Download Selena Blake Programme Manager – Teenagers and Young Adults

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Selena Blake - Programme Manager
Teenage and Young Adults Cancer Services
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Improving Outcomes Guidance (IOG)
in Cancer and the Younger Person
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
The IOG and the Younger Person
What has happened so far
Next Steps
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Impact; late effects and
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Improving Outcomes Guidance (1)
NICE CYPIOG August 2005
An IOG defined by age and not tumour type
Opportunity to not only improve clinical
outcomes, but also the experience of young
people as patients AND their families
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Improving Outcomes Guidance (2)
An appropriate balance of service provision and
resource allocation
Safe and effective services as locally as
possible, NOT local services as safely as
Clear organisational structures
Identified PTCs providing range of sustainable
services with defined staffing
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Improving Outcomes Guidance (3)
Shared care with defined agreed responsibility
Care delivered by Multidisciplinary Teams
Skilled, professional key workers identified to
coordinate care; provide information; assess
Young people under 19yrs in age-appropriate
facilities, with those 19yrs and over to have
unhindered access
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Improving Outcomes Guidance (4)
All young people must have access to
tumour-specific expertise
All young people with cancer to be offered entry
to clinical trials, treatment and care via agreed
protocols and pathways
Registration of cancer in 15 – 24yr olds
Full implementation by 2010/2011
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
What has happened so far? (1)
Baseline assessment in January 2007 showed:
- variation in patients being treated at PTCs
- inequalities in access to shared care
- inequalities in access to IOG recommended
- TYA MDTs not generally established
- transitional arrangements weak
- workforce gaps
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
What has happened so far? (2)
8 x Programme Managers for 2yrs (March 2008)
Advisory Board > SCGs and Cancer Networks
Workload data for the SW SCG area produced
Core principles for commissioners working with providers
regarding development of:
- Services
- PTCs
- Shared Care Arrangements
- Age Range
- Place of Care
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Next Steps (1)?
National co-ordination, local development:
- TYA centres with age appropriate facilities
- TYA Shared Care facilities
- Supportive and palliative care for TYAs
- TYA Workforce
National Framework to inform Services; PTCs; MDT and
Shared Care
Cancer network young people’s working groups:
- gap analysis
- care pathways / shared care arrangements
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Next Steps (2)?
Regional strategic working group – advisory
group to SW SCG
Stakeholder event - 16th June 2008 (flyer)
Develop and submit Implementation Summary
30th September 2008 to NCAT
Develop Project Plan for implementation by
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Summary (1)
Clear need and remit for separating TYA
services as distinct from paediatric and adult
Dedicated implementation resource
Framework for development
Opportunity to improve outcomes
South West Specialised Commissioning Group
Summary (2)
Philosophy of (individualised) patient care
Physical environment
Clinical practice / expertise - planning
Any questions?
[email protected] or 07770702028
South West Specialised Commissioning Group