, Co and Ni) elements were
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]; Department of Food & Beverage Management, School of Tourism and Hotel
Management, Sinop University, Sinop, Turkey
analyzed by AOAC (2010). Selenium analysis was
carried out according to EPA (1994). Energy value
was estimated by Atwater method (Falch et al., 2010).
Essential amino acid score was calculated with
reference amino acid pattern of adult (FAO/WHO/
UNU, 2007).
macrophages. In the kidney, glutamine supplies
ammonia which combines with filtered hydrogen
ions to form ammonium ions which are then
excreted (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007). As a donor of
nitrogen in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines,
glutamine is essential for the proliferation of cells
(Zhao et al., 2010). Aspartic and glutamic acid play
Amino acid score = Sample amino acid/
important role asa general amino acid in enzyme active
Reference amino acid* 100
centers, as well as maintaining the solubility and ionic
Statistical analysis: The descriptive statistics character of proteins (Kocatepe and Turan, 2012b).
(mean, standard error) were conducted using Excel,
Scombroid protein is also rich in lysine,
MS Office 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, Reymond, which is a major nitrogen carrier in the body, along
with glutamine and arginine (Bequette and Nelson,
Washington, USA).
2006). Lysine is the limiting amino acid in children’s
Proximate composition: The proximate analysis cereal-based diets in developing countries (Khalil and
of scorpion fish indicated moisture, protein, fat, ash, Khan 1995; Zhai et al., 2001).
carbohydrate contents were 81.76, 15.91, 0.20,
1.57, 0.57 % and energy 67.63 kcal/100 g,
respectively. Little information is available on
proximate composition of S. porcus in. Proximate
analysis of Black Sea scorpion (Kocatepe and Turan,
2012a) and Egadi Islands S. porcus (Reale et al.,
2006) have shown higher protein (16.91 and
17.78%), fat (1.26 and 1.42%), carbohydrate
(0.95%) and lower ash (0.92 and 0.80%) contents,
respectively. S. porcus has similar protein content
as other black sea fish specie, like horse mackerel,
shad, garfish and golden mullet (Boran and
Karaçam, 2001). Chuang et al. (2012) reported
lower moisture (72%) and higher fat (1.9%) contents
for Scorpaena scrofa. Lean fish have < 0.5% fat,
semi-fat fish 0.5–2% fat and fatty fish have more
than 2% fat (Clucas and Ward, 1996). Lipid content
of scorpion fish was very low in the present study
and thus it can be classified as lean fish. The
differences in lipid content may be attributed to
catching season. S. porcus spawning season is
reported to be between end of June and September
(Koca, 1997; Bilgin and Çelik, 2009). Proximate
composition was known to be influenced by season,
water temperature, spawning cycle and species
(Ockerman, 1992).
Amino acid composition: The amino acid
composition of scorpion fish is shown in Table 1.
The predominant non-essential amino acids were
glutamic acid and glycine and those amongst the
essential amino acids were lysine and leucine.
Glutamine is a preferred fuel for enterocytes and
immune cells such as lymphocytes and
It was found that lysine and leucine were
the major essential amino acids in S. porcus. Similar
results were reported for other freshwater and marine
fish species, like African catfish (Clarias anguillaris),
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Senegalese
tongue sole (Cynoglossus senegalensis) (Adeyeye,
2009), spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) (Oliveira et
al., 2012), sea bass (Özden and Erkan, 2008).
The essential amino acids of scorpion
constituted approximately 52 % of total amino acids.
The ratio of essential/non-essential amino acids (E/
NE) was calculated as 1.08. The ratio of E/NE was
determined as 0.77 for sea bream, 0.77 for mackerel,
TABLE 1:Amino acid composition of scorpion fish muscle.
Amino acids
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Total amino acids
Total essential amino acids* (E)
Total non-essential amino acids (NE)
10159± 80
26953± 1653
7188± 192
4143± 149
15349± 734
8637± 315
7722± 221
15727± 586
8698± 422
10398± 621
6912± 150
10066± 617
9652± 345
18884± 1112
26847± 921
11276± 529
198610± 2756
103261± 1866
95349± 890
1.08± 0.01
Values are mean ± standard error from duplicate determinations.
Vol. 48, No. 1, 2014
0.75 for chum salmon, 0.77 for Pacific flounder
(Iwasaki and Harada, 1985), 0.95 for cultured
sturgeon (Badiani et al., 1996), 1.33 for wild sea
bass (Erdem et al., 2009). The results obtained from
this study showed that scorpion fish have wellbalanced and high-quality protein in respect of
E/NE ratio.
study, the content of palmitic acid was highest in
SFA, similar values were reported for Black Sea
(Kocatepe and Turan 2012a; Chuang et al., 2012)
and Marmara Sea scorpion (Tanakol et al., 1999).
MUFA and oleic acid content were higher than those
reported by other researchers (Tanakol et al., 1999;
Chuang et al., 2012; Kocatepe and Turan, 2010a).
The recommended requirements of valine However, PUFA content was very low compared to
and isoleucine are 33 and 30 mg/kg body weight/ the value (26.83%) reported by Kocatepe and Turan
day (FAO/WH O, 1973), respectively for (2012a). The variation in fatty acid composition of
schoolchildren aged 10-12 years. For example, a 30 scorpion caught by Black Sea in our study with other
kg child requires 990 and 900 mg of valine and (Kocatepe and Turan, 2012a) may be explained by
isoleucine per day, respectively. The protein value the fishing season. SFAs are important nutritionally
for the scorpion was 15.91 g/100g and thus because when they are eaten, they can cause blood
consumption of 100 g S. porcus would provide cholesterol levels to rise. High blood cholesterol levels
about 1573 and 1591 mg of valine and isoleucine, are associated with an increased risk of heart
respectively. If 30 kg child therefore consumes 100 g TABLE 3: Fatty acid composition of scorpion fish muscle.
of S. porcus per day, his daily requirements would
Fatty acid
be met by 194 % and 178 %, respectively.
Amino acid scores are summarized in Table
2. When compared to the reference amino acid
pattern of adult, all the amino acid scores were > 100.
According to the amino acid score, the amount of
valine was the lowest amongst amino acids in
Tridecanoic acid
Myristic acid
Penta decanoic acid
Palmitic acid
Heptadecanoic acid
Stearic acid
Arachidic acid
Behenic acid
Sum of saturated fatty acids
Myristoleic acid
Palmiteloic acid
Oleic acid
Eicosenoic acid
Nervonic acid
Sum of monounsaturated fatty acids
Linoleadic acid
Linoleic acid
Arachidonic acid
Sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids
0.10± 0.01
7.73± 0.03
1.38± 0.01
31.86± 0.10
1.50± 0.01
9.88± 0.04
0.57± 0.01
0.20± 0.00
53.22± 0.16
0.35± 0.01
9.57± 0.02
21.80± 0.04
2.36± 0.11
0.99± 0.01
35.07± 0.07
0.29± 0.01
0.32± 0.01
1.14± 0.00
1.75± 0.01
90.04± 0.08
9.96± 0.08
Fatty acid composition: Fatty acid composition is
shown in Table 3. The fatty acid profile of scorpion
was dominated by saturated fatty acids (SFAs),
which comprised above half (53.22%) of the total
fatty acids. The SFA content are different from the
data reported by others for scorpion (Tanakol et al.,
1999; Kocatepe and Turan 2012a; Chuang et al.,
2012). The SFA (Saturated fatty acids), MUFA
(Mono unsaturated fatty acid) and PUFA (Poly
unsaturated fatty acid) value of Black Sea scorpion
obtained by Kocatepe and Turan (2012 a) were
Values are mean ± standard error from duplicate
35.91, 25.79 and 26.38%, respectively. In the present determinations.
TABLE 2: Amino acid score of scorpion fish muscle.
Ami no acid
Methi onine
Phenylalanine+ Tyrosine
Lysi ne
(mg/g crude
Referance amino acid pattern of adult (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007).
(mg/g protein)a
disease. Some types of polyunsaturated can lower
blood cholesterol, which in turn is associated with a
lower risk of heart disease. MUFAs seem to be neutral
in their impact on blood cholesterol levels (Rice,
In present study, DHA (Docosahexaenoic
acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) were not
determined. The British Nutrition Foundation
recommended that people who have a balanced and
healthy diet consume 0.2 g EPA and DHA daily
(BNF, 1992). This research indicated that 100g
scorpion fish meat could not afford daily adequate
intake value similar to Kocatepe and Turan (2012a).
Mineral contents: Major macro elements in
scorpion muscle were K (3202.50± 3.50 mg/kg), Ca
(2307.50± 245.50 mg/kg) and Na (1358.00± 12.00
mg/kg) is an essential element. Manifestations of
potassium deficiency include weakness, respiratory
inadequacy, hypotension, and electrocardiographic
abnormalities (Hathcock, 2004). The recommended
intake was 3500 mgK/day for adults (over 18 years)
in the UK (UK EVM, 2003). Ca is necessary for nerve
transmission, muscle contraction, glandular
secretion, and the contraction and dilation of the
blood vessels. The recommended dietary allowance
(RDA) of this mineral is 1000 mg/day for adults
(Dickinson, 2002). The contents of Mg and P were
346.15± 3.05 and 332.77± 0.35 mg/kg, respectively
found in the present study. The RDA for P is 700
mg/day for adults (Dickinson, 2002).
Predominant microelements of scorpion
were Fe (12.13± 0.17 mg/kg), Zn (11.48± 0.09 mg/
kg) and Ni (9.84± 1.29mg/kg). Türkmen et al., (2008)
reported that the most abundant microelements in
S. porcus were Fe (8105 mg/kg), Zn (26.2 mg/kg)
and Cu (5.29 mg/kg). The RDA for Zn 8 mg/day for
women and 11 mg/day for men (Dickinson, 2002).
The contents of other micro elements observed in S.
porcus fish were Mn (2.99± 0.07 mg/kg), Cu
(4.90± 0.21 mg/kg), Co (1.79± 0.05 mg/kg) and Se
(0.60± 0.01 mg/kg).
The RDA for selenium is 55 µg/day for both
men and women (Dickinson, 2002). 200 g scorpion
meat contains about 120 µg selenium. This value
was higher than the RDA for selenium but the
tolerable upper intake level is set at 400µg per day
for adults, based on the potential for toxicity at levels
above 800 µg/day (Dickinson, 2002).
The findings of the present study revealed
that Scorpion fish (S. porcus) are good source of
protein, essential amino acids (lysine and leucine)
and minerals such as K, Ca and Na. The nutritional
values obtained were similar to other commercially
harvested fish species, with the exception of lipid,
which was lower in S. porcus.
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