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Dear children
Its time to stand the books up
In rows upon the shelves,
and pack the charts and posters
in neat piles by themselves,
collect the pens and pencils
and put the ink away,
for school time is now over
and every day is for play
so to keep you happily occupied,
we have planned some fun filled and exciting activities for you
1 Read any two Editorial letters from the newspaper and write your comments on the same.
Take any one issue and write about the same along with suggestions of tackling with it on A3 Size sheet.
Paste or draw relevant pictures
2 Prepare a chart on any one topic:a) Tenses
(Roll No. 1 to 7 )
b) Reported Speech
(Roll No. 8 to 14 )
c) Determiners
(Roll No. 15 to 21 )
d) Connectors
(Roll No. 22 to 28 )
e) Active and Passive Voice
(Roll No. 29 to 35 )
3 Complete the following units in the Workbook itself:a) Tenses
b) Reported Speech
c) Determiners
d) Subject Verb Agreement
e) Active and Passive Voice
4 Complete the following units of MCB:a) Health And Medicine ( A4,B6,C8,D5 on separate sheets and rest of the exercises are to be done in the book
b) Education (A11,B7,B9,C5,C10,C11,C15,D5,D8 on separate sheets and rest of the exercises are to be done
in the book itself)
5 Suggested Reading:
a) The Room On The Roof by Ruskin Bond
b) Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
c) Books by Agatha Christie
Complete the following charts, projects and models assigned to the respective student in the class
1. Mathematical photo frame
2. Mathematical vase
3. Mathematical Painting using tangrams
4. Model of basic Proportionality Theorem
5. Relate polynomial to daily life
6. Mathematical jewellery
7.Mathematical bags
8. A.P model
10. Branches of Mathematics (i) algebra (ii) geometry
11. Story of zero
12. Origin and development of Mathematics
13. Contribution and life history of Mathematicians (i) Aryabhatt (ii) Ramanujan
(iii) Bhaskaracharaya
14. History and details of pie.
15. Represent number system on number line
16. Formulae related to surface area and volume of 3-D figures.
17. Trigonometry Formulae
18. Comparison of Bar graph, histogram and frequency polygons,Pictograph,double bar graph
19. Conditions of consistency (Pair of linear equations)
1 mark
1. Give H.C.F. of (16,100) = 4, then L.C.M. is
(b) 400
2. For two positive number a and b , then exists two unique numbers q and r such that :
(a)a=bq+r, r>0 (b)a=bq+r; 0<r>b (c) a=bq+r, 0<r<b (d) a=bq+r, 0 r < b
3. The decimal expansion of the rational number 43/(24x53) will terminate after
3 places
4 places
(c)5 places
(d)1 places
4.The graphical representation of the pair of equations x+2y-4+0 and 2x+4y-12=0 represents.
Intersecting lines
(b) Parallel lines
(c) Coincident lines (d) All of the above
5. If one of the zero of the polynomial 5x2+13x+a is reciprocal of the other then find value of a.
6. Write the number of real roots of the equation (x -1)2 + (x - 2)2 + (x)2
7.Find the zeroes of polynomial 2x2+5x+3 .
8.If (x+a) is a factor of 2x2+2ax+5x+10, then the value of a
9. Which of the following will have a terminating decimal expansion:
(a) 125/441
. (b).
(d) 129/2257'717
10. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x)=x 2 + x + 1, then (1/α) + (1/β) = ?
(a) 1(b)
(d) None of these
2 Marks
11.Find the largest number that divides 2053 and 967 and leaves a remainder of 5 and 7 resp .
12 Find the largest number that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainders 7, 11 and 15 resp.
13.Find the LCM and HCF of 84, 90 and 120 by applying the prime factorization method.
14. Find the smallest number which when increased by17 is exactly divisible by both 520 an468.
15. Find the Zeroes of the polynomial f(x)=4√3x 2+5x-2√3, and verify the relationship between
zeroes and its coefficient.
16. Find the values of a and b for which the equations has infinite solution.
(a+b)x-(a+b-3)y =4a+b
17. For what value of a and p the given system of equation has infinite solutions
(2p-10)x -3y-5=0
3x+ (q-2)y-3=0
18.Find the value of k for which the system of linear equation
2x+5y=3 and (k+1)x +2(k+2)y =2k will have infinite solution.
19. (i) Write the conditions to be satisfied by q so that a rational number p/q a non terminating
repeating decimal expansion.
(ii) Find the value of k for which the system of equations x - ky = 2 and 3x + 2y = -5
has a unique solution.
20. The HCF of two numbers is 145 and their LCM is 2175 .If one number is 725, find the other
3 Marks
21.Find the values of a and b, if the sum and the product of the roots of the equation
4ax2+4bx+3=0 are 1/2 and 3/16 respectively.
22. Solve the following pair of linear equation by substitution method .
23. Solve the following pair of linear equations: 𝑥𝑦 = 5, 𝑥𝑦 = 15
24.Solve the following pair of linear equation + 5y = 7 ,
+ 4y = 5
25. Solve the following pair of equation.
5 / (x+y) - 2 / (x-y) = -1
15 / (x+y) + 7 / (x-y) = 10 where x+y & x-y not equal to to 0
26. A person can row a boat at the rate of 5 km/hr in still water. He takes thrice as much time in
going 40 km upstream as in going 40 km downstream. Find the speed of the stream.
27. One pipe can fill a tank in (x-2) hours and the other pipe can empty the full tank in (x+2) hours. If
the tank is empty and both the pipes are opened together, the tank is filled completely in 24. hours.
Find how much time will the second pipe take to empty the tank?
28.Prove that √17 is irrational.
29.Use Euclid's division Lemma to show that the cube of any positive integer is either of the form
9m,9m+1 or 9m+8 for some integer m.
30. The denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the numerator. When both the numerator and
denominator are decreased by 6, then the denominator becomes 12 times the numerator.
31. If a and b are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x)= x2+px+q, form a polynomial whose
zeroes are (a+b)2 and (a-b)2
32. if a and h are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x)= 3x2-4x+1, form a polynomial whose
zeroes are a2/b and b2/a.
4 Marks
33. Solve the following system of equations graphically : 2x - y =1 and x + 2y = 13
Also determine the ordered pairs where the line cut the x axis. Hence determine the area of a
triangular region so formed by these lines with y axis.
34. Find the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 2x4 + 7x3 -19x2 -14x +30 if two of its zeroes are √2 and√2.
35. If d is the HCF of 468 and 222, find x and y satisfying d = 468x + 222y. Also show that x and y
are not unique.
36. Find the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = x3 -5x2 - 2x + 24 , if it is given that the product its two
zeroes is 12.
37. Find the values of a and b so that x4 + x3 + 8x2 + ax + b is divisible by x2 + 1.
38.The sum of a two digit number and the number formed by interchanging the digits is 132. If 12 is
added to the number , the new number becomes 5 times the sum of the digits. Find the number.
39. A and B. are friends and their ages differ by 2 years. A's father D is twice as old as A and B is
twice as old as his sister C. The age of C and D differ by 40 years. Find the ages of A and B.
40. A boat covers 32 km upstream and 36 km downstream in hours. Al so, it covers 40 km
upstream and 48 km downstream in 9 hours. Find the speed of the boat in still water and that of the
41. After covering a distance of 30 km with a uniform speed there is some defect in a train engine and
therefor , its speed is reduced to 4/5 of its original speed: Consequently, the train reaches its destination
late by 45 minutes. Had it happened after covering 18 km more, the train would have reached 9
minutes earlier. Find the speed of the train and the distance of journey.
42. The students of a class are made to stand in rows. If 3 students are extra in a row, there would be
1 row less. If 3 students are less in a row there would be 2 rows more. Find the number of students in
the class.
1. Analyze the data on Sectors of Indian Economy and make comparative analysis for the
year 2001 and 2011 under following heads:
a. Gross Domestic Product
b. Growth rate in each sector
c. Employment
d. Special emphasis on IT sector
2. Prepare a MAP FILE showing following maps on an outline map of India:
(According to Map List given on CBSE site)
a. Soil Types
b. Protected and Reserved forests
c. Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks
d. Multipurpose projects with rivers
e. Food, fibre, beverage and non-food crops
3. Prepare a model/chart/wallpaper on the following topics:
a. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting
Roll Nos. 1 to 5
b. Khadins and Johads
Roll Nos. 6 to 10
c. Bamboo Drip Irrigation
Roll Nos. 11 to 15
d. Guls and Kuls
Roll Nos. 16 to 20
e. Right to Information
Roll Nos. 21 to 25
f. Consumer Rights
Roll Nos. 26 to 34
4. Complete and learn the Assignments of FA 1.
1.Why are decomposition reactions called opposite of combination reactions? Write equations for
these reactions.
2.What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reactions? Write equations for
these reactions.
3.A shiny brown coloured element X on heating in air becomes black in colour . Name the element X
and black coloured compound formed.
4.Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
5.Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen .Why?
6. A green salt on heating decomposes to produce a colourless suffocating gas and leaves behind a
reddish brown residue . Name the salt and write the decomposition reaction.
7.Which chemical compound is used in white wash of walls? What happens when we mix it with
water ? What reactions take place on the wall after the white wash?
8.When carbon di oxide gas is passed through lime water ,first it turns milky and on further passing
the gas , milkinessdisappears,Explain why.
9.On what basic reaction black and photography based?
10. Why a few drops of suphuric acid are added into water before electrolysis?
● Describe an activity to show a chemical reaction.
Q1 Draw well labeled diagram of digestive system, respiratory system, heart, excretory system of
Q2 Write difference between:
 Glycogen and starch
 Chlorophyll and haemoglobin
 Gills and lungs
Q3 . Why rate of breathing increase during excersie?
Q4. “All plants give out oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide during night”. Do you agree with
this statement? Give reasons.
Q5. Explain the mechanism of gaseous exchange between tissue and blood?
1. On what factors does the resistance of conductors depend?Two wires of same material are having
length 3L and 2L. Compare their resistance and resistivity.
2. What do you mean by Electric potential and potential difference? Also define 1 volt.
3. Why the voltmeter is always connected in parallel across the points between which the potential
difference is to be measured?Why an ammeter is always connected in series in a circuit?
4. State Ohm’s law of electricity and write the condition in which this law is obeyed?
5. A) A wire of resistance 10 Ohm is spent in the form of closed circle. What is the resistance between
2 points at the ends of any diameter of the circle?
A 4 ohm resistance wire is doubled on it calculate the new resistance of the wire
Resistivity of 3 substances A,B,C are 7.5 x 107 ohm/m, 49 x10-6ohm/m, 1.6 x 10-8 ohm/m
respectively. Which materials is a good conductor of electricity.
6. Calculate the number of electrons constituting one coulomb of charge.
7. A current of 0.5 A is drawn by a filament of an electric bulb for 10 minutes. Find the amount of
electric charge that flows through the circuit.
8. A) Why are alloy commonly used in electrical heating devices, like electric iron, toasters etc? Or
Tungsten is used almost exclusively for filaments of electric bulbs, whereas copper and aluminum are
generally used for electrical transmission lines. Give reason.
Why do we use parallel circuit arrangement for domestic wiring?
9. The potential difference between the terminals of an electric heater is 60 V when it draws a current
of 4 A from the source. What current will the heater draw if the potential difference is increased to 120
10. Resistance of a metal wire of length 2 m is 26 Ω at 20°C. If the diameter of the wire is 0.3 mm, what
will be the resistivity of the metal at that temperature? Predict the material of the wire.
11. A wire of given material having length l and area of cross-section A has a resistance of 4 Ω. What
would be the resistance of another wire of the same material having length l/2 and area of cross-section
12. An electric toaster of resistance 20 Ohm takes a current of 5A. Calculate the heat developed in 30 s.
13. A) With the help of neat circuit, derive the expression for the equivalent resistance of 3 resistances
connected in series.
With the help of neat circuit, derive the expression for the equivalent resistance of 3 resistances
connected in parallel
14. (a ) Draw the circuit consisting of a battery of five 2V cells, 5ohm resistor, 10 ohm resistor, 15 ohm
resistor and a plug key. All connected in series (b) Calculate the current passing through the above
circuit when key is closed.
15. A piece of wire is redrawn by pulling it until its length is tripled. Compare the new resistance with
the original value.
16. A) Two resistors with values of 6.0 Ω and 12 Ω are connected in parallel. This combination is
connected in series with a 4.0 Ω resistor. What is the overall resistance of this combination?
Two resistors with values of 6.0 Ω and 12 Ω are connected in parallel. This combination is
connected in Series with a 2.0 Ω resistor and a 24 V battery. What is the current in the 2.0 Ω resistors?
17. What is the equivalent resistance and current through each resistor, if this combination is
connected across 5.2 V for the resistors in the figure below?
18. For the circuit shown below find the following,
What is the equivalent resistance for the resistors in the figure below?
What is the voltage drop across the 2 ohm resistor?
What is the total current in the circuit below?
Calculate the current through each resistor.
19. Long Answer question.
(a) Differentiate resistance and resistivity
(b) The ratio of resistivities of two materials a and b is 2: 3, ratio of their length is 3:4 and if the
ratio of radii is 4:3. find the ratio of resistance of a and b.
20. What is the (a) highest (b) lowest resistance that can be secured by combining four coils of
resistance 4 Ω, 8 Ω, 12 Ω and 24 Ω.
Make a Working model (with project report) based on: (any one)
Electric Motor
Electric Generator
Chemical Effects of electric current
Sources of Energy
SUBJECT: Foundation Of Information Technology
You are one of the IT advisors in the Government. You have been given a task of developing a
presentation on "Trends in Technology" to be presented in the next meeting of all the ministers of the
country. Design at least 10 slides or longer presentation.
Include & Explore the following specifications:
Historical Technological trends year-wise.
Text depicting future predictions based on the current trends.
Interesting relevant images & graphs to liven up your presentation.
 Also prepare the same topic for holiday home work project presentation. .
 Send your presentation on the given e-mail ID. Presentation should be properly labeled with
your Name & Class-Sec.
 Presentation should reach the given e-mail on or before 27th June 2014.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]