Download CHAPTER 4-THE COLONIES DEVELOP 1700-1753 Lesson 1

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Lesson 1-New England: Commerce and Religion
Backcountry-an area of land that ran along the Appalachian mountains into the
Latitude-the distance north and south of the equator
Subsistence farming-when farmers grow enough food for themselves and maybe
a little extra to trade with others
Triangular trade-any trading route with three stops
Navigation Acts-laws passed by the English government/they wanted to make
sure that they made money when the colonists traded
Overview of Lesson 1
Between 1700 and 1750 England’s colonies in North America doubled in
size twice
3 different regions-The New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies and the
Southern Colonies
Another area was called the Backcountry
New England had long winters and fertile soil. The English were the largest
group settled there
Middle Colonies had shorter winters and fertile soil so it made farming
easier. Settlers from all over Europe settled here.
Southern Colonies had warm weather and good soil. Some settlers used
slaves to work their plantations.
The Backcountry climate and resources varied. Many Scottish and Irish
people settled there.
Most people were farmers.
Most New England farmers lived near a town. Farming was hard but fishing
was good.
New England settlers traded goods three ways
o With each other
o Directly with Europe
o With other countries
England wanted to make money from the colonists’ trading so they made
o Colonists had to use English ships made in English colonies
o Some products could only be sold to England or its colonies
o Any goods shipped to England were taxed
The Puritan religion started to become less popular and other religions
were becoming more popular.
Lesson 2-The Middle colonies: Farms and Cities
Grist-another name for grain like wheat or rye
Cash crops-things grown to raise money like fruits, vegetables and grain
Gristmill-where farmers took their grain to be ground into flour
Diversity-a variety of things, most often used to describe people (English, Irish,
Native American, etc)
Artisans-people who made things (ironworkers, glassblowers, sewers)
Conestoga wagons-wagons that carried things to town to sell/built by German
Overview of Lesson 2
Dutch German farmers came to this area. Farmers took their grain to the
gristmill to make flour or trade it for other goods.
People ate a lot of bread and grain.
Philadelphia was the fastest growing city in the area.
The Middle colonies were very diverse-a lot of people from different
countries in Europe.
There was little slavery in this area and this area was more tolerant of
people with different religions or beliefs.
Lesson 3-The Southern Colonies: Plantations and Slavery
Indigo-a plant that gives us dark blue dye
Eliza Lucas-she introduced indigo as plantation crop
Tyrant-a very mean ruler
Overseers-men hired by plantation owners to watch over the slaves
Stono Rebellion-happened in September of 1739/some slaves got together and
killed many plantation owners and their families
Overview of Lesson 3
This area has an almost year-round growing season.
They grew tobacco, rice and indigo.
The Southern colonies used slaves.
Some treated their slaves well and others didn’t.
Plantation owners used overseers to look after the slaves and make sure
they were working.
The Stono Rebellion happened in 1739. Twenty slaves killed some
plantation families and wanted other slaves to join them. They didn’t like
the way they were being treated.
Lesson 4-The Backcountry
Appalachian Mountains –mountain range that starts in Canada and goes down to
Buck-an adult male deer
Fall line-where waterfalls stop boats from going up the river
Piedmont-the plateau that leads you to the bottom of a mountain range
Clan-a large group of families
Overview of Lesson 4
Settlers started to move into the Backcountry. It provided lots of water and
forests for lumber.
Europeans traded with the Native Americans in the area. The Native
Americans got mad at the settlers because they kept on taking their land.
Scots-Irish people came from Scotland and England. They formed clans or
groups of families with common relatives.
Back country farmers depended on themselves.
The Native Americans and English settlers fought against each other.