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Plot A3C, Ikosi Road, Beside GTBank, Oregun, Lagos
26th March 2017
Praise & Worship - 10 Min., Testimony - 10 Min., Prayer - 10 Min.,
Discussion - 30 Minutes, Offering - 5 Minutes
Go and Sell
2Kings 4: 1-7
People buy solution to their problems and not necessarily your products or your services. Your ability to
identify the needs of individuals in every aspect of life will make you a successful salesman. The fact is
every day, we are selling something to another person. Parents sell values to their children; leaders sell
vision to the followers. Your success in selling will depend largely on you i.e. your knowledge about your
product, your passion about what you are selling and how you sell the product. Selling is not about talks,
it's an action word. We must carry out what we have to sell; success comes when we act and not when
we talk. Like in every venture, there are challenges that come with selling. Today's outline focuses on
way to overcome the challenges that come with selling.
Have you tried selling before? What challenges or difficulties did you
face? Discuss.
Selling is an act that comes with numerous challenges including
refusals and denials which tend to discourage and dampen our
enthusiasm. Our ability to overcome the challenges is vital to success in
this endeavor. The following points will give us insight on how to
overcome these challenges associated with selling;
a. Learn to recognize opportunities. 2 Kings 4: 1-7
b. Have good relationship management skills. Luke 16: 8 (Amp)
c. Have a healthy self-esteem. 1 Peter 2:9
d. Be persistent. Luke 11:5-8
e. Be willing to adapt and change your approach if necessary. I
Corinthians 9:19-22
No doubt, selling is a skill that needs to be mastered by every entrepreneur.
You have to be passionate about your product and service, maximizing every
opportunity you have to make a sale. Don't be intimidated by refusals or
rejections, rather see it as an opportunity to call again. If Thomas Edison had given up on his failed
inventions, how would we have had the light bulb? Submit that proposal again, make the call for a sale
now, introduce your services to new people, ask someone to buy what you are selling, knock on people's
doors if need be. Go and succeed in JESUS' Name.
26th March 2017
Home Fellowship
6 - 11 years
Praise & Worship - 10Mins, Testimony - 5Mins, Recitation of Memory Verse - 5Mins, Prayer - 5Mins, Discussion 30Mins, Song Recitation - 10Mins, Offering - 5Mins
Let God's will be done!
Luke 22:39-42
INTRODUCTION – It has really been wonderful month learning about prayer. Hope you have
been enjoying your prayer time?
Did you know that for our prayers to be answered, we must pray according to the WILL OF
GOD? The WILL OF GOD is what God wants for our lives as written in His word. So, let's look
at some of the WILL OF GOD for our lives.
Ÿ God wants you to succeed and be the head – Deuteronomy 28:13
Ÿ God wants you to have good health and prosper – 3 John 2
Ÿ God wants you to reverence Him and He'll bless you in return – Psalms 34:10
Ÿ God wants you to look nice because that's how He created you – Psalms 139:14
Ÿ God wants you to be rich – 2 Corinthians 8:9
Ÿ God wants you to obey your parents so He'll bless you in return – Ephesians 6:1-3
Ÿ God wants you to love and care for others because He has blessed you to do so - 2
Corinthians 9:8
The WILL OF GOD for us is so much; search the scriptures and get to know more.
MEMORY VERSE – Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation)
“For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord. “They are plans for good
and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
PUZZLE – unscramble these muddled letters.
1. reutuf –
2. enrecveer –
3. lhateh –
4. sorprpe –
5. opilxte –
6. ceduces –
7. efodwulnryl –
26th March 2017
Selling Is What You Do Everyday
2 Kings 4:7
It is very easy to associate selling with only products and services. However, the truth is that every day,
everyone is always selling something. Parents are constantly selling values to their children, teachers are
selling knowledge to their students, Leaders are selling vision to their followers etc.
Even in our everyday conversations, we are selling our ideas and perspectives to each other. In today's
lesson, we are encouraged to actively embrace selling as a lifestyle so we can be a blessing to others and in
turn be blessed.
Q1. The act of selling involves taking action. Discuss.
Q2. God does not bless our plans but the actions taken to execute the plan. It is therefore important for us
to know that we are all wired to sell something. Below are a few points to help us become better at selling.
Ÿ Learn how to identify people's needs Acts 8: 26-31
Ÿ Build a healthy self esteem
Ÿ Act boldly
Ÿ See yourself as an asset rather than an liability because you are a solution provider
Ÿ Never give up, be persistent
Ÿ Be sensitive to know when to change your approach. Heb 5:14
Everyone has something to offer. When you discover it, don't look down on yourself or judge yourself by
what people say or think. Learn how best to go about it and always see yourself as a solution provider.
You will succeed in Jesus name.
Stewardship: Resources Management
27th - 31st Mar., 2017
Matt 25 vs. 29
God's expectation of you is that you use the resources He has placed in your care well to achieve His objectives. As
far as God is concerned in Matt 25: 29, everyone who uses the resources assigned to him prudently will have more.
In the same vein, anyone who does not, stand a chance to lose all of it. God's primary reason for allocating resources
to you can be seen through the eye of His words: To promote His kingdom, to take care of self and family and to help
others in need (1Tim 6:6-8, James 5:4). The acquisition of resources that is centered on self-glorification, fueled by
greed and without concerns for God and His values, is a sure recipe for termination of stewardship and
redistribution of such resources away from the individual. Guaranteeing a continuous flow of resources(people,
money, raw materials, ideas, and connections, etc.) depends on your ability to manage these resources committed
into your hands whether big or small effectively. This is a big test of faithfulness, and it's such that must be passed by
everyone (believer or unbeliever), whether businessmen or employees who seek continuous flow of resources. Our
emphasis today is on how to be the right stewards of the resources that God has committed into your hands.
1. The secret of increase or reduction in the volume of money that comes to us is in how well we manage it.
Resources like money, human capital, gifts, and talents are at your disposal as business owners or career
people. How well can you say you have been able to manage what has been given to you? Discuss
2. Resources will always flow from those that do not manage it well to those that do. Below are tips on effective
and efficient ways to manage resources in the marketplace:
Ÿ Giving to God and the furtherance of His work (Mal 3 v 10)
Ÿ Taking care of our family (I Timothy 5 v 8)
Ÿ Paying taxes for government promptly (Rom 10 v 13)
Ÿ Learn contentment. Define your basic needs first (Phil. 4 12 to 13)
Ÿ Pay your workers on time (James 5 v 4)
Ÿ Kill Greed. This will help us manage our appetite for Money
Life is about choices, as Christian business owners or employees in the marketplace, you must understand this. The
choices you make today will determine the type of outcome you get tomorrow; whatsoever a man sows the same
he shall reap (Gal 6 v 7). It is expedient that you pay deliberate attention to the management of resources in your
disposal to guarantee a continuous harvest of increase in whatever endeavor you find yourself as you tenaciously
decide to put to practice the above tips, you will succeed in Jesus name.
26th March 2017