Download Demonstration Speech - Dubuque Senior Drama

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General Guidelines
Prepare a 4 - 6 MINUTE speech demonstrating a skill (for example, how something works or how to
make something). When choosing your topic, be sure to keep in mind your…
 Time frame
 Personal skills and abilities
 Audience
A VISUAL AID is REQUIRED for this speech. All visual aids must be appropriate for the classroom.
You may NOT bring in any objects banned by school policy. You must speak extemporaneously (as in,
not reading the speech off of notecards or a draft of your speech) and you may use the front side of
TWO NOTECARDS for this speech. The notecards MUST be written in outline form only.
Please note:
You are required to bring in your own visual aid materials
You will only be provided electricity, an easel, or a table
You must be prepared to clean up any mess that you might make during your speech
You may bring in any visual aids to Room A209 before school and pick them up after school
If you forget to take your visual aids home, you will lose points on your speech
If you have a question as to whether a visual aid is appropriate or against school policy, ASK!
1. Select a Topic
2. Research and identify supporting details – (Facts, opinions, descriptions, definitions, etc.)
3. Organize your supporting details into three main points (What will be your order?)
4. Write an attention-getting device and tie back – (Be sure to bring your speech full circle)
5. Write transitions between each of the main points
6. Create notecards – (2 notecards, front side only)
7. Create or find your visual aid materials
8. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
9. Present!
1. Topic Selection Sheet (10 Points)
2. Outline (10 Points)
3. Two Notecards (10 Points)
Brainstorming Ideas
Personal Care
Household Items
Care for curly/frizzy hair
Make chocolate chip cookies
Paint a house
Get rid of split ends
Make dirt pudding
Wallpaper a room
Get tangles out of hair
Make a smoothie
Construct a birdhouse
Keep hair healthy
Make a salad
Balance your checkbook
French Braid hair
Make brownies
Wrap a present
Decide on hair style for Prom
Make soap
Curl hair with a curling iron
School Related
Wash and fold laundry
Style your hair for your wedding day
Prepare for finals
Blow dry hair straight
Concentrate more in class
Arts and Crafts
Make dreadlocks
Take better notes
Draw anime
Care for your fingernails
Analyze handwriting
Create a cartoon
Make your eyes look bigger
Write an essay
Make a tie blanket
Select and apply makeup
Build a bracelet
Give a manicure/pedicure
Sports & Recreation
Create a scrapbook
Design “Senior Spirit” clothes
Properly exercise
Tie dye a shirt
Create a Halloween Costume
Successfully backpack
Make origami
Tie a tie
Make slipknots
How to draw Spongebob
Pin a corsage or boutonniere
Plant a garden
Make a lava lamp
Create school spirit clothes
Perform a magic trick
Travel wrinkle free
Design a memory scrapbook
Tie a Windsor Knot
Make a necklace
Create a website
Tie a Bow Tie
Sew a double needle stitch
Edit photos in photoshop
Shine shoes
Play Euchre
Create HTML
Buy a diamond
Tie a square knot
Create a PowerPoint
Pack a suitcase
Knit a scarf
Dress for a job interview
Dress for a date
How to yo-yo
Play guitar
Make a tie-dye shirt
Use a digital camera
Play the piano
Read sheet music
Tap Dance
Beginning Violin
Write a thank you card
Play Texas Hold’Em
Sing a scale
Shake hands
String a tennis racket
Play the viola
Improve your posture
Assemble a skateboard
Play the ukulele
Fold napkins
Throw certain pitches
Design a wedding invitation
Re-lace a baseball glove
Be a good customer in a restaurant
Tape a hockey stick
How to act on a date
Fix a bicycle tire
Assemble a computer