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This Month’s Environmental Theme: ENERGY CONSERVATION
Weekly Morning Announcements:
The environmental theme for this month is energy conservation. Simply put - Energy makes things go! It makes
things heat up, cool down, turn on and move. Unfortunately, many of our energy sources such as fossil fuels
cause pollution and climate change. Every time you ride in a car, or turn on a light, or buy a new electronic
device, the energy you use creates pollution, including harmful gases. Some pollution stays near the ground and
causes toxic smog and causes people to have respiratory problems. In some cities in China, people now wear
masks and parents can’t let their kids go outside to play. We are lucky in Canada that we don’t have as many
smog days here, but we want to keep it that way. So energy conservation is about finding ways to stop wasting
energy and only use what we need.
Stay tuned for next week’s announcement. We will learn a bit more about how using too much energy causes
climate change.
Slogan of the week: Conserve our energy - we are using more of it than you think!
Last week we started learning about energy conservation. We know that being wasteful with electricity or
driving in a car when we could walk instead harms our Earth because pollution from burning fossil fuels can
cause climate change. Using energy often releases greenhouse gases, which rise up into our atmosphere and
these gases trap in extra heat, warming the planet. Climate Change effects our ecosystems and some species and
communities such as polar bears are at risk of extinction as their habitat is shrinking. Climate change causes
severe weather such as more frequent hurricanes, flooding, drought or fires. Climate change also puts our water
and food supplies at risk. But the good news is that Ontario became the first province in Canada to no longer
make electricity using coal-fired power plants! We need to invest further in green energy such as wind and solar
power. Did you know that 43 of the schools in our board have solar panels?
Stay tuned for next week’s announcement. We will learn a more about how
each one of us can make a difference and conserve energy too.
Slogan of the week: Global warming is not cool!
Last week we heard that we all need to make a difference and conserve energy to help slow down climate
change. At school, here’s what we need to do:
ü Walk, bike or roll to school – use the car less often!
ü Turn off lights when the classroom is empty or when natural light is sufficient.
ü Put computers, monitors, printers, photocopiers and other electronics on standby or sleep mode when
not in use and turn them off at the end of the school day.
ü Use blinds/curtains to either keep heat out in summer or let heat in (sunlight) in winter.
ü Close windows during heating and cooling seasons to avoid heating/cooling the outdoors. Make sure
all the windows (both panes) are closed at the end of the day.
ü Keep areas in front of vents on walls, ceilings, or windowsills free of obstruction.
ü Wear a sweater if cold; dress in layers to maintain personal comfort during any season.
Also, ask your teacher if you can celebrate earth hour every day! Turn off the classroom lights at lunchtime.
Let’s help each other remember to do all these great ideas and make these actions the new normal!
Stay tuned for next week’s announcement. We will learn a more about how each one of us can
make a difference and conserve energy at home too.
Slogan of the week: By turning out the lights, you light the way to a better planet!
Last week we heard about the great actions we can to do at school to conserve energy and slow down climate
change and protect our earth. There are lots of things you can add to this list that you and your family can do at
home too. Driving in a car to visit a friend in another city or using electricity when we make a meal or it gets
dark is not wrong – we just have to be smart about not wasting it if there are better choices.
Did you know that a modern refrigerator uses less than half the electricity of a fridge that is 12 years
old? The average 10-year-old furnace wastes as much as 45% of the heat it produces, but newer natural
gas furnaces are up to 98% efficient. Compact fluorescent light bulbs use less energy than an
incandescent light bulb and last up to 10 times longer. You can also save a lot of energy if you set your home’s
thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and wear a sweater. Use machines like washers, dryers, and
dishwashers only when there is a full load. Save hot water by taking shorter showers. And remember - not using
energy is still the best way to reduce air pollution. A good, old- fashioned clothesline is still the most energy
efficient way to dry clothes. Using active transportation like walking or biking or skateboarding is better than
riding in a car.
It takes courage to make changes to your own habits and help others to do the same. But the time to act is now.
Slogan of the week: Make energy conservation a habit! When we all work together – we can make a big