Download Solar System Trading Cards Venus Physical

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Solar System Trading Cards
Physical Properties
What is it like?
Diameter: 7,521 miles (12,101 km).
Atmosphere: 96.5% carbon dioxide, 3.5 nitrogen, with a little
bit of sulfur dioxide, argon water, carbon monoxide, helium,
and neon. Venus’s atmosphere traps in heat.
Temperature Range: The surface temperature is usually near
900 degrees Fahrenheit, during the day the temperature can
reach 484 degrees Celsius.
Composition: Metallic iron core, molten
rocky mantle, and a mostly basalt lava
Weather: Very hot, because of the greenhouse gases.
Surface: 90% of Venus’s surface is surface is solidified basalt
Average Day Length: Venus takes 5,832 hours (243 days).
Solar Revolution: 225 days. Venus turns clockwise while other
planets turn counterclockwise.
Location in Solar System: Between
Mercury and Earth.
Number of Moons/Rings: Venus has no rings or moons.
Distance from Sun: 67.7 million miles.
Interesting Facts: Even though Mercury is the closet to the sun
Venus is the hottest and the brightest planet.
The reason Venus is so bright is because of Venus’s reflective
cloud cover.
Solar System Trading Cards
Physical Properties
What is it like?
Diameter: 88,846 miles (142, 984 km).
Atmosphere:89.8% molecular hydrogen, 10.2% helium, and
small amounts of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and many more
Temperature Range: The core is about 20,000. If you could
stand on Jupiter you would freeze to death, because it is -234
degrees Fahrenheit. ( -148 degrees Celsius).
Composition: The core is mostly metal
and rock, methane ice, ammonia ice, and
water ice. The rest of the planet is made
up of mostly hydrogen and helium gases.
Weather: Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as the sun gives it.
Surface: The gravity is about 2.54 times that of the Earth. There
is a thick layer of hydrogen gas on top of the surface.
Average Day Length: About 10 hours (fastest rotating planet).
Solar Revolution: 4,331 days (11.8 Earth days).
Location in Solar System: Between Mars,
the Asteroid belt, and Saturn.
Number of Moons/Rings: Jupiter has 63 known moons, but most
of them are less than six miles (ten km). There are four main
moons. (Io has active volcanoes). Jupiter has three rings, the
main ring is flattened.
Distance from Sun:483,682,810 miles
(778,412,020 km).
Interesting Facts: Jupiter is the largest planet in out solar system
and some scientists think it is a failed star.
Lightning is more powerful on Jupiter than it is on Earth.
Solar System Trading Cards
Physical Properties
What is it like?
Atmosphere: 82.5% hydrogen, 15.25 helium, 2.3% methane gas.
Diameter: 31,764 miles (51,119 km).
Temperature Range: -357 degrees Fahrenheit (-216 degrees Celsius).
Weather: Thick green-blue clouds blow across the surface (The cloud
tops are negative 350 degrees Fahrenheit).
Composition: 25% rock, 60% to 70% ice,
and 5% to 15% hydrogen and helium.
Surface: Gravity is 20% lighter than Earth.
Average Day Length: 17 hours.
Solar Revolution: 30,687 Earth days.
Number of Moons/Rings: Uranus has 27 moons, but some of them are
as small as 8 to 10 miles (12 to 16 km). Uranus has 2 sets of rings, 13
known rings (made of chunks of black unknown material). Some rings
are incomplete.
Location in Solar System: Between
Saturn and Neptune.
Distance from Sun: 1,783,939,400
(2,810,972,170 km).
Interesting Facts: Herschel (the scientist who discovered Uranus)
wanted to name Uranus Georgium Sidus (George’s star) after King
George III. Other astronomers wanted to name it Herschel, but they
decided to go with a mythological name like Jupiter and Saturn.
Uranus’s poles are left and right, unlike the planets (up and down),
because of its magnetic field causing it to spin on its side.
Solar System Trading Cards
Physical Properties
Diameter: 2,390 km. Pluto is smaller than
one of Neptune’s moons.
Mass: 1.31 x 1022, less than 0.24 the
mass of Earth.
What is it like?
Atmosphere: Mostly hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen. When Pluto is
very cold during parts of it orbit, the atmosphere falls to the surface.
Temperature Range: (Core-50,000 degrees Fahrenheit) -375 degrees
Weather: Very cold, because it is very far away from the sun.
Surface: Mostly ice with some rock.
Composition: Pluto’s core is Iron-nickel
alloy, and rock. The rest of the planet is
50% to 70% rock and 30% to 50% ice.
Average Day Length: 6 days, 9 hours. They call a day on Pluto a
Plutonian day.
Solar Revolution: 248 Earth days.
Number of Moons/Rings: Pluto has three named moons, Charon (the
largest) Nix, and Hydra. Pluto might have two more moons, but they
have not been named yet. Pluto has no rings.
Location in Solar System: Between
Neptune and the other dwarf planets.
Interesting Facts: Every 248 Earth days, Pluto crosses inside Neptune’s
orbit and stay’s there for twenty years. During that twenty years Pluto
has an atmosphere.
Distance from Sun: 5.9 billion km.
Scientists consider Pluto to be within the Kupier belt, but it is not the
largest object there.